And when I say everybody, I mean everybody. Not just most people today don’t understand the original story—though that’s true—but every retelling of the story, from the earliest stage plays to Steven Moffat’s otherwise brilliant miniseries Jekyll, misses a key point of Robert Louis Stevenson’s original story:
There is no Mr. Hyde.
Edward Hyde is not a separate personality living in the same body as Henry Jekyll. “Hyde” is just Jekyll, having transformed his body into something unrecognizable, acting on unspecified urges that would be unseemly for someone of his age and social standing in Victorian London (i.e. some combination of violence and sex. Torture is specifically mentioned).
Jekyll did not create a potion to remove the evil parts of his nature. He made a potion that allowed him express his urges without feeling guilty and without any consequences besmirching his good name. That’s also why he names his alter ego “Hyde,” because Hyde is a disguise, to be worn and discarded like a thick cloak. He might as well have called Edward “Mr. Second Skin,” or “Mr. Mask.”
It’s important that it’s Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde. Jekyll is a respected professor. Hyde is a lower class schlub. Hyde is also much younger than Jekyll. Both of these facts allow Jekyll as Hyde to get away with a lot worse behavior.
Crucially, we never get Hyde’s point of view. Because it does not exist. Even when he looks like Hyde, Jekyll always thinks of himself as Jekyll. In his testament that ends The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Jekyll always talks about his time in Hyde’s body using “I” statements: I looked in the mirror and saw Hyde, the pleasures I sought in my disguise, I awoke to see I had the hand of Hyde. Even when describing the murder of Sir Danvers, the worst thing he ever does as Hyde, Jekyll says “I mauled the unresisting body” and then, “I saw my life to be forfeit.” That is, he both takes responsibility for the murder (and the pleasure it brought him) and has a very Jekyll-like fear of losing the good life he has. He is always Jekyll, no matter what he looks like, or how he’s behaving.
One source of the misinterpretation of the story is that Jekyll himself refers to Hyde as a separate person, an other, one who has desires and cares completely separate from Jekyll’s. Jekyll claims that while he may want to commit the sins of Hyde, Hyde doesn’t care about the friends, respect, wealth, or love that Jekyll needs.
But Jekyll’s an extremely unreliable narrator in this respect, because his own account belies this conclusion. Not just specifically when recounting the times that he was disguised as Hyde and he still refers to himself as Jekyll, but because “Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case” is written by Jekyll when he’s stuck in the body of Hyde. If there were ever a time for Hyde to exert himself, talk about himself as an autonomous being, it would be then. But he does not. Because he can’t. Because he does not exist.
The fundamental mistake most versions of Jekyll and Hyde make is not understanding that Jekyll wants to do all the things he does as Hyde. He loves being Hyde. He revels in the freedom of being Hyde and it’s only when the consequences catch up to him anyway that his duel personality becomes a problem for him.
This fundamental mistake leads to further misunderstandings. First, Jekyll is not good. He’s not bad, either, so much as Jekyll is a deeply repressed man who has hidden his violent and sexual urges. His biggest sin is that he wants to face no consequences for anything he does.
Second, Hyde is not the accidental result of an unrelated experiment. Hyde is the absolutely intended result of Jekyll’s experiment. Hyde is not Jekyll’s punishment for playing God. Hyde is Jekyll’s reward.
Third, Jekyll is not unaware or out of control when he’s Hyde. He does not wake up with no memory of what happened the night before. He remembers perfectly everything he does as Hyde, because he was in control the whole time.
And finally, Hyde is not a monster. He’s not the grotesque pink giant Hulk of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or the super-fast, super-strong, super- handsome superhuman of Jekyll. He’s a nasty, brutish, and short ape-like man whose great advantage over Jekyll is that he’s young and seemingly lower class, and therefore can get away with a lot of shit.
Obviously, this rant is one hundred years too late to change the popular perception of this classic of horror. To most people, Jekyll and Hyde is the story of two completely separate personalities, one good and one evil, that share a body and are at war with each other, and that’s not going to change.
That said, I think the original is a much more complicated take on the nature of evil, society, shame, and repression than any that have followed it, and I’d love to see a version that really explored the appeal of Hyde to Jekyll. What would you do if you could be someone else for a night, do whatever you wanted to do, commit whatever sins you wanted to commit, without fear of consequences of any kind? Are we good because we want to be good, or are we good because we just don’t want to be punished?
The idea of evil as “that guy, over there, who takes over my body sometimes against my will” is too simple, and dissociative, and irresponsible. It’s the mistake Jekyll himself makes. Hyde is not someone else who commits Jekyll’s sins for him. Hyde does not exist. Jekyll commits all of his sins on his own.
Steven Padnick is a freelance writer and editor. By day. You can find more of his writing and funny pictures at
I guess it’s easier to believe that our evil side has a mind of its own
than acknowledge that we could (and would) do a lot of nasty stuff if we
knew we could get away with it. If Hyde is really Jekyll, then all our unrepressed thoughts are our own, not temptation from a devil outside.
Interesting perspective. I would propose that the unassuming forensic blood-spatter expert/psychopath Dexter is a closer parallel to the Jekyll/Hyde amalgam than any other.
Counterpoint: there is no Jekyll. Jekyll is just Hyde, restrained by the conventions & force of society. Hyde is the true self, Jekyll is the face created in fear of the world’s justice & punishment.
Second, Hyde is not the accidental result of an unrelated experiment.
Hyde is the absolutely intended result of Jekyll’s experiment. Hyde is
not Jekyll’s punishment for playing God. Hyde is Jekyll’s reward.
This is completely at odds with the story itself: Jekyll writes
“It was on the moral side, and in my own person, that I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; …and I had learned to dwell with pleasure, as a beloved day-dream, on the thought of the separation of these elements. If each, I told myself, could but be housed in separate identities, life would be relieved of all that was unbearable; the unjust delivered from the aspirations might go his way, and remorse of his more upright twin; and the just could walk steadfastly and securely on his upward path, doing the good things in which he found his pleasure, and no longer exposed to disgrace and penitence by the hands of this extraneous evil.”
He definitely doesn’t want to become Hyde – he wants to become Anti-Hyde. Jekyll believes he is made up of two personalities, one good and dominant (unnamed), one evil (Hyde). The combination, the composite as he calls it, is Jekyll. He develops his treatment because he wants to kill Hyde. In fact, all that happens is that he dissociates the two components of Jekyll, and Hyde, being more energetic, takes over the body completely. If things had gone as Jekyll had wanted, he’d have become a saint when he took the treatment.
mordicai@3: Is there an actual difference? Every one of us shows a different self, or mask, depending on who you’re with, where you are, what’s the situation etc. There is no one true version of ourselves. Saying that Jekyll is a repressed Hyde or Hyde is an unrepressed Jekyll IMHO is pretty much the same thing.
The point of the article is that Jekyll or Hyde are not two separate entities, but just two masks of the same person.
I was very suprised when I finally read the original story, having absorbed various adapatations, and found that this interpretation is actually true. It isn’t a story about the duality of human nature, and it certainly isn’t a story about being taken over by someone else for whom you aren’t responsible; it’s a story about hypocrisy.
a1ay @@.-@, I disagree–I think what Jekyll’s saying in that very quote is that he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He doesn’t want to give up the evil behaviour; he just wants to be able to get away with it, on a moral level as well as a legal one. The early descriptions of Jekyll as a sensualist support that, I think.
After all, there’s already a path to being a moral being; don’t do evil things. Jekyll didn’t want to do that, he wanted an easier way out.
Having never read the original, I can’t speak to the accuracy of this post as several other commenters have, but I think this is a fascinating perspective. If this interpretation is accurate, it presents a darker picture of humanity than I expected. After all, if Hyde is a separate monster, that is not indictment of humanity. Even if Hyde were simply the monster that existed within Jekyll that was loosed when Jekyll was stripped away, that would also not be as disturbing. Instead, this interpretation would say that not only is the monster inside us, but we would all act on these monstrous urges if only given the opportunity to get away with it. Creepy.
Maybe I read the story too many times before seeing any adaptations of it, but I’ve never thought they were two people – it says so right in the book! The whole point is that Jekyll can do things as Hyde that, when he did them as Jekyll, were quite problematic. It’s a disguise, albeit a really great one, that allows him to act on all of his baser urges.
I would also say that Hyde is both a punishment and a reward – he got what he wanted, but he was unable to control it. Kind of like a person who becomes an alcoholic. The Hyde persona was like alcohol: he would do it for a bit to get it out of his system, then go back to being the law abiding citizen. The Sir Danvers Carew episode is like an alcoholic who’s been dry for a time going on a binge and getting into a fight.
Wikisource has the original (public domain) text of the story for free,
There is also a free Kindle version on Amazon.