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Patrick Rothfuss Announces The Name of the Wind Tenth Anniversary Edition and Shares Updates on The Kingkiller Chronicle Book 3


Patrick Rothfuss Announces The Name of the Wind Tenth Anniversary Edition and Shares Updates on The Kingkiller Chronicle Book 3

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Patrick Rothfuss Announces The Name of the Wind Tenth Anniversary Edition and Shares Updates on The Kingkiller Chronicle Book 3


Published on February 3, 2017

Patrick Rothfuss Twitch Q&A Kingkiller Chronicle book 3 Doors of Stone

Patrick Rothfuss held a Q&A for his fans via Twitch livestream late today, as one of the stretch goals for helping his charity Worldbuilders reach $2 million in donations. During the two-plus-hour chat, he did answer some (non-spoiler) questions about The Doors of Stone, the highly anticipated third book in the Kingkiller Chronicle, as well as the forthcoming television and movie adaptations with Hamilton‘s Lin-Manuel Miranda. He also showed off a prototype of the replica Saicere sword, which will be on sale soon; and he got permission from his editor to make a very special announcement.

The Name of the Wind came out in 2007,” Rothfuss began during this, the final part of the chat. “It is now 2017.” Which means… tenth anniversary edition! “It gives us the opportunity […] to include a couple of cool things,” he explained—to adjust the text and fix any errors or inconsistencies, as well as including at least 20 illustrations and other cool extras. Here’s what you can expect to find in the new edition, which will be released in 2017:

  • an “extensive” author’s note
  • appendices discussing the calendar and the currency systems
  • a pronunciation guide
  • at least 20 illustrations
  • “a better map”

The book that I would love to have ready to give you is book 3,” Rothfuss said. “I hope you all know that.” He did address a number of questions about The Doors of Stone and the multimedia adaptation of The Kingkiller Chronicle earlier in the Q&A. We’ve collected them (plus a few other tidbits) below!

Patrick Rothfuss Twitch Q&A Kingkiller Chronicle book 3 Doors of Stone

Is there a publication date for book 3? No:

I would share it if I had it.

The same audiobook narrators from The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear will be used for book 3, if possible.

How does he feel the writing is going on book 3 today (as opposed to two years ago, when he jokingly rated it 3.5 stars out of 5 on Goodreads)?

It’s at best a star and a half because I dismantled a big piece of it and haven’t quite put it back together.

Rothfuss also explained that his writing process is a lot different than other writers in that he works on the story fluidly and piecemeal and often deconstructs and reconstructs until over time it coheres. That’s also why he can’t really post a “percentage done” like Sanderson can.

Where does the name “Edema Ruh” come from?

Like most of the names in the book I make it up. It comes from my head. I make it up. Sorry that’s not a satisfying answer!

(Ruh means “soul” in Turkish, hence the question about its possible origination.)

Lyndon Hardy’s 1980 novel Master of the Five Magics has a similar magic system to Kingkiller Chronicle if readers are looking for more along those lines: a system inspired by hermetic magic, Doctrine of Signatures, natural scientists, and Newton’s alchemy beliefs.

Describe book 3 in one word:


And then I’ll follow that up with the Aslan quote: “I call all times soon.”

Book 3 will not be longer than The Wise Man’s Fear.

Will book 3 will be the last in the series?

Yes and no. Book 3 closes this arc of story. Book 3 will not be the final book set in this world. Big distinction there!

But will he wrap everything up?

Think of any series that was wrapped up. Think of The Lord of the Rings, which has a pretty solid ending: Was everything wrapped up at the end of the third book of Lord of the Rings? No. That’s what happens in any sort of realistic world, in any sort of realistic story with realistic characters. There was some good closure in that book, but what happened with Aragorn, and Minas Tirith, and now that he was back? […] And what about Sam and his kids? What really happened to the Grey Havens? Did Frodo every bounce back from that? What did Gandalf talk to Tom Bombadil about? There’s a ton of unanswered questions—so yeah, that’s actually the mark of a good story, and so I won’t be answering everything, but the truth is, you don’t want me to. You might think you want me to, but you don’t. And even if you really do, I still won’t. Just because it’s impossible.

Will book 3 make readers cry?

Depends on if you’re an easy crier. But I kinda hope to hit you hard emotionally; that’s my job.

What’s his biggest fear in releasing book 3?

I don’t really have a big fear about releasing book 3. I’m really looking forward to releasing book 3. Any fears that I have about releasing the book are extraordinarily metatextual and ephemeral. Because I work until I am really certain that the book is as good as I can make it, and so my fear of releasing any book is what is the effect—it’s not like “will they enjoy it?” because I wouldn’t release it unless I was pretty sure it was as good as I could make it and that people would enjoy it. My fear is, what is the larger effect of my book on the world and on the minds of the people who take the time to consume it? Am I contributing in a positive way to the overall kind of collective consciousness of people in the world? I worry about that.

Did he always know that book 3 would be called The Doors of Stone?

I did not always know that the third book would be called The Doors of Stone, but once I thought of that in terms of a title I realized it was the best title. Betsy wasn’t convinced at first and I actually agreed to not talk about it in public, but it was already out in a few places, and so people kept sharing it around, and so now it has sort of by popular consensus become the de facto title of the book.

How will the books be divided into the TV series and movie?

That is a great question that I cannot publicly discuss.

Does he have any input on casting?

Maybe a little bit, but only a very little bit. There’s a good reason for that; it’s that I am not a casting director. What I would do is [say], “I love Nathan Fillion!” But that’s not casting, that’s just liking an actor. That’s not how it should work. I am very much involved in the production of the movie and TV [series]. I’ve been out in LA twice this month to sit in on writers’ rooms and meet with people and talk with people, and talk with people and meet with people. And actually, it’s been fun. I was kinda fearing this process, but I’ve been very much enjoying it. It won’t always be this fun, because there will be times I’m disappointed or have to give ground, but it’s been delightful so far.

Would he have a cameo?

Maybe I might cameo in a little bit. They might put me in the background or something. But in terms of casting, I should either be Manet or Stanchion.

To what extent is Lin-Manuel Miranda contributing to the music of the film and TV adaptations?

You cannot hope for a more amazing musical person, musical talent than Lin-Manuel Miranda. And the fact is, no matter what music gets put into the movie or TV series, there will be some people who say, “That’s not what I imagined at all!” That’s the downside to any movie or TV anything—it will not be exactly what you imagined. Which is why I suggest that you all get ready to do what I am doing, and in my head say, “This is like a B canon; this is an interpretation.” It’s the reason why I can look at one hundred fan art pictures of Kvothe and like them all even though they don’t look like each other. […] They don’t have to be the perfect one, and they don’t have to be what’s in my head, to look good.

I could not be more excited to have Lin as part of the team, both creatively and story wise and as a musical collaborator. […] As much as he wants! I literally told him, “There is no degree to which you could participate in this project that would be too much for me. Please come in to the fullest extent of your desire and be a part of this.”

Rap battle: Kvothe versus Alexander Hamilton. Who would win?

Fictional Hamilton [i.e., from Miranda’s Hamilton] would beat Kvothe. Real Hamilton would lose.

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


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