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The Mandalorian has Reportedly Cast Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett


<i>The Mandalorian</i> has Reportedly Cast Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett

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The Mandalorian has Reportedly Cast Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett


Published on May 8, 2020


The Mandalorian is set to return to Disney + in October, and when it does, it’ll reportedly bring back a familiar face: the iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Temuera Morrison has been cast to play the character.

Morrison is uniquely suited to play the character. In 2002’s Attack of the Clones, he played Jango Fett, the bounty hunter that was used as the template for the Republic’s entire clone army, including his “son”, Boba, an unaltered clone (played by Daniel Logan, who reprised the role during The Clone Wars). Fett’s return to the franchise is apparently a small one, according to The Hollywood Reporter.  

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The bounty hunter first appeared in The Star Wars Holiday Special and again in The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi, where he met an unceremonious end when he was eaten by the Sarlacc. In the now non-canon Expanded Universe, Fett escaped and continued his life as a bounty hunter.

Fett has yet to reappear in the new franchise, although his reappearance was teased at the end of “The Gunslinger,” The Mandalorian‘s fifth episode. (Listen to the sounds made by the mysterious figure that rescues Fennec Shand.)

Prior to The Mandalorian, Lucasfilm had worked on developing a standalone film about the character twice. The first was to be helmed by Fantastic Four‘s Josh Trank, but was quickly shut down as his career imploded, while Logan‘s James Mangold was set to write and direct a film in 2018. That film was apparently canceled following Solo‘s lackluster box office performance.

Fett will join another fan-favorite character who will reportedly appear in The Mandalorian‘s second season: Rosario Dawson has reportedly been cast to play Ahsoka Tano, a major character in The Clone Wars and Rebels.

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Andrew Liptak


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