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Language, Warfare, and the Brain as Computer: Babel-17


Language, Warfare, and the Brain as Computer: Babel-17

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Language, Warfare, and the Brain as Computer: Babel-17


Published on November 12, 2019


When Samuel R. Delany wrote Babel-17 in 1965, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis was still new(ish) and popular, and the computer-driven Information Age era was dawning. Transhumanism was a popular idea in some circles. All of these aspects of the zeitgeist converge in this Nebula-winning book.

The story stars Rydra Wong, who is a poet and star-shop captain with a “knack” for reading people and for recognizing patterns that developed after being infected by a “neurosciatic plague” as a child. It’s her facility with the latter that led her into cryptography for a period, and it’s because of her experience with cryptography that the military, in the person of General Forester, comes to Wong to decipher a code known as Babel-17, which was recorded at the time of attacks on their military bases. After spending some time looking into Babel-17, she realizes it’s a language, not a code. At this point in the narrative, Delany has Wong explain to Forester the differences between a code, a cipher, and a language. A language, she says, has “its own internal logic, its own grammar, its own way of putting thoughts together with words that span various spectra of meaning.” She explains that, unlike a code or cipher, you can’t just unlock a language once you’ve found the key. She asks if his team of cryptographers have made any progress with the grammar; naturally, they haven’t, because, while they know a lot about codes, “they know nothing of the nature of language.” When I was reading this, it reminded me of the beginning of Arrival—and it’s entirely possible that this novel was an influence on Ted Chiang’s “Story of Your Life,” on which the movie was based. And, as discussed in that earlier column, this explanation is true (with caveats, of course).

Wong doesn’t get to employ any field methods to learn more about the language or its users, but she demands that Forester give her the actual tapes on which the recorded language can be heard, because he’d never told her before that the transcript she’d initially been given was a dialogue. She wants to make her own transcription so that she can listen for sounds that are phonemes versus allophones and make other notes and observations about the text that the military didn’t catch and wouldn’t have considered. A phoneme is a sound that is perceived as different from another sound by speakers of a language. These are often tested in minimal pairs, which are pairs of words that differ in only one phoneme, such as bad and pad, or bed and bid. Because these words don’t refer to the same thing, /b/ and /p/ are separate phonemes, as are /e/ and /i/. An allophone, on the other hand, is part of a group of sounds that represent a single phoneme. For example, the /k/ in cat and kitten is articulated in a different point in each word. In cat, the /k/ is properly velar (the soft palate), because /a/ is a back vowel, but in kitten, it’s palatalized in preparation for the high front vowel /i/. (This is a fun linguistics experiment to try at home! Pay attention to where your tongue is as you say those two words. You can try another one by holding your hand in front of your mouth when you say pit and spit, because /p/ is aspirated [has a puff of air] in pit but not in spit.) So Rydra Wong tries to listen for phonemes and allophones in the recording; presumably she has success, although the reader isn’t privy to her process. If you’re interested, here is an example of phonemic analysis and how to do it. (For the record, I am not a phonetician, nor do I play one on TV.)

The way Wong goes about analyzing the language seems reasonable. She analyzes vocabulary, phonemes, phonetics, and ambiguities in semiotics, semantics, and syntax. The old grammars of dead languages are laid out in that way, so it rings true enough. I’m not sure she could make a dictionary without access to speakers of the language to show you what bat means, so the novel’s veering close to (the very probably impossible) universal translation. She learns Babel-17 well enough to understand where the next attack will be. According to Wong, “most of its words carry more information about the things they refer to than any four or five languages I know put together,” in less space. Interesting, if true, but also unlikely. It’s reminiscent of the analytical invented languages of the Enlightenment, or, more recently, Loglan and Lojban. These tried to make language tidy and specific and remove ambiguity via extreme amounts of classification and organization. It wasn’t exactly successful. (For further reading, In the Land of Invented Languages is an interesting book about the history of invented languages from Hildegard of Bingen’s Lingua Ignota to Klingon and Dothraki.)

Delany’s narrative veers slightly into linguistic relativism—which was popular when the book was written. Wong tells Forester, “Most textbooks say language is a mechanism for expressing thought. But language is thought. Thought is information given form. The form is language.” This reads like a discussion question for a Philosophy of Language class, so I’m not sure there’s a right answer to “what is language?” Then Wong takes it further, later in the text, when she wonders “if there’s no word for it, how do you think of it?” She wants to know “what kind of mind can talk like that language talks?” The Butcher, a former convict on the spaceship that rescues Wong’s ship when it runs into trouble, can’t say “you” or “I,” and Wong works to unravel that mystery, as well as teaching him those words—and it’s through this process, along with her latent telepathy, that she realizes that Babel-17 is a programming language that runs on human brain hardware, programming “a self-contained schizoid personality into the mind of whoever learns it.” That’s why it’s a “flexible matrix of analytical possibilities where the same ‘word’ defines the stresses in a webbing of medical bandage, or a defensive grid of spaceships,” where the words “defined a concept of exactingly necessary expedient curiosity that became in any other language a clumsy string of polysyllables.”

Babel-17 literally alters the way its speakers think, by altering their neural pathways. Through manipulating the vocabulary, the programmers can manipulate the way people think and, by extension, what they do. This represents a highly interesting (and possibly unique) application of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and along the way, Delany tidily explains a lot of the questions I had while reading about, for example, the information density of individual words.

All in all, I thought it was an interesting (if implausible) concept, executed well. Computers were new, and programming them was cool. People started talking about brains as if they were computers; starting in the early 1960s, Noam Chomsky popularized his theory of syntax and universal grammar, where people were born with the facility for language programmed into their brains and all we had to do was be exposed to it and all the right switches would then be set for whatever language our parents spoke to us. And of course, Sapir-Whorf was trendy. Put all three of these things together, and you get Babel-17.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book, and on the way Delany incorporates language into the story, in the comments!

CD Covington has masters degrees in German and Linguistics, likes science fiction and roller derby, and misses having a cat. She is a graduate of Viable Paradise 17 and has published short stories in anthologies, most recently the story “Debridement” in Survivor, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj and J.J. Pionke.

About the Author

CD Covington


CD Covington has masters degrees in German and Linguistics, likes science fiction and roller derby, and misses having a cat. She is a graduate of Viable Paradise 17 and has published short stories in anthologies, most recently the story “Debridement” in Survivor, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj and J.J. Pionke.
Learn More About CD
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5 years ago

 Information dense languages were sort of hip both in linguistics and circles that paid some attention to linguistics for a couple of decades before Loglan became a thing. IIRC, such a language is a minor side issue in Heinlein’s “Gulf”, building off of Korzybski’s General Semantics.

It’s been forever since I read this, so I don’t remember the details of Rydra’s decipherment of the language, where the hook was that gave her an entry point. I wonder if Delany was inspired in part there by H. Beam Piper’s “Omnilingual” where something similar happens using scientific information as the entry point. (That story might make an interesting subject for this series, BTW.)

5 years ago

While I think that Delaney’s use of Sapir-Whorf and psychology are stretches that don’t age well, I’m fond of calling Babel-17 Babel-17 for science fiction. It’s a military science fiction novel that turns almost every military science fiction analogy and cliche on its ear. Wong is an openly bisexual woman of mixed ethnicity. The navigators are a romantic threesome, also of mixed ethnicity. The marine sergeant is a mother figure for his charges. Space pirates plan battles using psychoanalytic metaphors. The enemy puts pregnant women on the front lines. The culture of ship crews is kinky and into body modification, (in contrast to “Customs” which is distinctly square). It’s a future where poetry and empathy make a difference.

My take-away is that Babel-17 challenges the genre-aware SFF reader to explore different analogies for how adventures in space might work.

5 years ago

1965! I didn’t realize this concept had been around so long! This is one of the ideas I specifically seek out in sci-fi, its one of (if not the most) interesting things I ever see in the genre. I guess I’ve been reading later and further explorations instead of the original idea, I’ll have to check out Babel-17


While it doesn’t refer directly to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that I remember,  Hannu Rajaniemi’s Quantum Thief series has several instances of “hostile, viral memes” running on human wetware that transfer through stories and language as well.  Alistair Reynolds’ Blue Remembered Earth and Revelation Space series very likely also touch on the idea of entities jumping from brain to brain, although I doubt its ever the central focus of the story the way it is in Quantum Thief. Charles Stross’ Halting State books don’t draw any lines between human computation and digital computation, they eventually get to the point where viruses freely jump from one to the other.  I think Snow Crash (or maybe it was Little Brother?) also has something very similar to viral memes in it although it’s not explored as deeply there as in these other books I think.

Basically the Babel-17 application of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis evolved very handily into the general sci-fi idea of “human wetware = digital hardware for all software” and has thrived in that space.


P.S. I highly recommend all the books I listed, they are the best examples of this idea that I’ve read to-date. Although for Blue Remembered Earth you should definitely go with the audiobook version, its a phenomenal performance all the way through.



5 years ago

Another interesting take on how language defines thought and thought defines language is The Languages of Pao by Jack Vance, first published in 1958. You have a large placid planetary population who speak a language that enforces calm acceptance. New warrior, technical, and mercantile casts are created, each with its own language to facilitate its purpose. Conflict, of course, ensues.

A fun look at how speakers of different languages can fail to understand each other. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is at the heart of the story.

5 years ago

I read Babel-17 a few years ago. Unlike Elijah in comment #3, I had never before encountered the concept of a programming language for the human brain. I found the idea intriguing, but I couldn’t make myself believe it.

In the book, Rydra Wong tells her boss that Babel-17 is like “Onoff, Algol, Fortran”, with “Onoff” apparently designating machine language. But it can’t be like Algol or Fortran, because computers don’t understand these languages. They need a compiler or an interpreter to translate Algol or Fortran programs into machine language. Where’s the compiler for Babel-17? Okay, so let’s say Babel-17 is some kind of machine language for the human brain. But that doesn’t work either. Computers only understand machine language because they have inbuilt instruction sets, different ones for different processor families. These instruction sets are put there by their builders. We need to postulate an instruction set innate in the human brain, and known to the aliens who invented Babel-17. Why would we have such an instruction set? Chomsky’s universal grammar isn’t the same thing.

Anyway, the book never mentions any of this. Throwing some programming language names at the reader seems to be enough of an explanation.

I’m overthinking this, I know :)

5 years ago

Read this a couple of years ago.

I’m quite interested in languages and should have liked the concept but I found that the book was written in a confusing way, even though at under 200 pages it’s rather short. Maybe it’s because English isn’t my native language but I had difficulties following what was going on.

Maybe Delany just isn’t for me?

5 years ago

@@@@@ #6 – Jens, Delany is a big fan of James Joyce and other modernist writers so when you read him you are going to run into dense and dizzying sentences with weird syntax and lots of fractured narrative structures. It’s less pronounced in his earlier works like Babel 17 but it is definitely there.

5 years ago

@@@@@ #7: Looks like Delany won’t be my cup of tea then. I’m not too much into modernists, I’m primarily looking for a good story.   ;-)

I have Delany’s Nevèrÿon books on my reading pile as well as Nova which appeared just two years after Babel-17.

I’ll see how I like those.

5 years ago

Nova is an easier read than Babel 17 though the narrative jumps around in time a bit. The Neveryon books are Delany’s huge, fractured, post-modern epic. The complexities vary from tale to tale ranging from swashbuckling swordplay, to metaphorical meditations on post-structuralist language theory to an intense, heartbreaking allegory on the AIDS epidemic where the reality of Delany’s own life in the 1980s USA breaks into the narrative of Neveryon. You might be better off going with something shorter, like Trouble on Triton which is his novel right before the Neveryon books and is connected to the series thematically.

5 years ago

Though if you want great stories I’d recommend his earlier work. My favorites among these are The Fall of the Towers trilogy which is kind of like a post-apocalyptic, sci-fi fantasy Dickens novel and The Ballad of Beta 2 which is just … well, beautiful.