Welcome back to A Read of Ice and Fire! Please join me as I read and react, for the very first time, to George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire.
Today’s entry is Part 38 of A Storm of Swords, in which we cover Chapter 63 (“Davos”).
Previous entries are located in the Index. The only spoilers in the post itself will be for the actual chapters covered and for the chapters previous to them. As for the comments, please note that the Powers That Be have provided you a lovely spoiler thread here on Tor.com. Any spoileriffic discussion should go there, where I won’t see it. Non-spoiler comments go below, in the comments to the post itself.
And now, the post!
Chapter 62: Davos
What Happens
Davos watches Melisandre lead Stannis and others in the daily worship service, and observes that Stannis does not say the responses with the rest, and that there are fewer attendees than before. He prays to the Mother to keep his son Devan safe from Melisandre’s “demon god.” Ser Andrew Estermont comes to get him, and Davos goes with him, remembering how Melisandre had told him it takes years of training and discipline to see visions in the fire. Some of his cohorts had argued for killing her, to keep her from seeing their plans, but Davos is sure that will not work, and hopes merely to escape her notice.
Andrew and Davos go to Maester Pylos’s chambers, where Edric is having lessons. Pylos tells Edric that he is to go with them, and reminds Edric that Davos speaks with the king’s voice. Davos admires Pylos’s courage, risking this along with the rest of them. Edric balks at first when Davos tells him he is going on a ship, and insists on seeing first Shireen and then Stannis, but Davos shows him his mutilated fingers, and asks if Edric truly wants to make his uncle angry. They bring Edric to where the boat awaits, and Davos wishes him well. Edric is confused but polite, and goes.
Davos returns to the keep, not sure he will ever leave it again. He goes to the tablemap chamber and waits for Stannis. He hears Stannis talking to Melisandre as they approach the room, Melisandre assuring Stannis that “three is three,” and that she saw someone die and his mother wail. Stannis is skeptical, but Davos jumps in to confirm that Joffrey is dead, possibly poisoned by the Imp. Stannis reminisces about the time Joffrey slit open a pregnant cat, and opines that whoever killed him “served the kingdom well.” Melisandre again urges Stannis to let her wake the dragons by sacrificing “the boy.” Stannis makes her swear that there is no other way, and Melisandre replies that if he fails the world fails, swearing that if he gives her the boy, she will give him his kingdom.
Davos cuts in to say that he can’t, as Edric is gone. He thinks from Melisandre’s expression that she had not seen it beforehand. Stannis at first thinks Davos meant that Sallador Saan kidnapped the boy for ransom, but Melisandre interjects that this is Davos’s doing. Stannis says he had hoped for Davos’s loyalty, and Davos replies that he kept his oath: to protect the king’s people, of which Edric Storm was one. Stannis says “If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark…” Melisandre tells Davos he has doomed Edric Storm along with everyone else. Davos answers that “a king protects his people, or he is no king at all.”
Angrily, Stannis asks if he is to learn a king’s duty from an onion smuggler. Davos kneels and says Stannis can take his head, but begs him to hear him out first. Stannis advises him to speak quickly.
Davos fumbled inside his cloak and drew out the crinkled sheet of parchment. It seemed a thin and flimsy thing, yet it was all the shield he had. “A King’s Hand should be able to read and write. Maester Pylos has been teaching me.” He smoothed the letter flat upon his knee and began to read by the light of the magic sword.
Okay, so, maybe it’s a tad weird of me, but I totally choked up at the last passage of this chapter. And I can’t really explain it, but maybe it’s because there’s something about Davos learning to read and write and then immediately using it in service of his people, and, it’s beautiful or something, look, I have no idea. I have feelings about the importance of literacy, okay?
So, is the letter Davos is reading something he wrote himself, or is it one of the ones he found during his reading lessons with Pylos? The only one of those we’ve seen mentioned is the letter about the wildlings’ incursion up north, but while that is definitely important info for Stannis to have generally, I’m not seeing how it would be relevant to justifying Davos’s decision to spirit Edric off the island. So maybe this is something else?
Either way, damn, Davos. You have got some seriously righteous balls to do what you did here. I am admiring the shit out of him right now. I am a Davos fangirl, officially, y’all. Even though his stubborn embrace of principles warns me I probably really really shouldn’t get attached to him, because we’ve all seen what not being a duplicitous bastard gets you in this story.
But hey, at least the assholes sometimes get it too, right? Thank you, Stannis, for reconfirming with that delightful cat-mutilation story my perfect justification in celebrating Joffrey’s death, because wooooowww. That kid really was a textbook example of a budding psychopath, wasn’t he? Yeesh.
Funny how Edric is basically the opposite of Joffrey in every way. In fact, pretty much every one of Robert’s (actual) progeny we’ve come across have been shockingly decent people. Granted, that’s only two people I can recall off the bat (Edric and Gendry), and there’s an argument to be made there about nature vs. nurture (I would opine that being raised as a bastard might suck in a lot of ways but definitely has the potential to build a good character; see also: Jon Snow), but still. The case for incest: not supported by the offspring!
(Not even the Targaryens; Dany may be a genetic fluke of awesome, but Viserys most definitely upheld the general trend of suckiness. Which is part of my suddenly-emergent theory that the character of Dany is at least in part an homage to Cleopatra.)
That said, poor Tommen. I would speculate whether he might turn out to be a better boy king than, well, every other boy king we’ve come across so far, but at his age he’s going to be nothing more than a figurehead pawn for years to come. His “kingship,” assuming it ever even gets off the ground, is not going to be about him, but rather about the epic You Are Not The Boss Of Me fight between Cersei and Tywin I am predicting so hard right now. Because that’ll end well, oh yeah.
In any case, I certainly hope against hope that (a) Edric really did get away and (b) Davos doesn’t get executed for it. If I actually get one or both of these wishes I will be rather astonished.
I suppose it’s worth noting my instinctive and absolute rejection of the notion that Melisandre might actually be right in her assertion that Davos’s actions have doomed the world, even despite the fact that so far pretty much everything else she’s predicted has come to pass. But it is just not in my constitutional makeup to even consider it; everything about her, from the fanaticism to the near-blithe embrace of assassination and ritual murder in order to accomplish her ends is a big fat red NO for me.
I can certainly see why the notion of “sacrificing one to save millions” might seem compelling to Stannis, or to anyone who is forced by circumstance to have to consider the bigger picture, but I’m with Davos on this one: a seeming good achieved by evil means is no good at all.
So, yeah: any king who would countenance such a thing is not a king worth following; and any god that would demand it is not a god worth worshipping.
In my not-so-humble opinion, of course.
And lastly:
[Stannis:] “Weddings have become more perilous than battles, it would seem.”
And that’s it for now, kids. Have a lovely week, and I’ll see you next Thursday!
This is where I joined Team Davos.
Once again very good insights. Davos is like Ned, but sneakier. I think he kind of represents the author’s voice of “It’s good to be honorable, but don’t assume everyone else is and be willing to pay the price.”
Ned would have confronted openly far sooner and would not have been orchestrating a conspiracy behind the scenes to see the right thing done.
I love Davos for his balls, his loyalty, and his moral compass. If only there were a couple more like him in Westeros.
Now I want a Team Davos t-shirt.
I started off (first couple books) thinking Davos was kind of boring, but I’ve come around to liking him more and more. It hasn’t hurt that, in the by-and-large wonderfully cast HBO show, the actor cast as Davos is doing a particularly outstanding job with it, IMO….
Viserys is not the only Targaryen. There have been many through the centuries, and some of them have been repulsive(wait til you learn more about Baelor!). There have also been good ones, like Aegon of the Dunk and Egg novels.
I’m not arguing for incest mind you, I’m just stating that at the time of Aegon’s Invasion 300 years ago, Targaryens had a very good reason to be concerned for the strength their bloodline.
There was an interesting comment on inbreeding in a comment threads aways back, that referred to lab mice, that stated that IF you controlled for bad traits, incest to bring out the good traits CAN work, but that you must be diligent to prevent bad traits from perpetuating, which OBVS no one did, in re the Targaryens.
In addition, Davos is awesome, now if he’d only find a king worthy of his awesomeness.
I don’t completely agree the Cleopatra reference other than being the product of generations of inbreeding. The real-life Cleopatra reminds me far more of Cersei – crazy, cunning, but not quite as bright as her rivals. She arranged the death of several of her siblings then tried to use her looks to make herself Empress.
Much is made of ASOIAF as a dark and cynical deconstruction of high fantasy, but there was always more to it than that. The story only works because it’s not all darkness; it would not have the following that it does if we did not see a core of humanity in nearly all of the characters.
In his typically modest and understated fashion, Davos just performed the single bravest and most noble act in the entire series to date. It’s not as flashy as other acts, but:
I still think that survival in this world is less about what principles you have and more about how willing you are to act on the principles you value most highly when they’re brought into conflict with principles you value, only less so.
I come back to Ned. He values both the preservation of peace and order in the realm at large and the preservation of mercy for the individual. When executing the Night Watchman, he showed us that his priority between the two was the realm. When he later tried to give Cersei mercy at the expense of his responsbility to the realm, he died. He hesitated to act on his most valued principle, and it cost him.
Davos is not, I think, hesitating to act on his most valued principles, even when they conflict with his other principles. That bodes well for him, I think.
I too was moved by Davos learning to read, here and in his previous chapter. A life-worn sailor quietly pursuing a new skill which will open worlds to him and aid his current stuggles. Reminded me slightly of Arya’s sword-lessons in AGoT
Loved seeing Davos thwart Mel. She looks exactly like War Incarnate in “Good Omens” and is similarly effective, but thankfully she’s less invincible.