Zombies vs. Scenesters #5

Sean Bieri
Sean Bieri
Sean Bieri is an illustrator, grapic designer, and cartoonist whose humorous mini-comics include Business Chimp, The Gospel According to St. Segar, the Jape series, and others. His work appears in Jim Ottaviani's Two Fisted Science, the anthology True Porn, and online at This year, a comic strip synopsis of the scandals surrounding Detroit's former mayor, for which Bieri provided art, won an award from the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies. He is the art director of Detroit's free weekly paper Metro Times and lives with his wife in the tiny urban enclave of Hamtramck, Michigan.
Sean's work for includes his own The 12 Days of Zombie Christmas and art for Ottaviani's Better Zombies Through Physics. View Sean's artist gallery here.
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“A profound love between two people involves, after all, the power and chance of doing profound hurt.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand Of Darkness