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All Those Vanished Engines (Excerpt)

Paul Park
Paul Park
Paul Park is an American science fiction and fantasy author born in 1954. His first novel, Soldiers of Paradise, was published in 1987; his next two novels, Sugar Rain (1989) and The Cult of Loving Kindness (1991) share the same setting, a world on which the seasons last for generations. His most recent novels are a sequence set in a Ruritanian-flavored parallel world where magic works: A Princess of Roumania (2005), The Tourmaline (2006), The White Tyger (2007), and The Hidden World (2008).
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“You want stories?" Thom Merrilin declaimed. "I have stories, and I will give them to you. I will make them come alive before your eyes.”
Robert Jordan, The Eye Of The World