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John Connor is Back, and More Reveals From SDCC’s Terminator: Dark Fate Panel


John Connor is Back, and More Reveals From SDCC’s Terminator: Dark Fate Panel

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John Connor is Back, and More Reveals From SDCC’s Terminator: Dark Fate Panel


Published on July 18, 2019

Screenshot: TriStar Pictures
Terminator 2, John Connor, Edward Furlong
Screenshot: TriStar Pictures

Linda Hamilton is reprising her role as Sarah Connor in that latest Terminator film, but there was still much more to reveal at San Diego Comic-Con this year. Here’s what went down in Hall H at the Terminator: Dark Fate panel!

James Cameron could not appear in person, as he is hard at work on the Avatar sequels. He recorded a video greeting for fans and said that his only stipulation in the next Terminator film was making sure Arnold Schwarzenegger could return for the film. After selecting the director (Deadpool‘s Tim Miller), he stepped back and let him take over completely. Miller took the stage and let the audience know that Dark Fate was really all “about finishing Linda’s story,” and that the film will explore the consequences of Sarah’s choice to destroy Cyberdyne at the end of T2. There’s only one timeline at work in this film

The first major confirmation of the panel is that John Connor is returning! Edward Furlong will be reprising his role as Sarah’s son, though we’ve got no word on how extensive his role will be.

A R-rating was also confirmed for the film, though there’s little surprise there.

Linda Hamilton arrived to thunderous applause, and said that while people obviously appreciate all the physical training that goes into these roles her real task was exploring the life of a woman who has always been an outsider. Costar Natalie Reyes admitted to being terrified of being out on the Hall H stage, citing the fact that she hadn’t even been born when the first Terminator film came out.

Hamilton praised Miller’s vision as a director and told the crowd that he was loved by the cast. Miller later said that Mackenzie Davis (the new Terminator) worked harder than anyone on the set expect Linda Hamilton. According to Hamilton, “[Davis]’s definitely stronger and younger, but I’m meaner.”

Actor Gabriel Luna said that he and fellow Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger talked quite frequently on set and became friends. So it was only right for the man himself to finally arrive on the Hall H stage:

Schwarzenegger said that of course he had to come back for this film: “I’m addicted to Terminator.” Apparently, he’s already seen the film, and said he was blown away by it. And the swearing bet referenced above was Arnold betting that director Tim Miller would swear a bunch—he won the bet with ease.

Hamilton also revealed her favorite line from the series, which is (unsurprisingly): “You’re terminated, fucker.” The audience was eventually treated to some footage, but we won’t spoil that for you here!

Terminator: Dark Fate will hit theaters on November 1, 2019.

About the Author

Emmet Asher-Perrin


Emmet Asher-Perrin is the News & Entertainment Editor of Reactor. Their words can also be perused in tomes like Queers Dig Time Lords, Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy, and Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction. They cannot ride a bike or bend their wrists. You can find them on Bluesky and other social media platforms where they are mostly quiet because they'd rather talk to you face-to-face.
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