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Love, Blood and Rhetoric: Ellen Kushner’s Swordspoint


Love, Blood and Rhetoric: Ellen Kushner’s Swordspoint

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Love, Blood and Rhetoric: Ellen Kushner’s Swordspoint


Published on November 10, 2008


I’ve just read all three novels set in Kushner’s Swordspoint universe, and I’ve decided that it makes most sense to write about them separately.

Swordspoint (1987) is a small-scale intimate novel which is fantasy only in that it is set in a world not our own. There is no visible magic whatsoever. The world is a Renaissance one of swordsmen and challenges, nobles and intrigue, jewels and assignations. It begins like a fairytale with snow falling and blood on the snow. It goes on with rapier wits and rapiers, from a duel in Lord Horn’s formal winter-garden to the swordsman’s home above a laundress in the city’s dangerous Riverside slum.

In Swordspoint we always move between decadent plotting nobles and slum-dwelling killers. There’s no in-between. There’s no in-between emotionally either; this alternates between people coolly plotting while sipping chocolate and people passionately engaged. What makes it so unusual as a fantasy novel is that the world is not at stake. Not even the kingdom is at stake. In the plotting of the nobles, none of it really matters. The important story is the personal small-scale one about the swordsman Richard St Vier and his love for the badly-behaved Alec.

Swordspoint is very beautiful, very emotional, and very poised. It was first published in 1987 It’s one of the books that was first called a “fantasy of manners” and remains one of the defining points of the genre. Kushner herself calls it a “melodrama of manners.” When I first read it, in 1987 or 1988, I was entirely astonished by it. What astonished me the most was that there wasn’t, at that time, anything else like it. Fantasy was a group of people going off on a quest and saving the world. And here was this small scale story with a romantic emotional arc, where the romance is between two men.

Richard St Vier is the best swordsman in the world, and Alec is (of course) more than he seems. He’s the heir to the Duchy of Tremontaine, and in the end he has to choose between the duchy and his lover. This personal story comes to a personal conclusion, and if the story is as bright and faceted as a jewel it’s also as small as a jewel. You could slip it onto your finger, or wear it next to your heart.

The real strengths of the book are the excellent characterisations and the beautiful prose. The characters are larger than life and entirely products of their lives and world, but I wouldn’t be surprised to meet any of them. As for the prose, the book begins:

Snow was falling on Riverside, great white feather-puffs that veiled the cracks in the facades of its ruined houses; slowly softening the harsh contours of jagged roof and fallen beam. Eaves were rounded with snow, overlapping, embracing, sliding into each other, capping houses all clustered together like a fairy-tale village. Little slopes of snow nestled in the slats of shutters still cozily latched against the night. It dusted the tops of fantastical chimneys that spiraled up from frosted roofs, and it formed white peaks in the ridges of the old coats of arms carved above the doorways. Only here and there a window, its glass long shattered, gaped like a black mouth with broken teeth, sucking snow into its maw.

Let the fairy tale begin on a winter’s morning, then, with one drop of blood new-fallen on the ivory snow: a drop as bright as a clear-cut ruby, red as the single spot of claret on the lace cuff. And it therefore follows that evil lurks behind each broken window, scheming malice and enchantment; while behind the latched shutters the good are sleeping their just sleeps at this early hour in Riverside. Soon they will arise to go about their business; and one, maybe, will be as lovely as the day, armed, as are the good, for a predestined triumph. . . .

But there is no one behind the broken windows; only eddies of snow drift across bare floorboards. The owners of the coats of arms have long since abandoned all claims to the houses they crest, and moved up to the Hill, where they can look down on all the city. No king rules them any more, for good or ill. From the Hill, Riverside is a tiny splotch between two riverbanks, an unsavory quarter in a prosperous city. The people who live there now like to think of themselves as evil, but they’re really no worse than anyone else. And already this morning more than one drop of blood has been shed.

The blood lies on the snow of a formal winter garden, now trampled and muddy. A man lies dead, the snow filling in the hollows of his eyes, while another man is twisted up, grunting, sweating frog-ponds on the frozen earth, waiting for someone to come and help him. The hero of this little tableau has just vaulted the garden wall and is running like mad into the darkness while the darkness lasts.

…and even though I’ve just finished it, I want to keep on reading. (There’s more of the first chapter on Ellen Kushner’s webpage.)

I love the details of the decadent city, the chocolate whisks, the unlucky play The Swordsman’s Tragedy, the boating parties to see the midwinter fireworks. And I love Richard and Alec, and their relationship—is it love, or is it a duel? And I love it for being what it is and not putting any more weight on what it is than it can bear.

I am not often in the mood for something this mannered. But when I was, for many years there was literally nothing else like it.

About the Author

Jo Walton


Jo Walton is the author of fifteen novels, including the Hugo and Nebula award winning Among Others two essay collections, a collection of short stories, and several poetry collections. She has a new essay collection Trace Elements, with Ada Palmer, coming soon. She has a Patreon ( for her poetry, and the fact that people support it constantly restores her faith in human nature. She lives in Montreal, Canada, and Florence, Italy, reads a lot, and blogs about it here. It sometimes worries her that this is so exactly what she wanted to do when she grew up.
Learn More About Jo
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Swordspoint Fan
16 years ago

I adore Swordspoint and its sequels (bittersweet though I find them).

But other than the two sequels, what other books are there that scratch the “fantasy of manners” itch?

16 years ago

I love Swordspoint as well, and liked the sequels, though they didn’t live up to the promise of the original. I also enjoyed Kushner’s “Thomas the Rhymer”. I often wish that Kushner was more prolific, but I guess quality over quantity and all that.

16 years ago

The only thing that comes to my mind right now is “science fiction of manners”: Lois McMaster Bujold’s A Civil Campaign, which only works if you know the manners in the Vorkosigan world anyway.

16 years ago

Swordspoint is one of my favorite’s of all time, and one of the very few books I’ve read more than twice.
I’ve often found myself wishing it would be picked up by a larger audience, so thank you for bringing it to the attention of the people here at Tor.

Even 21 years after it’s release Swordspoint remains the best I have so far found in the “fantasy/melodrama of manners” category. Melissa Scott’s Point of Hopes has some similarities, but falls far short of the mark.
Everything else I’ve picked up that looked like it might be similar to this great book has turned out to be utter ****.

16 years ago

I read Swordspoint and The Privilege of the Sword last year. Loved the former, only liked the latter, maybe because I had such high expectations.

Couldn’t find The Fall of the Kings at the time.

16 years ago

I think Jo Walton’s own Tooth and Claw (I think that;s the title–the one with the dragons) could count, although the individuals with manners in the story are dragons, not people

16 years ago

I have considered reading this book for years and may have to see if I can get my hands on it. I have only read Fall of Kings and it was one of those books that fascinated me and repelled me at the same time. I am so diametrically opposed to the definition of love employed by the characters…and the implications for issues of identity were disturbing and unsettling. Which meant it’s not exactly a feel-good read for me. I think the little girl who appears only twice was my favorite character. And yet it definitely pulled me and provided a beautifully textured vivid world.

As for a “fantasy of manners” book, have you tried the admittedly far more light-hearted Sorcery and Cecelia? Or perhaps the gas-lit intrigue of Martha Wells’ Death of the Necromancer? Or the Victorian A Great and Terrible Beauty? It is indeed hard to find a good fit for books similar in feel to Kushner’s (at least from the one I’ve read and what I’ve heard of others) but those would be my recommendations, each in different ways.

16 years ago

I absolutely LOVE Thomas the Rhymer. Kushner is one of my favorite authors.

16 years ago

Re A Great and Terrible Beauty: that sounded like my cup of tea, so I went to Fictionwise and bought it. Late night web purchasing decisions: bad idea.

Opening scene in Mumbai market: wrong wrong wrong. Memsahibs did not act that way. Author knows little or nothing about British India.

Heroine: I am *sick and tired* of spunky heroines with unconventional features and ideas.

I should have looked further! I should have read the excerpt from the first chapter posted on the publisher’s website. This is a “read from the library” book if it’s to be read at all.

If you don’t know the period and you like spunky heroines, you might like this book, which is competently written.

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