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Announcing The Lost Metal, a Mistborn Novel From Brandon Sanderson


Announcing The Lost Metal, a Mistborn Novel From Brandon Sanderson

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Announcing The Lost Metal, a Mistborn Novel From Brandon Sanderson


Published on December 6, 2021

Photo Credit: Nazrilof
Photo Credit: Nazrilof

If no one steps forward to be the hero Scadrial needs, the planet and its millions of people will come to a sudden and calamitous ruin…

We’re thrilled to announce The Lost Metal: A MISTBORN Novel by Brandon Sanderson—publishing November 15, 2022 with Tor Books.

Return to #1 New York Times bestseller Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn world of Scadrial as its second era, which began with The Alloy of Law, comes to its earth-shattering conclusion in The Lost Metal.

For years, frontier lawman turned big-city senator Waxillium Ladrian has hunted the shadowy organization the Set—with his late uncle and his sister among their leaders—since they started kidnapping people with the power of Allomancy in their bloodlines. When Detective Marasi Colms and her partner Wayne find stockpiled weapons bound for the Outer City of Bilming, this opens a new lead. Conflict between Elendel and the Outer Cities only favors the Set, and their tendrils now reach to the Elendel Senate—whose corruption Wax and Steris have sought to expose—and Bilming is even more entangled.

After Wax discovers a new type of explosive that can unleash unprecedented destruction and realizes that the Set must already have it, an immortal kandra serving Scadrial’s god reveals that Harmony’s power is blocked in Bilming. That means the city has fallen under the influence of another god: Trell, worshipped by the Set. And Trell isn’t the only factor at play from the larger Cosmere—Marasi is recruited by offworlders with strange abilities who claim their goal is to protect Scadrial…at any cost.

Harmony’s vision of future possibilities comes to an abrupt halt tomorrow night, with only blackness after that. It’s a race against time, and Wax must choose whether to set aside his rocky relationship with God and once again become the Sword that Harmony has groomed him to be. If no one steps forward to be the hero Scadrial needs, the planet and its millions of people will come to a sudden and calamitous ruin.

Brandon Sanderson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He lives in Utah with his wife and children and teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University. He is the author of such bestsellers as the Mistborn trilogy and its sequels, The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and The Bands of Mourning; the Stormlight Archive novels The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance; and other novels, including The Rithmatist and Steelheart. He won a Hugo Award for Best Novella for The Emperor’s Soul, set in the world of his acclaimed first novel, Elantris. Additionally, he was chosen to complete Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time sequence.

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3 years ago

I am so excited – this remains my favorite Cosmere setting :)

3 years ago

I love the fact that Brandon let’s the reader know that this book won’t just have a few cosmere hints; the greater cosmere plays a large role here!

Definitely looking forward to this.

Brandon Moore
3 years ago

I’m really excited for this! Hoping for another Dragonsteel con. The last one was so fun! 

3 years ago

There’s always another secret!

3 years ago

Oh my goodness! 
I was looking forward to this already, but that description has really upped the anticipation! 


3 years ago

“calamitous ruin”. I’ve already put on my tinfoil cap. 

Gwen Naomi
3 years ago

So excited!!

3 years ago

Are there signed copies like usual?   I usually get them from Weller, but I keep missing them when they offer it.

3 years ago

Amazing! I’m so excited for this – I’m eager to know more about Trell and maybe see some Cosmere tie-ins/easter eggs. 

3 years ago

Can’t wait! A neighbor gave me her old books, so I blew through six volumes in about a week. Always wondered what the missing metal was, and why silver wasn’t more important. Good to hear Wax is on the case… respectability doesn’t suit him!

Lord Ladrian
3 years ago

I am pumped for it, can’t wait!

Lord Ladrian
3 years ago

I am very excited, I think I speak for other Sandersonians.

Larry kahn
3 years ago

Do we really need to know a year in advance.

3 years ago

Why are you ao far away!!!!!!

Robert Grimmer
3 years ago

Cannot wait for this. I just patiently wait for any new release from Brandon. This is sure to be an amazing ending!

3 years ago

Another Wayne book :)

Wonder if there will be a new allowmancer or pharoechemist power

3 years ago

Well, guess it’s time to do a reread of the previous books in the series. 

3 years ago

Brandon can write faster than they can publish it. Wow, I think I knew it’d be awhile but a full year from now is forever!

Larry J Riddle
3 years ago

I really enjoy his books but am really waiting for the last Stormlight  Archive book! The original Mistborn trilogy was great and the post books were interesting. I am also waiting for Skyward to be completed. It’s almost like he has ADD when writing. He jumps from series to series making them take longer to get published. At least he is still young enough to complete them….. hope I am still young enough to get to finish them lol. At least he does finish his series unlike the the Fire and Ice author and several others series that I started. Guess I lack the patience to wait for the next book by Brandon Sanderson. Can I get stock in his company Dragonsteel Books? Well, I will continue waiting with anticipation for his next book. I am waiting to find out what happens to Kaladin and Sylphrena!

3 years ago

@10 – Fun fact: Brandon really wanted to use silver. He originally wrote the Mistborn trilogy with silvereyes instead of tineyes. However, silver was paired with pewter, and his beta readers told him that there was very little silver in pewter and it didn’t really make sense. So he reluctantly switched it to tin. He said he just could never come up with a good alloy for silver.

3 years ago

@19 – Brandon has been very clear about his writing process. He doesn’t have ADD. He feels that switching between projects keep him creatively fresh. Stormlight is his magnum opus, a true behemoth of a series. Each book is literally the size of most trilogies. Each one of those is a 1.5 to 2 year process and he is burned out by the time the book hits the shelf. He then takes a year off to write other, smaller books, and he comes back to Stormlight rejuvenated and ready to tackle the next book.

3 years ago

@19 Then you would be glad to know that after writing the last Skyward book, his next first draft will be Stormlight 5, with a planned 2023 release date. 

Larry J Riddle
3 years ago

Didn’t say he had ADD…. He is my favorite author and have read everything he has written except for a couple of books he collaborated in writing. What I did say is that I am impatient. Who wouldn’t be with the Stormlight Archive! I know the books are huge. That’s what got me into it in the first place. I drive a semi and sit behind the wheel 11 to 14 hours a day. The larger the book the less I have to keep spending in Audible. Some large books I send back because the story is slow and boring or go way outside my personal beliefs. Brandon’s books are not only long but very captivating. I have ended my day wishing I could keep going to finish the book because there is not a good stopping point. The Wheel of Time was great in this as well and am very glad I didn’t get into that series until after is was completed by Brandon. I finished Cytonic last week and am eagerly awaiting the next book. He released 2 back to back. The only other series I impatiently wait for is Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson. Not enough great writers that know how to captivate and give great imagery with out over detailing. Like the Lion throne in Wheel of Time. So I will just keep waiting for the next book that he releases. 

3 years ago

Can not watch Underworld without seeing Vin (Kate Beckinsale)!  

3 years ago

@24 – yes!  I actually have that exact same mental image and of all the Sanderson properties, that’s the one I’d want to see as a movie with an Evanesence fronted soundtrack lol.

3 years ago

@25 – yes!  I hear “Bring Me To Life” playing while pushing and pulling through the air…