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Brandon Sanderson’s The Lost Metal: A Non-Spoiler Review by Wax and Wayne


Brandon Sanderson’s The Lost Metal: A Non-Spoiler Review by Wax and Wayne

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Brandon Sanderson’s The Lost Metal: A Non-Spoiler Review by Wax and Wayne

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Published on November 9, 2022


The Lost Metal is on the horizon—less than a week away, now—and we’re excited to bring you a non-spoiler review of the book! If you can’t wait that long and have some theories or speculation you want to talk about, join us as we discuss the book below.

Well… sort of “we.” We decided to have a bit of fun with this one. The way we figure it, everyone reading this book—the fourth in a series—will have read the previous novels, and as such… you know the characters. So, once the introductory portion of this article is over, Wax and Wayne will be taking over this review (our approximations of them, anyway). You know you missed them, and so did we. So let’s have a good time while we wait, shall we?

The previous book in the Mistborn series was released in 2016, which feels like a lifetime ago. The Lost Metal will be the final book in Era 2, before Sanderson jumps forward in time again and brings us Mistborn Era 3 in a 1980s thriller-type setting. Era 4 will supposedly be Mistborn… in… Spaaaaaaaaaace! (Allegedly. Who knows if he might jump on another mid-project in between? After all, Alloy of Law was never planned to be an entire series!)

The book will be released on November 15th, and Sanderson is hosting a convention for the event in Utah. Are you planning on attending Dragonsteel 2022? If so, look for us there! Lyn will be in the Dealer’s Room peddling her own book (in MeLaan and Lyn cosplays, naturally), and Ross will be volunteering most of his time to help run the con. As of now, there are still tickets for the convention available. If you can make it out there, you can buy them here. Note, however, that you don’t need tickets to attend the speech Sanderson is hosting on Tuesday night, 7pm-9pm. That’s open to the public, though convention attendees will be given priority on seating.

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The Lost Metal
The Lost Metal

The Lost Metal

It should be noted that while we will be keeping this review free of spoilers from the book in question, we will not be policing any spoilers from previous Mistborn novels in the comments. This includes Secret History. We would like to ask any commenters to please refrain from posting spoilers from The Lost Metal chapters released so far, and we will NOT be spoiling any content from those in the body of this article either. We’re going to do our damndest to tell you what we—er, what Wax and Wayne thought of the book while not giving anything major away.

Now that we’ve got all that out of the way…

::clears throat, dons hat::

Wayne: Oi! Looks like there’s another Mistborn Era 2 book bein’ released, eh? I’m Wayne, the handsome, devilish rogue with a heart a’gold!

Wax: And wearing my hat, I see. The new one.

Wayne: Well, it’s a GOOD one, mate! Got this nice thick brim and all…

Wax: Well. Thick fits your head to a tee. And I’m Waxillium, Lord Ladrian, one-time Roughs lawman, turned Noble Representative.

Wayne: Turned boring you mean.

Wax: As you might say, if the hat fits, wear it.

Wayne: Well, now that ya know who we is, let’s take a look-see at that cover copy for the book, eh?

For years, frontier lawman turned big-city senator Waxillium Ladrian has hunted the shadowy organization the Set―with his late uncle and his sister among their leaders―since they started kidnapping people with the power of Allomancy in their bloodlines. When Detective Marasi Colms and her partner Wayne find stockpiled weapons bound for the Outer City of Bilming, this opens a new lead. Conflict between Elendel and the Outer Cities only favors the Set, and their tendrils now reach to the Elendel Senate―whose corruption Wax and Steris have sought to expose―and Bilming is even more entangled.

After Wax discovers a new type of explosive that can unleash unprecedented destruction and realizes that the Set must already have it, an immortal kandra serving Scadrial’s god, Harmony, reveals that Bilming has fallen under the influence of another god: Trell, worshipped by the Set. And Trell isn’t the only factor at play from the larger Cosmere―Marasi is recruited by offworlders with strange abilities who claim their goal is to protect Scadrial…at any cost.

Wax must choose whether to set aside his rocky relationship with God and once again become the Sword that Harmony has groomed him to be. If no one steps forward to be the hero Scadrial needs, the planet and its millions of people will come to a sudden and calamitous ruin.

Wayne: Heh. Ruin. I see what they did there. You see what they did there, Wax?

Wax: It’s an older code, Wayne, but it checks out. I’ll allow it.



Wayne: So, this is the section where we’s supposed to talk ‘bout what we wanted to happen, right? Before we read it, like? And whether them’s expectations was met or not?

Wax: Yes. I’m assuming you’re going to be full of happily-ever-afters, just like me.

Wayne: Ugh. You call gettin’ hitched to a woman like that happily-ever-after? You got weird taste in women, mate.

Wax: I can’t say I planned on it happening that way, but fortunately, Steris…did. And it’s all going swimmingly, I assure you. Now, stop badmouthing my wife and tell me what you wanted to see!

Wayne: Well, fer starters, I was wantin’ t’see more of meself, ya know? Wanted to see more of that handsome bloke what’s better than Wax at basically everythin’. ’Cept bein’ boring. Wax’s better at that.

Wax: And shooting. And writing laws. And I don’t remember you communing with God all that much.

Wayne: Don’t need to commune with god, mate. I commune with booze. It’s better.

Wax: It’s alright, I suppose. It seemed better in the Roughs. Might have been the dust. Might be I’m getting old, too. So. Seeing more of yourself, eh?

Wayne: Yep! I gots to say, this expectation was bleedin’ met. Why, there was more of me than most ladies say they’ve seen!

Wax: Based on my last conversation with MeLaan, that is substantial Wayne content.

Wayne: Aw, thanks Wax! I think that there might be the nicest thing you ever said ’bout my nethers!

Wax: And again, if you could pass along the message one more time, I never asked MeLaan about any of that. I’m pretty sure she’s making me uncomfortable on purpose.

Wayne: She does seem to like makin’ fellas uncomfortable, I give ya that. Now, as to other things we was expectin’… I dunno about Wax here, but I was hopin’ to find out more about them mysterious Set fellows, too. You know, the blokes who was kidnappin’ all them ladies and kept messin’ with us the last few years?

Wax: Yes. There’s a good and a bad side there for me. Every time they pop up, I worry I’ll find another one of my relatives is scheming and evil.

Wayne: Well, I can assure you that I’m not evil, mate!

Wax: That’s exactly what an Evil Wayne would say.

Wayne: Ya know… you’re right! Maybe I am an Evil Wayne! And if I were… well, I’d sure love to know more about them Set fellas. So I could join ’em! Think of the accents they’d have!

Wax: You’d need to grow a goatee first. I’m fairly certain it’s in the handbook.

Wayne: Hell, you’re right. A good goatee is critical.

Wax: But anyway. I was expecting to see more on rumors of the Survivor that started cropping up all throughout our last adventure in The Bands of Mourning.

Wayne: Rustin’ suspicious, he is!

Wax: Absolutely. I think there’s a lot more going on in the Southern Continent than we’ve been able to dig up thus far, and the Survivor must be up to his elbows in it.

Wayne: Suppose you’re right on that count. Speakin’ of gods, what’s goin’ on with you and Harmony, eh? You two left off awful unfriendly-like. I was hopin’ you’d get to punch him in the face after what he pulled with you n’ Lessie.

Wax: We’ve…been on better terms, to be sure.

Wayne: Put in a good word for me? Could really use some better whiskey lately.

Wax: But of course, my truest friend. At my earliest convenience, I shall relay… to God… that your alcohol is substandard.

Wayne: ::sniff:: You’s the best friend I ever had, Wax. Thanks.

Wax: ::shakes his head and grins ruefully::


Overall Impressions

Wayne: The whole story was a romp-roarin’, steel-pushin’, emotion-wrenchin’ rail-car ride full a’ surprises, laughs, tears, and other things Wax says I can’t talk about in this article due to it bein’… what was that again, Wax?

Wax: Family friendly.

Wayne: How’s they think families is MADE?

Wax: Wayne. It’s not that kind of book. I checked. Twice. And referred to the word frequency count tables Steris cooked up. There were some very interesting new entries there, though.

Wayne: Yeah, well, not the right kinda words in my opinion. The writin’s okay, I guess, though it could use more rustin’ swears. That Sanderson bloke’s right good at spinnin’ a tale, and he seems pretty okay at, you know… tension and all that. And of course there’s an explosive finale, because of course there is! That’s his whole claim to fame, ain’t it?

Wax: That and clever twists of magic and metaphysics, which, yes, were definitely something.

Wayne: Meta-what?

Wax: ::Ahem:: Metal go whiz bang in new way you no think of.

Wayne: Ooooooh. Well why didn’t ya just say that? I do feel I need to be mentionin’ that there’s a fair bit in this here book ‘bout other worlds. Yeah, I know. Crazy, right? As if one weren’t enough! But that might throw some people if they weren’t expectin’ it.

Wax: I’ll say this. I need to read a few other books now, as I’ve really been rather too focused on our own story.

Wayne: Readin’ over-rated, Wax. If it’s somethin’ important, it’ll try to kill ya at some point, and that’s all ya need to know about it.

Wax: In that case, you can start answering the door.


Character Arcs and Plot

Wayne: So ah’m gonna come out an’ say this, and nothin’ more. If you was lookin’ for a book with a solid character arc for the best character in Era 2, then this is the book for you. Why, I ain’t never read a better book, not never in me whole life. Why, I simply couldn’t believe it when—

Wax: No. Spoilers.

Wayne: What?! You mean we can’t even talk about—

Wax: Definitely not.

Wayne: Well how abouts all them revelations about—

Wax: You promised not to ruin the suspense!

Wayne: You’s takin’ all the fun outta this, Wax.

Wax: As has long been my primary role in this duo, yes.

Wayne: Well I know you said we can’t be talkin’ ’bout [REDACTED] or [REDACTED], but surely we can—

Wax: Are you just shouting the word “redacted?”

Wayne: Ain’t that how these things are supposed to be done? I read the broadsheets, mate, I knows things!

Wax: You know, Wayne, a very funny fellow once told me that all of your mother’s sheets are broadsheets.


Wax: You took my hat. It was a trade.

Wayne: …okay, fair point. That was a good insult for a good hat.

Wax: But also, in a very real sense, you know I’d never speak ill of your dear mother. I’m sorry.

Wayne: Forgiven. Provided ya buy me a drink at the pub later. Now look, you want me to be reviewin’ this rustin’ book or not?

Wax: Oh, by all means, carry on.

Wayne: Fine, fine. I ain’t the only character that sees a good bit of growth, and not in the vicinity of the crotch, neither. Marasi an’ that stuffed shirt Steris—

Wax: Watch it.

Wayne: —see their fair share o’ pages, too. Lots a’ good stuff. And I suppose even old Wax here does a bit, even though he’s so old now he really should be walkin’ round with a cane. A regular one, not a proper duelin’ cane. Gettin’ right boring, ain’t ya, mate?

Wax: You know, there’s nothing wrong with aging like a fine cheese. Deeper, more meaningful flavor.

Wayne: Smellier, too.

Wax: You’d know.


Final Thoughts

Wayne: If you’s needin’ a reminder about what’s happened before, you can check out this bleedin’ article here. Or, if you’s wantin’ to read the chapters that’s been released so far, you can rustin’ do that startin’ here. Just don’t you be spoilin’ nothin’ for those who ain’t read it yet! What kinda bloke does somethin’ like that?

Wax: Yes, who indeed? I assume the reader skipped right past the beginning of that last section.

Wayne: What section?

Wax: Nothing. Forget I said anything.

Wayne: Usually do. And if you’re plannin’ on makin’ your way out to Utah for Dragonsteel, you tell that charming, handsome, incredibly talented Sanderson fellow that he did hisself right proud on this one for writin’ such a wonderful chap as me. But he could really stand to be wearin’ a hat. Everybody’s better with a hat.

Wax: And a mistcoat. The man could use a few tassels.

Wayne: Ain’t he got a bunch of them? Ya know, the ones that run around and do stuff for ’im?

Wax: I believe you’re confusing that with vassals.

Wayne: Ah, right. Dangly people, all hangin’ on the edges, versus dangly cloths.

Wax: If I can stray toward your favored idioms, Wayne, I would say that Mr. Sanderson has some Dang Amazing People helping him out.

Wayne: Right, like I said! Ya think dangly is a bad thing? Mate, I got some wonderful dangly bits.

Wax: Again, yes. I heard. Please make her stop. And now, we should do the same. If you would, please tell the fine folks where they can grab a copy of our adventure for themselves!

Wayne: Right y’are, Wax. You can trade yer hard-earned boxings with Sanderson anywhere books is sold. The rustin’ thing’s available in hardcover (best for throwin’ at people’s heads) and, if ya like people readin’ things to ya, there’s even a version for that (though that’s no good for throwin’ at people). There’ll be softcovers (more suitable for coasters) along eventually, I suppose. Wax says ya oughtta use things like that under yer drinks to keep ’em from damagin’ the tables.

Wax: And that’s why you’re not allowed in the library any more.

Wayne: Enjoy the adventure, mates! And have a drink or two in our honor while you’re readin’ it, why don’tcha!

The Lost Metal publishes November 15th with Tor Books.
Read excerpts from the novel here.

Lyndsey had way too much fun being Wayne for this article, complete with whiskey and hat. If you enjoy queer protagonists, snarky humor such as the above, and don’t mind some salty language, check out book 1 of her fantasy series. Follow her on Facebook or TikTok for posts about Dragonsteel 2022!

Ross had just as much fun trying to steer Lyn’s Wayne away from all the vulgarity and dangly bits throughout this piece, and hopes our antics got at least a sensible chuckle from you. He’s still working on his first novel, but that’s been the case for seven years, so don’t hold your breath just yet.

About the Author

Lyndsey Luther


Lyndsey lives in New England and is a fantasy novelist, professional actress, and historical costumer. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, though she has a tendency to forget these things exist and posts infrequently.
Learn More About Lyndsey

About the Author

Ross Newberry


I'm a software developer who grew up on sci-fi and fantasy. Now I'm trying to write a book! Writing blog: Twitter:
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