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Urban Fantasy and the Elusive Male Protagonist


Urban Fantasy and the Elusive Male Protagonist

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Urban Fantasy and the Elusive Male Protagonist


Published on February 9, 2011


When it comes to urban fantasy, forget the famous James Brown song, “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World”: it’s women who rule paranormal fiction. Male protagonists are about as common as tan lines on a vampire. For every one Harry Dresden there are a dozen Anita Blakes, Mercy Thompsons, and Rachel Morgans. That’s not to say that there aren’t plenty of male characters in urban fantasy, but usually they are seen through the eyes of a female protagonist.

There are, of course, a few brave men who have managed to squeeze into the genre and carve out a starring role for themselves. Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files series is still running strong, with a thirteenth novel featuring P.I. wizard Harry Dresden (Ghost Story) coming out in July. It even enjoyed a much-too-short lived TV show in 2007.

Given their rarity, I though we should shed some light on these often unsung Urban Fantasy male protagonists, which prompted a list on the Urban Fantasy Facebook page and Twitter. Here are the names we came up with (…and suddenly they don’t seem quite so rare, after all):

Let us know if we missed anybody in the comments below!

Abigail Johnson manages the Urban Fantasy Facebook and Twitter accounts and spends way too much time thinking about vampires, werewolves, zombies and all things paranormal in books, movies, TV and video games.

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Abigail Johnson


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