A Night in the Lonesome October is Roger Zelazny’s last novel and still stands as both my favorite Zelazny and my favorite book to open when it’s time for a fall reread, leading up to Halloween. It’s broken into chapters for each day of the month of October—which not only makes it eminently rereadable, but also means it’s the perfect autumnal treat to go along with my pumpkin spice latte. In fact, I encourage everyone I know to read or reread it along with me every Halloween—won’t you join me?
The book begins with a gathering of strange (and strangely familiar) magic workers who gather in a village outside of London to play a “game” in which each player has chosen one of two sides. Told from the perspective of Snuff, a delightful dog who loyally accompanies his master on strange and grisly errands, the story is slowly revealed through the interactions of the animal familiars (though the more-or-less human characters play their parts, as well).
Snuff works for Jack, a mysterious man with a long, strange history and a penchant for collecting gory and unusual objects…though Jack and Snuff are only active around those Halloweens which fall upon a full moon. The story opens with Snuff patrolling their house in the country, guarding the Things in the mirror, the Thing in the upstairs wardrobe, and the Thing in the circle in the basement—who tries to convince him that it is also a dog, of the female persuasion, and wouldn’t he like to come into the circle and find out how lovely it can be? (Snuff is not fooled by this though, as the thing can never get the scent quite right.)
What unfolds over the course of the month of October is both horror story and pastiche, paying homage to a dozen horror movie tropes while a certain Great Detective mucks about trying to solve the mystery even as the reader is trying to piece everything together. As cosmic horror slowly reveals itself and the characters all attempt to figure out who is on their side, we see the fascinating puzzle resolve itself into a single night at the end of the month when all will be decided; the stakes are no less than the fate of the world.
Perhaps a spoiler warning isn’t needed for a book this old, but I’ve known enough people who have never read it (or heard of it) that I’ll just leave…
a little
…here, just in case you want to go grab a copy and read along, day by day, this October.
As the days progress and we follow along with Snuff’s activities, it becomes clear that the dog is trying to solve a couple of mysteries of his own (in addition to patrolling the residence to be sure that none of the Things are escaping). First, he wanders the moors trying to figure out who is involved in the game and where they reside, which is the only way to calculate the location of the final confrontation. Secondly, it is of vital importance that Snuff determines which side of the game each player is on without revealing his own side too soon. (He will slip only once.)
As he matches up the players to their familiars, Snuff begins to build a map of the territory, which will lead him (and Jack) to the correct place on the night of October 31. Here are the players, as he determines them:
- Snuff and Jack (the Ripper, although his deeper identity only becomes known—or at least suggested—late in the book)
- Graymalk, the cat, and her human, Crazy Jill (probably based on one of the witches from Shakespeare’s MacBeth)
- Quicklime, the snake, companion to Rastov (who evokes Rasputin)
- Bubo, the rat, who sticks close to the Good Doctor (certainly a movie-inspired version of Victor Frankenstein)
- Needle, the bat, certainly an intuitive companion for the Count (Dracula)
- Nightwind, the owl companion to Morris and McCab (two graverobbers who might be based on fictionalized versions of Burke and Hare, serial killers in 1800s Edinburgh)
- Cheeter the squirrel, familiar to Owen (a druid, whose identity/inspiration seems fairly obscure; at least, I’ve never found a definitive reference to him)
- Tekela, the unfriendly white raven, who keeps company with Vicar Roberts (possibly based on Lovecraft’s Vicar, or possibly on the real life Barthélemy Lemeignan, who was convicted of sacrificing children)
- Larry Talbot is perhaps his own companion: the name comes from the 1941 movie The Wolf Man, and Larry certainly suffers from lycanthropy.
The Great Detective (Sherlock Holmes) and his human companion (Watson) play an interesting part in the game, leaving Snuff confused about whether or not to include them in his calculations. They certainly manage to interfere with the other players and, as the Detective learns more, try to influence events themselves. Most of the players are also trying to interfere with each other, to gain an advantage for their side before the big night. Of course, since few of them have revealed their sides, they don’t actually know which team they’re messing with—once revealed, friends will become enemies and other players will be forced into unlikely alliances.
The two sides, as we find out by mid-month, are the openers and the closers. As each side carries on with their plans to defeat the other, we learn about the doorways between worlds, the Elder Gods, and the battle that has raged through time, whenever the full moon falls on Halloween.
Rumor has it that Zelazny wrote the story after taking a bet that he could make any character sympathetic to the reader—even someone as infamous as Jack the Ripper (though I haven’t been able to find anything to substantiate this origin story after a few years of searching). We’ll also have to give Zelazny a bit of wiggle room on the dates: there was a Halloween full moon in 1887, but Jack the Ripper wasn’t known to be active in London until 1888 (but if this is our biggest quibble with a book this entertaining, it’s hard to make a fuss…)
But the reason I keep returning to the story, year after year, is this: In spite of a heady cast of stock horror characters, dark stakes, and villainous deeds, A Night in the Lonesome October still manages to achieve something that is relatively rare for a Halloween story: it’s cozy.
Consider the following quote from Snuff:
I took Jack his slippers this evening and lay at his feet before a roaring fire while he smoked his pipe, sipped sherry, and read the newspaper. He read aloud everything involving killings, arsons, mutilations, grave robberies, church desecrations, and unusual thefts. It is very pleasant just being domestic sometimes.
Sure, it’s a horror novel, in terms of the plot and the visceral danger threaded throughout. But we also get the fun puzzle of picking out who all the characters are, and the delight of unraveling the many other literary references. Zelazny somehow manages to capture the essence of autumn, of quaint Victorian gaslight flickering in the library, hot tea on a cold day, and the sense—even as the leaves rattle and turn brown and days grow darker—that things will be okay, as long as we stay loyal to our friends.
Rachel Ayers lives in Alaska, where she writes cabaret shows, daydreams, and looks at mountains a lot. She has a degree in Library and Information Science which comes in handy at odd hours, and she shares speculative poetry and flash fiction (and cat pictures) at patreon.com/richlayers.
I first heard of this book last autumn, and it rapidly became one of the best parts of last October and something I’ve been looking forward to for this October. I would definitely recommend reading each day’s chapter on that day and not jumping ahead (or falling behind). There’s something really special about the story unfolding slowly and taking the time. It also makes a great read aloud book! It was a reasonably ok intro for my then-10yo to a lot of standard Halloween/mild horror tropes and characters. It really got us through October 2020 and I am so looking forward to re-reading it starting tomorrow.
Such a great book. It’s just a delight all the way through: the voice, the characters, the terrible jokes (“Any port in a storm”). Always happy to see it getting some love.
Owen the druid is probably a reference to Owen Glendower, a historical Welsh prince whose fictional version is mocked in Henry IV pt 1:
(And Cheeter the squirrel might be Ratatosk running up and down the World Tree, but that’s more of a stretch.)
I love this book! It is also an October ritual of mine to listen to the audio book version which is delightfully voiced by the author himself. And you are right – it’s definitely more of a cozy horror novel. Every time I listen, the final sentence always brings a big grin to my face.
I’ll second reading the chapter a day. Actually during the last two October’s I read it aloud to my dog at a chapter a day. He didn’t seem to mind. (He doesn’t seem to mind that we’re reading Dracula this year instead, either.)
Speaking of the Count, Zelazny writes some of the best entrances for the big D in any medium.
This is one of my favorite books of all time. I reread it every fall and I love it to pieces, literally. I had the paperback shown above, had to replace it, then again, then found a hardcover library edition, still have that one
And I love Snuff and Greymalk. I always wished Zelanzy had written on their further adventures
Starting my annual reread tonight with the Prologue! Always a fun read, and I always pick up on something I hadn’t noticed or had forgotten, even after all these years. (For instance, I’ve always wondered if a trio of characters who appear briefly mid-book are meant to evoke the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker of the classic rhyme. I’ve never found any evidence to prove that’s what Zelazny was going for, but I haven’t found any proof it wasn’t, either. Others have suggested that they are a riff on the Three Stooges, which could also be true. They’re violent enough!)
This book has been my major October Ritual for more than a Decade. I read one chapter every day, well actually ever night. Starting on October 1st. It’s a loving tribute one of the grand masters of the 20th century writing to all of the beloved monster tropes (well, except fora certain lagoon creature).
His last solo novel. Both Donnerjack and Lord Demon came out after this. Of course, they weren’t great, so I’d prefer to remember this as his last.
One of my all-time favorites. I’ve done the daily read-aloud in the past. This year, I’m currently reading Dune to my wife in preparation for the movie, and this book is packed away, but if I can get it out relatively soon maybe I’ll squeeze it in again.
I love this book. It’s an annual ritual.
I re-read this with my kids nearly every year. They are teenagers now, but the first time I read it to them they were still in elementary. My husband and I drove half-way across the country that first October for his daughter’s wedding and I called from the road every night to not miss a day. It’s also one of the ways my husband and I first connected when we met.
So much love for this book.
Another joy of this book (also one of my absolute favorites, and to my way of thinking, the best of Zelazny’s later solo novels) is the audiobook, which Roger narrated himself. He is a very dry narrator, but as you become accustomed to the subtleties of his voice, it is a real treat to listen to how a truly great author presents the words, especially in light of his having been taken from us far too soon.
@3, @12, I just found out about the audiobook while I was researching this! I am planning to read it that way this year!
It’s almost universally agreed that Zelazny’s later novels aren’t as good as his earlier ones… with the sole exception of A Night In The Lonesome October, the last book of his sadly short life, I believe he said it was one of his five personal favorites, along with This Immortal, Lord of Light, Eye of Cat, and Doorways In The Sand. I’m happy to see reading it seems to be becoming an annual October ritual for many. I hope it leads to more more people discovering his work. Not everything Zelazny wrote is great, but the best of his work deserves to be remembered.
I also am a fan of “A Night In the Lonesome October”. I would like to add a word of appreciation for Gahan Wilson’s excellent illustrations which so well complement Zelazny’s text.
It is mooted several times in the text that Jack has some other identity we should recognise, a more ancient one. I’ve never been able to guess (or determine by other means) what that is.
Can anyone comment on that?
While reading this, one might also read “Night Kings”, which came out in 1986 and was (I believe) a forerunner of the “urban fantasy” genre, along with “Mana from Heaven” in 1984.
I adore this book and re-read it every October, 1 chapter a day. I’ve done it for years. My poor paperback is suffering. It is such a good read!
If it was a challenge to make any character likeable, he succeeded. Was he also challenged to end with “Jack & Jill ran down the hill?” Because it really feels like it sometimes.
Here I thought this was a rather obscure book that hardly anyone knew about. Not the first time I’ve been wrong. Don’t believe there have ever been 30 straight positive comments on a book before.
I was completely blindsided by the book the first time I read, had no idea going in what it was about and the narration by a familiar was a delightful surprise. I will have to dig my copy out for a re-read but there is no way I am going to be able to restrain myself to a chapter a day.
There are a couple of sort-of sequels to this as well.
Neil Gaiman’s short story, “Only the End of the World Again.”
Paul Dellinger’s “Movers and Shakers”.
Both are in the tribute anthology, “Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny”.
This is such a great book! My book club did a chapter-a-day read last October and had a lot of fun with it.
The nightly October readaloud was also a tradition in my family. I think we started when I was 8, so more than 25 years ago? (Gosh.)
My Dad died last September, and I couldn’t bring myself to read it. Thanks for the reminder that it might be easier this year!
Another of the perfect lines from this book is “I put the corpse in the copse and went home.”
@16, Cain, I think.
#23 — Thank you! That is interesting. (Also, _ugh_).
It is a very sweet book, this cosy cosmic horror novel. The identifications are clearly meant lightly, and are not to be pondered on — otherwise we would be reading apologia for murder, misogyny, and worse. Which is manifestly not the case; we have a Jack who shares essentially nothing with the serial killer.
(Which also suggests that if Zelazny did claim he was making the historical murderer a sympathetic character, he was gently jesting, pulling the leg of his audience. To do that, he would have had to depict (or consider) brutal murders, and justify them somehow — a noxious notion, far from Zelazny’s style. Indeed, we do not even have the typical noir character, so beloved of most of his novels, first person asshole, `Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean…`; instead we get some sweeter version of such, as depicted by their dog. Adorables.)
@17 I think you’d have to say urban fantasy was already under way by 1986. Charles de Lint had put out Moonheart, Mulengro and Yarrow. Emma Bull’s War for the Oaks was out in 1986 as well, and you don’t get much more “urban fantasy” than “The Seelie and Unseelie courts settle their war via a battle of rock bands in Minneapolis”. Two of the “Bordertown” shared universe books also came out in 1986.
Sorry, a bit off topic there. I quite liked “A Night in the Lonesome October” but it clearly didn’t stick with me nearly as much as with some people here. Now that I’m reminded, though, I’m thinking . . . my daughter, 25, doesn’t really read much of the same stuff I read, but she loves Halloween. Maybe she’d like it.
While I can only add to the chorus of Night fans, I would be remiss to not mention that the scene where Jack rescues Snuff is one of the coolest in fiction.
Thank you thank you THANK YOU @3Tahmi and @12TheLoner for recommending the audiobook, which I hadn’t known about. I love this book and I love audiobooks, so I had to go track it down right away. I’m looking forward to the aural reread!
#16 I always thought he was the soldier who stabbed Jesus and was cursed to live forever.
#16 & 28: Could be both. There IS precedent. :)
I just wanted to come in and thank you, Ms. Ayers, for having put me on to this delightful bit of Halloween whimsy; I’ve only just read it for the first time and absolutely loved it – so Thank You again and may Blessings descend upon you with the gentle radiance of an Autumn sun!
Oh, and we can all agree that this book is an absolutely GOLD MINE for Fan Fiction? The fact this ‘Game’ plays out every year a Full Moon rises over Halloween night (At a different location and with a distinct cast of characters every time) makes me believe that game designers (board games, computer games, online games) would do very well to make this novel the basis of an ongoing franchise – I wonder which old familiar faces and which new kids on the block showed up to compete on Halloween Night in AD 1925, 1944, 1955, 1974, 2001 & 2020? (Sadly no Full Moonlight seems to have fallen on Halloween in the 1980s, so it seems we’ll have to make do with remakes and not the originals!).
It’s also intriguing to wonder which locations allow for a sufficiently wide number of archetypes for work as a location for The Game (Stephen King Country, New England is an obvious pick but none other really leaps out to me – except, perhaps Transylvani-Überwald, which may be cheating a bit).
Also, no spoilers, but I almost completely forgot to mention my madcap theory that Bubo isn’t a pack-rat, he’s a HOBBIT (At least in terms of the role he plays in the novel).
Hopefully those who’ve read the novel will know what I mean without further explanation; I would not like to be more explicit.