Murderbot’s first novel arrives on May 5th.
But before that happens, Publishing and the Ebook Club are giving away ALL FOUR PREVIOUS AND OFTEN TIMES AWARD-WINNING NOVELLAS!
Martha Wells’ series chronicles the life of a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.”
Scornful of humans, all it really wants is to be left alone to watch TV and figure out who it is.
And this week, the Ebook Club is giving away one Murderbot novella per day!
One Book-Per-Day Will Be Available:
Monday, April 20: All Systems Red (Book 1)
Tuesday, April 21: Artificial Condition (Book 2)
Wednesday, April 22: Rogue Protocol (Book 3)
Thursday, April 23: Exit Strategy (Book 4)
Download period ends 5:59 AM ET, April 24.
Question: When is the current day’s book available until?
For 24 hours starting at 6 AM ET on the day-of.
Question: I’m having issues getting the book to open / download issues caused me to miss that day’s book!
Email and we’ll get you sorted.
Question: There’s a novel coming?!?
Yes! A beautiful culmination and continuation of Murderbot’s ever-humanizing journey!
It’s called Network Effect and you can see it down there.
If you already receive the newsletter, you still need to sign up for this program to get your free ebook.
Note: If you’re having issues with the sign-up or download process, please email
Apple iOS 13 Users: Downloads are now located either in your iCloud account or in a Downloads folder within Safari (the down-arrow icon in the top right). More troubleshooting help here.
Forthcoming May 5, from Martha Wells
Buy the Book

Network Effect