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Star Trek: Voyager Rewatch: “11:59”


Star Trek: Voyager Rewatch: “11:59”

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Star Trek: Voyager Rewatch: “11:59”


Published on April 1, 2021

Screenshot: CBS
Star Trek: Voyager "11:59"
Screenshot: CBS

Written by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky
Directed by David Livingston
Season 5, Episode 23
Production episode 217
Original air date: May 5, 1999
Stardate: unknown

Captain’s log. Neelix talks to Janeway about the Great Wall of China—apparently, he and Paris are learning about each others’ homeworlds and challenging each other to trivia on the subject. This leads to Janeway asking him about the Millennium Gate, which one of Janeway’s ancestors worked on.

Janeway recalls the family stories about how Shannon O’Donnel was asked by the governor of Indiana to work on the project, and flew her in on a private jet. We then flash back to December 2000, where we see O’Donnel driving into Portage Creek, Indiana in a beat-up old station wagon, seeing signs for the Millennium Gate, but not knowing what it is.

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She’s looking for a service station, but most of the businesses in town are closed. Then she rear-ends another car, and has to admit to not having insurance. The guy she rear-ended lets it go and drives off. O’Donnel’s not so lucky, as her station wagon won’t start.

After calling for a tow truck, she takes refuge in Alexandria Books, owned and operated by Henry Janeway, assisted by his son Jason. We soon learn that Henry is the lone holdout in town—every other business has sold their land to the Millennium Gate project. It’s being sold as a planned community that can be the basis of future communities on other worlds (which Janeway said in the twenty-fourth century was one goal the Gate accomplished), but Henry sees it as a fancy-shmancy shopping mall and nothing else.

Henry has flyers he’s been putting up around town speaking out against the Gate. O’Donnel offers to use her laptop to e-mail everyone in town, which she hopes he’ll pay her for, as she’s flat broke and needs to pay to fix her car. (How she can afford a laptop, which in 2000 cost a lot more than they do now, when she can’t even afford car insurance is left as an exercise for the viewer.)

Gerald Moss, who represents the company building the Gate, is interviewed by local news. Not only is Henry the only holdout, but if he doesn’t capitulate by the time the new year flips to 2001, they’ll have to consider an alternate location for the Gate. Henry is thrilled, as now he just has to hang on for a few more days.

Star Trek: Voyager "11:59"
Screenshot: CBS

Back on Voyager, Janeway asks Seven to dig up information about the construction of the Millennium Gate, as most of the records are fragmentary. Janeway credits the family stories about O’Donnel as being a major influence on her decision to become a Starfleet officer. At Neelix’s suggestion, Seven expands her search to non-Federation sources, and they find a picture of an elderly Shannon O’Donnel Janeway with her children and grandchildren in a park. They also find a reference to the town of Portage Creek’s resistance to the Gate project.

In 2000, Moss comes to O’Donnel with a job offer. He knows that she washed out of the space program (another inaccuracy in Janeway’s family stories, as Janeway speaks of O’Donnel as being an astronaut), and her work as an engineer wasn’t respected. Moss is willing to make her a consultant on the Gate project, but only if she convinces Henry to sell the bookstore.

O’Donnel bonds with Jason over videogames and the Gate—Jason, unlike his father, thinks it’s cool—while Henry is off in Bloomington to buy stock, as the local suppliers won’t work with him, because he won’t support the Gate. When Henry returns, O’Donnel and he get into an argument about the Gate. She admits to the job offer, saying she doesn’t want to keep living out of her car, and Henry asks her to stay with him, but she doesn’t want to be stuck in his bookstore, either.

On Voyager, Janeway is disappointed to learn that most of what she thought she knew about her ancestor isn’t true. She wasn’t an astronaut, she didn’t work on any of the Mars missions, never even went to Mars, and it turns out that the only person who was against the Gate in Portage Creek was O’Donnel’s future husband. Chakotay urges Janeway not to be so hard on O’Donnel, as she had no way of knowing she’d need to live up to the expectations of her descendant the starship captain.

O’Donnel gets into her car to head out of Portage Creek. Moss says the job offer is still good, even though she didn’t get Henry to play ball, and Jason pleads with her to stay, but she drives off anyhow.

But after stopping for chocolate chip cookies, she turns around and comes back. A news crew and the police are outside Alexandria Books as the clock is moving toward the midnight deadline that will see the Gate officially moved to Canton, Ohio. She goes in to tell Henry that she realized that she didn’t want to continue her life without him, and that he needs to stop living in the past and do right by his son and the town, and he agrees at 11:59pm and everyone’s happy.

Neelix asks a despondent Janeway to the mess hall, where they’re celebrating Ancestor’s Day, a solemn and ancient holiday that Neelix just made up to make Janeway feel better. The crew remind her that O’Donnel is just as much of an inspiration even if she didn’t do everything she thought she did.

Star Trek: Voyager "11:59"
Screenshot: CBS

The EMH takes a holographic picture, and Neelix presents Janeway with a framed version of the picture he dug up. We then fade to the taking of that picture, with the elderly O’Donnel and her progeny.

There’s coffee in that nebula! Janeway gets a hard lesson in the difference between family history and recorded history.

Forever an ensign. Kim tells the story of an ancestor of his who piloted a sleeper ship to a solar system that turned out not to actually be there, so he had to turn around and pilot it back, while the rest of the crew was in stasis. The crew was awakened and confused as to why they never left orbit. The crew of Voyager finds this story far funnier than it actually is.

Everybody comes to Neelix’s. Neelix and Paris’ trading of historical trivia about Earth and Talax is what gets Janeway started on thinking about O’Donnel, and Neelix also is the one who helps Seven get on the right search track.

Resistance is futile. Seven mentions an ancestor of her own that she’s found: Sven “Buttercup” Hansen, a prize fighter. She is skeptical as to Neelix’s claims that there is significance to her being a descendant of his. (Neelix’s mentioning of the similarity between the names Sven and Seven is met with a Stare Of Dubiousness.)

No sex, please, we’re Starfleet. O’Donnel meeting up with a man named Henry Janeway is some pretty clumsy foreshadowing to their eventual coupling, though their conversations are entertaining.

Star Trek: Voyager "11:59"
Screenshot: CBS

Do it.

“The holographic engineer is having problems with her program, Neelix, the Cardassian cook, is low on supplies, Seven of Twelve is regenerating, and Captain Chakotay is doing just fine.”

–Janeway’s sarcastic commentary on how history can sometimes distort reality.

Welcome aboard. Character actor John Carroll Lynch, who was in the midst of his recurring role as the title character’s brother on The Drew Carey Show, plays Moss, Bradley Pierce plays Jason, Kristina Hayes plays the reporter, and James Greene and Christopher Curry play the townsfolk O’Donnel encounters upon arrival in Portage Creek.

And our Robert Knepper moment is the great Kevin Tighe as Henry Janeway. I vaguely knew he was in a Trek episode at some point, but I was completely gobsmacked to see him here.

Trivial matters: The original notion of this episode was to have an ancestor of Janeway’s in the twentieth century encounter either Q or Guinan, with John deLancie or Whoopi Goldberg guest starring, but it mutated into a more straightforward flashback with no science fictional or Trek elements to the flashback. However, the turn of the millennium was always intended to be part of it.

The episode accurately predicted that the Y2K bug would not be as devastating as feared, though the real reason for that was because programmers worked their asses off throughout 1999 to keep it from happening. (Your humble rewatcher was married to such a programmer at the time.)

However, the episode did not accurately predict that New Year’s festivities in the 2000/2001 new year would be equally as turn-of-the-millennium focused as those in 1999/2000. Instead, the 2000/2001 new year was just another New Year’s.

Another 1999 Trek story that dealt with the turn of the millennium was the novel I, Q by John deLancie & Peter David, which had an equally inaccurate prediction for how things would go, in this case a terrorist attack on Times Square.

O’Donnel appears in The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh Book 2 by Greg Cox, in which we learn she was part of the project that developed the Botany Bay, the ship on which Khan and his fellow Augments were exiled.

The model of the Apollo Lunar Module that hangs from O’Donnel’s rear-view mirror was borrowed from the desk of Trek writer Denise Okuda.

Portage Creek is fictional, though there is a Portage, Indiana that is a suburb of Chicago. Portage Creek is said to be near Bloomington, so is much further south than Portage. The outdoor scenes were filmed on Paramount’s “New York” lot, with snow brought in to simulate winter.

Star Trek: Voyager "11:59"
Screenshot: CBS

Set a course for home. “That station wagon of yours doesn’t exactly look like a sailing ship.” I wanted to like this episode more than I did, as its heart is very much in the right place, but it ultimately doesn’t quite cohere into what it wants to be.

It reminds me far too much of other episodes that tackled its themes far more successfully. “Living Witness” did so much more with the notion of history distorting the facts. DS9’s “Far Beyond the Stars” was a significantly more effective twentieth-century flashback. And DS9’s “Once More Unto the Breach” provided a far more effective colloquy on the differences between legends and reality. (I really wish Worf could have materialized in the mess hall at the end and delivered a version of his line from the latter episode: “The only real question is whether you believe in the legend of Shannon O’Donnel or not. If you do, then there should be no doubt in your mind that she was a great explorer. If you do not believe in the legend, then she was just a woman and it does not matter how she lived.”)

I wish someone had pointed out to Janeway that, even if O’Donnel wasn’t an astronaut, she was still a NASA engineer, an occupation that was only about ten percent women in 2000. I wish someone had told Henry that, if he’s the only actual open business in town, the town is going to go into economic ruin, destroying the lives of everyone in it.

When O’Donnel and Henry are talking about the pros and cons of living in the past, O’Donnel won the argument at the very beginning by saying there were no antibiotics in the classical period (not to mention no decent dental care, and oh, yeah, that women could be property), yet Henry kept going for some reason, apparently completely okay with the notion of dying from a small cut that gets infected at age twenty. It’s also really easy for an educated white guy to say that the classical period was better.

That’s another problem with the episode: it didn’t really sell me on the Henry-Shannon pairing at all. Kevin Tighe is fine as Henry, but I spent most of the episode wanting to punch him in the throat. (To be fair, that’s true about a lot of Tighe’s roles—he’s really good at playing people whose throat you want to punch.) The whole chocolate-chip-cookie thing at the end didn’t work because it wasn’t seeded anywhere in the episode. Which wouldn’t be so bad, except we spent lots of time on things like O’Donnel dreaming about the moon landing or helping Jason with videogames, none of which paid off in any way anywhere else in the episode.

In the end, this was a Lifetime Original Movie with a twenty-fourth-century frame grafted onto it. It’s still completely watchable, mainly because Kate Mulgrew does superlative work both as a frustrated O’Donnel and a devastated Janeway, because Tighe inhabits his character perfectly, and because both Bradley Pierce and especially the always-reliable John Carroll Lynch are fantastic in the roles of Jason and Moss. And, to be fair, I was completely engaged in the lives of the characters in December 2000 as I was watching it. I also must confess to getting a kick out of Paris and Neelix trading trivia about each others’ homeworlds. (I also love that they both forgot the Seventh Wonder of the Ancient World, leaving it to the ex-Borg to tell them it was the Lighthouse of Alexandria.) But it should’ve been so much more than it was.

Warp factor rating: 5

Keith R.A. DeCandido is also reviewing each new episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier as they’re released on this site.

About the Author

Keith R.A. DeCandido


Keith R.A. DeCandido has been writing about popular culture for this site since 2011, primarily but not exclusively writing about Star Trek and screen adaptations of superhero comics. He is also the author of more than 60 novels, more than 100 short stories, and more than 70 comic books, both in a variety of licensed universes from Alien to Zorro, as well as in worlds of his own creation, most notably the new Supernatural Crimes Unit series debuting in the fall of 2025. Read his blog, or follow him all over the Internet: Facebook, The Site Formerly Known As Twitter, Instagram, Threads, Blue Sky, YouTube, Patreon, and TikTok.
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3 years ago

Yeah, you’re right about Kevin Tighe. He can play a mighty awful person. I’ll always associate him with his role in the Tales from the Crypt episode “Cutting Cards.” He and Lance Henriksen play the two of the nastiest jerks ever put on film – and of course it pays off in hilarious, gruesome fashion.

3 years ago

I only recently watched this episode for the first time since perusing the options on streaming over the years as it never seemed particularly exciting.  But now having seen it I can say it’s charming and has a “It’s a Wonderful Life” kind of vibe to it.  Kate Mulgrew does put in fine performances both as her usual character and her ancestor.  John Carroll Lynch was “that guy” whose face I know I had seen in other performances and it was a bit weird for me to see Kevin Tighe as the nice guy and love interest since the only other thing I’ve seen him in was Lost and he did a great job playing a truly awful, mean con man.  I did like how the story accurately predicted that the Y2K bug was much ado about nothing and also pointed out how 2001 was the actual beginning of the new millennium.

But now after seeing this episode, it’s not one I really feel the desire to re-watch anytime soon if at all.

3 years ago

We got through Y2K just fine, but most of us will still be alive for the Year 2038 problem (in which Unix systems that store the time as a 32-bit integer will think it’s 1970). See you then everybody.


When O’Donnel and Henry are talking about the pros and cons of living in the past, O’Donnel won the argument at the very beginning by saying there were no antibiotics in the classical period (not to mention no decent dental care, and oh, yeah, that women could be property), yet Henry kept going for some reason, apparently completely okay with the notion of dying from a small cut that gets infected at age twenty.

What gets me about this is what finally gets him to shut up is O’Donnel’s claim that there was no cold beer back then. As is usually the case on TV, when people are talking about the past the frame of referenced used is Rome.  Romans were familiar with the practice of extracting ice from a frozen well at night then keeping it insulated for later use. They could also chill beverages with snow when the weather cooperated. And Diocletian’s Maximum Edict on Prices listed several kinds of beer, and there’s many other sources that attest to the widespread availability of same. So the “winning” argument isn’t even right, Romans could have cold beer if they could afford it and felt like it. The past was horrible for other reasons that don’t involve cold beer.  

3 years ago

– As someone that also spent much of 1999 making sure that 2000 went off without a hitch, I agree. The IT industry would have been roasted if there had been an issue, but the fact that the turn of the century went off without a hitch almost seems to make it look easy. It was not. 

I will always remember that I was at a NYE party in 2000, with my pager (!!) and laptop in a bag. I was absolutely not permitted to be at a party since I was on-call that night, but thankfully I don’t drink. I was dialed into a conference bridge and on mute and was nice enough to check in with everyone after the ball dropped to make sure that the world wasn’t ending, but there was no way in hell I was going to miss celebrating with my friends on one of the most significant days of our lives, regardless of what my employer’s particular feelings about that day might have been…

My issue with this episode is mostly around how Voyager just happens to have massive and completely unnecessary databases of everything all the time. Maybe they explained that, but I never wanted to rewatch this to find out. (And, I believe, I may not have even managed to finish this one at all…)

3 years ago

It annoyed me the first time I saw this episode that the Wonder they both forgot was the Lighthouse of Alexandria, because a) it’s not the one people usually forget (hello, Temple of Artemis) and b) Tom is both a history geek and, apparently, a sailing geek – he should have remembered the Lighthouse even if Neelix didn’t.

3 years ago

A nice little episode. I liked the crew’s musings about their family histories. I wasn’t as sold on the romance between Shannon and Henry, who seemed rather old for her among other things. And I’m not crazy about stories where actors play their characters’ ancestors. I presume that Shannon O’Donnell didn’t actually look exactly like Kathryn Janeway, that we were figuratively seeing Janeway projecting herself into the role. But that clashes with the idea that we were seeing her true experiences rather than Janeway’s beliefs about them. I’d be happier if they’d cast a different actress.


@2/garreth: “…also pointed out how 2001 was the actual beginning of the new millennium.”

Not really. That idea is based on the idea that “There was no year zero,” but there wasn’t a year 1 either, or 2 or 10 or 100. The calendar we use today wasn’t invented until the 6th century CE and wasn’t widely adopted for centuries after that. And it’s based on an estimate of Jesus’s birthdate that turned out to be off by at least 4 years, so its starting point is completely arbitrary anyway.

So if you let go of the fiction that it matters when the calendar began (because it has no meaningful starting point at all), all that matters is what makes sense to mark as a transition point between centuries. And the point where the digits roll around from 999 to 000 is a much more natural place to mark the transition than a year later. Think of decades by analogy. Nobody would define “the Nineties” as 1991-2000; they define them as 1990-99, because that’s what actually makes sense as a grouping.

Anyway, real-life practice outweighs theory. The entire world came together for a huge celebration on December 31, 1999, while as Keith said, the following New Year was just another routine one, except in the minds of a smattering of calendrical purists. Calendars are arbitrary; their only value is as a form of mutually agreed communication between people. And most people on Earth decided that the millennium began on 1/1/2000. That’s when it was actually acknowledged and commemorated by the overwhelming majority of people who use the Western calendar (and countless millions who don’t, because we live in a global age), so that’s what counts as “actual” to me.

3 years ago

: Forgive my unartful language.  I do acknowledge the hard work put in by computer programmers to avert a major computer bug (the work that went into it was something I was unaware of at the time), I just meant that after all of the doom and gloom predictions, nothing negative to my knowledge ended up happening.  Therefore my perception, and I believe that of the public’s when 2000 hit, was that all the hype wasn’t worth it.

3 years ago

@7 – But the calendar doesn’t have a “starting point”, it has a point at which it switches from BC to AD (or BCE to CE if you prefer). If you subscribe to “New millennium started 1 Jan 2000” you’re effectively saying that the first year of the 1st century AD/CE was the year 1 BC/BCE, because of the lack of a year 0. Which is patently ridiculous. The other alternative is that there’s a 99 year century somewhere out there (the 20th century, most likely, because people at the time did realise that 1900 was the last year of the 19th century rather than the first year of the 20th). And that’s just not how centuries work.

3 years ago

If they wanted to get an older believable actor for Henry, then it should’ve been Peter Falk. ;-)

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