If a female channeler can form a gateway, then they are guaranteed a life expectancy of 550 years. If they take care of themselves, that is. And swear no Oaths. Males “only” get 500 years.
The very first peek we got at The Wheel of Time Companion, out very soon now, was Robert Jordan’s explanation of how he ranked the strength of channelers, the magic users in his epic fantasy world. Although Jordan establishes a 72-level ranking for the strength for both male and female channelers, the specific rankings of the major (and not so major) characters in that scale are listed separately, in each channeler’s individual Companion entry.
There is no single chart listing every channeler within the One Power strength scale. So, with the permission of Harriet McDougal, Maria Simons, and Alan Romanczuk, the astounding authors of the Companion, we made one! And we discovered some interesting things along the way.
In Jordan’s explanation regarding strength in the One Power, Jordan explains how strength in the Power correlates with the life expectancy of a channeler. The One Power suffuses its users with life, and extends the biological lifespan of an individual to incredible lengths. Here is the applicable explanation from Jordan:
For example, at the so-called 800-year level, a person could reasonably be expected to live to between roughly 775 and 825 years of age, with some making it to 850, and a very few making it to as much as 900. Strength level 56(44) was the 300-year age level, 67(55) the 200-year age level, and the bottom level, 72(60), approximately the 150-year level for women. The male equivalents were approximately the 240-year, 180-year, and 135-year levels for men.
Using these data points for users of saidar, I was able to calculate a graph of likely life expectancies for all 72 levels in the One Power strength scale. (Thanks to mathemagician Michael Carlisle for helping me with the formula, which is f(x) = -0.00208023x^3 + 0.264216x^2 – 17.5246 x + 816.746 if you’re interested.) Please note that only the data points provided by Robert Jordan are canonical, the rest of this is extrapolation and can only theoretically be applied to the Wheel of Time series.
Interestingly, life expectancy for channelers of saidar doesn’t correlate with strength in the One Power in a straight progression upwards–it actually flattens out a little just before the middle of the strength scale, around level 40.
Compiling the chart also inadvertently revealed the strength level threshold for making gateways (unless you have a Talent, like Androl), and made Cadsuane even more of a mold-breaking living legend, as she was the strongest Aes Sedai known before Nynaeve came onto the scene.
A few notes: This is not a chart of ALL channelers in the series, even though that information is included in the Companion. I’ve only included major characters from the series, as well as minor characters whose placement on the scale revealed interesting information.
The saidin side of chart is mostly blank because the Companion does not provide that information for Asha’man like it does for Aes Sedai. The placement of Logain and Mazrim Taim are my guesses based on their comparisons to Rand throughout the series. (Logain can hold almost as much as Rand can, according to Knife of Dreams, and this threatens Taim’s position in The Black Tower, as mentioned in many of the books.)
Here’s the saidar One Power strength chart, with accompanying life expectancies:
Current Strength Level |
(Old Strength Level) | Saidar Channelers | Life Expectancy (Years) | |
1 | (+12) | Lanfear, Alivia, Semirhage | 799.48 | |
2 | (+11) | Cyndane, Mesaana, Graendal, Sharina Melloy, Talaan din Gelyn (potential) |
782.74 | |
3 | (+10) | Nynaeve (potential), Caraighan Maconar |
766.49 | |
4 | (+9) | Nynaeve (initial), Talaan din Gelyn (initial), Moghedien |
750.74 | |
5 | (+8) | Cadsuane | 735.47 | |
6 | (+7) | 720.66 | ||
7 | (+6) | 706.31 | ||
8 | (+5) | Elayne (potential), Egwene | 692.39 | |
9 | (+4) | Nicola (potential) | 678.91 | |
10 | (+3) | 665.84 | ||
11 | (+2) | Aviendha | 653.18 | |
12 | (+1) | Therava | 640.90 | |
13 | (1) | Moiraine (pre-Finn), Siuan (Amyrlin), Romanda, Lelaine, Elaida |
629.01 | |
14 | (2) | Sheriam, Liandrin, Galina, Leane (pre-stilling) |
617.48 | |
15 | (3) | 606.30 | ||
16 | (4) | 595.47 | ||
17 | (5) | Verin, Alviarin, Melaine, Alanna | 584.97 | |
18 | (6) | 574.78 | ||
19 | (7) | Gitara Moroso, Gabrelle Brawley | 564.89 | |
20 | (8) | 555.30 | Traveling One Power threshold | |
21 | (9) | 545.98 | Traveling One Power threshold | |
22 | (10) | Vandene | 536.94 | |
23 | (11) | Adeleas | 528.14 | |
24 | (12) | 519.59 | ||
25 | (13) | Elza Penfell | 511.26 | |
26 | (14) | 503.15 | ||
27 | (15) | Careane | 495.25 | |
28 | (16) | 487.54 | ||
29 | (17) | 480.00 | ||
30 | (18) | 472.64 | ||
31 | (19) | 465.42 | ||
32 | (20) | 458.35 | ||
33 | (21) | 451.41 | ||
34 | (22) | 444.58 | ||
35 | (23) | Suian (post-Amyrlin) | 437.86 | |
36 | (24) | Leane (post-stilling) | 431.23 | |
37 | (25) | 424.68 | ||
38 | (26) | 418.19 | ||
39 | (27) | 411.76 | ||
40 | (28) | 405.37 | ||
41 | (29) | 399.01 | ||
42 | (30) | 392.67 | ||
43 | (31) | 386.33 | ||
44 | (32) | 379.98 | ||
45 | (33) | 373.62 | ||
46 | (34) | 367.21 | ||
47 | (35) | 360.77 | ||
48 | (36) | 354.26 | ||
49 | (37) | 347.69 | ||
50 | (38) | 341.03 | ||
51 | (39) | 334.27 | ||
52 | (40) | 327.41 | ||
53 | (41) | 320.43 | ||
54 | (42) | 313.31 | ||
55 | (43) | 306.05 | ||
56 | (44) | 298.63 | ||
57 | (45) | Sorilea | 291.04 | |
58 | (46) | 283.26 | ||
59 | (47) | 275.29 | ||
60 | (48) | 267.12 | ||
61 | (49) | 258.72 | ||
62 | (50) | 250.09 | ||
63 | (51) | 241.21 | ||
64 | (52) | 232.08 | ||
65 | (53) | 222.68 | ||
66 | (54) | Moiraine (post-Finn) | 212.99 | |
67 | (55) | 203.01 | ||
68 | (56) | 192.72 | ||
69 | (57) | 182.11 | ||
70 | (58) | 171.16 | ||
71 | (59) | 159.88 | ||
72 | (60) | Morgase | 148.23 |
Here’s the relevant saidin One Power strength chart, with accompanying life expectancies:
Strength Level |
(Saidar Strength Level Equivalent) | Saidin Channelers | Life Expectancy (Years) | |
++1 | Rand, Moridin, Rahvin | 800.00 | ||
++2 | Aginor/Osan’gar, Demandred, Sammael, Logain, Taim (possible) |
785.70 | ||
++3 | Balthamel/Aran’gar, Asmodean, Taim (possible) |
771.60 | ||
++4 | Be’lal | 757.69 | ||
++5 | 743.97 | |||
++6 | 730.43 | |||
7 | 1(+12) | 717.08 | ||
8 | 2(+11) | 703.91 | ||
9 | 3(+10) | 690.92 | ||
10 | 4(+9) | 678.11 | ||
11 | 5(+8) | 665.48 | ||
12 | 6(+7) | 653.02 | ||
13 | 7(+6) | 640.73 | ||
14 | 8(+5) | 628.61 | ||
15 | 9(+4) | 616.65 | ||
16 | 10(+3) | 604.86 | ||
17 | 11(+2) | 593.23 | ||
18 | 12(+1) | 581.77 | ||
19 | 13(1) | 570.46 |
Although not depicted here, the weakest a saidin channeler can be (72 on the saidin scale) is the equivalent of 65(53) on the saidar scale. To put this in context, that’s still one level above the meager strength level at which the Eelfinn left Moiraine.
The life expectancy progression for saidin channelers is different as well, and is a more uniform shape. (The formula for this is f(x) = -0.000369429x^3 + 0.0989288x^2 – 14.5901x + 814.491.)
Just like Robert Jordan stresses in the “Strength in the One Power” entry from the Companion, One Power strength levels are not an indication of the talent or effectiveness of an individual channeler. There is clearly differentiation within the same strength rank, as well, as evidenced in the channelers who are considered 1(+12) on the saidar strength scale. In Winter’s Heart, it is clearly stated that Alivia can hold more saidar than Lanfear, and Semirhage is clearly below Lanfear in the Forsaken ranks, as well. This differentiation applies to saidin, as well, as it’s difficult to believe that Rahvin could overpower Moridin/Ishamael and Rand, even though he is within the same strength level.
Compiling this chart made The Last Battle all the more impressive to me, as there are a staggering number of monumentally powerful channelers active on the field. We know this while we’re reading, but having numbers and comparison to Aes Sedai channelers really codifies just how underpowered the forces of Light were before the events of The Wheel of Time.
I’ve been poring through The Wheel of Time Companion over these past couple months, and by far the most enjoyable part is being privy to these mechanics and quiet interconnections of Jordan’s world. Suddenly I have all the information I need to deduce channeler life expectancy, or how time travel works, or how the economy of the Westlands continent functions. (I didn’t even GET to that one… yet!) Reading through the Companion has been inspiring.
Soon it will be everyone else’s turn! I’m curious to know what may come…
The life expectancy of Chris Lough is pretty good. It would be better if he didn’t bother his co-workers so much.
Elayne, Egwene, and Aviendha are explicitly stated to be stronger than Cadsuane and Nicola.
Also, wasn’t Alivia wearing Nynaeve’s bracelet and rings angreal during the Winter’s Heart finale, thus accounting for the saidar increase Cyndane observed?
While I’ve always accepted that Semirhage and Nynaeve were equals as according to the female strength chart (source: http://13depository.blogspot.com/2009/02/saidar-strength-ranking.html), since it has a certain symmetry to it, that chart isn’t canon at all so I’m totally willing to let Semirhage be considered on the same level as Lanfear…even though it seems odd, since Lanfear is supposed to be The Strongest Ever, that’s just a myth.
I was very much under the impression that Cadsuane was only the most powerful Aes Sedai until Nyneave, Egwene and Elaine came on the scene. They were always supposed to be more powerful than Cads.
And I never read anywhere that Rahvin was Rand/Ishy/Moridin strength. In fact I’m sure Aginor was the next strongest forsaken after Ishy.
Great article though. Thanks.
The next strongest Forsaken was Lanfear and at some points she was mentioned to be the strongest. Demanded was second to ishi for male Forsaken.
The Companion’s entry on Cadsuane has further explanation of her strength level and how it impacted Aes Sedai society up to and including the appearance of Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne. The figures in the chart are directly from the Companion, so they are what they are. But there’s also clearly some leeway in regards to a channeler’s initial strength and their potential strength. Cadsuane would be at her topmost potential strength, while the main characters are probably at varying degrees between their initial and potential.
@2 I think there was the implication that the three girls had a potential that was greater than Cadsuane, but not that they equaled her current power levels.
Unfortunately this contradicts not only the books themselves (Cadsuane and Nicola’s strength for certain), but also the section in the companion on OP strength. The OP section explicitly states that the 72-levels are specifically for Aes Sedai (which was originally 60 levels later to be expanded with women such as Nynaeve, Egwene and the Forsaken appeared.
“Before the appearance of Elayne, Egwene, Nynaeve, Aviendha and Nicola, there were 60 base levels of strength, each of which had internal gradations, for women who were strong enough to be raised to the shawl. After their appearance, there were 72 base levels.
The earlier distribution of Aes Sedai strengths thus ran from 1 to 60, which became 13 to 72.”
Also Elayne’s section clearly states that she has a “Potential” of 8(+5)
“Elayne Trakand — An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a potential strength level of 8(+5)”
I apologize for being nitpicky and obnoxious, since this is otherwise a really well written and interesting post, but I have to take issue with that.
The books were absolutely explicit that A) Egwene, Elayne, and Aviendha were of comparable strengths, B) Egwene was forced in The Great Hunt by the Seanchan to her maximum strength, and C) Elayne and Egwene were stronger than Cadsuane and Nicola. I assume by the transitive property that Aviendha was as well, but I can’t recall if Cadsuane ever actually met Aviendha to compare.
Why is Egwene listed here as the same strength as Elayne when Elayne came right out and said that Egwene was stronger than her because she had been forced, if the chart is not reflecting their maximum strengths? If the chart is reflecting their maximum strengths, why are they lower than Cadsuane and Nicola?
Chris Lough, you a brave person! :-)
That said, I really appreciate your work on this. I am a data nerd myself, so thanks for putting this together.
I think the key here is to remember that the WoT Companion was compiled from RJ’s notes. It’s possible that what he eventually published did not in all cases match his earlier notes. Fans always want every detail of his meticulously crafted world to fit together like a Swiss clock. But the reality is, he was human and often changed his mind about certain details in the more than 20 years the story evolved. That’s one possible explanation for some discrepancies.
For another, one of his resounding themes was human error and how one character’s perspective could be completely accurate in their view, yet fundamentally flawed. In cases where the reader is basing his or her assessment of a character’s One Power strength on the observations of another character, bear in mind that ego can color that assessment. Their opinion on how strong someone is in the One Power may be biased.
At the end of the day, I am just glad we have this book. I am looking forward to delving into the entries and comparing them to my own assumptions. If they don’t always agree, well, that’s okay. I’m sure I’ll enjoy every minute I can view this world with fresh eyes.
If there’s anything the One Power strengths entry and Oath Rod entry (and discussion here) taught us, it’s that the Companion faithfully replicates Jordan’s notes, even when those notes are internally contradictory or are inconsistent with one book or another. Given that, I kind of expect the issues noted in comments 1-6 (and probably ones after this). And I’d suggest that while the problems are worth noting/discussing (nerds gonna nerd! :-) ), actual dismay IMO falls a little in the “doth protest too much” vein. :-)
ETA (on seeing my comment ended up #8, not #7): So basically, I agree unreservedly with comment 7.
I happened to read Nicola’s entry in the companion on Amazon, and that clearly says her strength was 9(+4). That has to be potential strength, since Nicola was never forced.
Further, Egwene explicitly says that Nicola’s potential, while impressive, was less than her own.
I know what confused you into putting her at level 5(+8). You’re going off the statement in her entry that she matched Cadsuane. That, however, reflects the fact that RJ was conflicted about Cadsuane’s strength. He initially had Cadsuane as level 9(+4), which matched Nicola’s potential, is held up by everything the books themselves say, and also matches her initial glossary entry.
He he then changed his mind and made Cadsuane stronger, but that doesn’t mean you should read Nicola’s entry to mean she now matches Cadsuane’s greater strength.
ETA: In fact, Nicola’s entry explicitly says that her potential was 9(+4). So please correct that part.