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Descend Pathfinder’s The Emerald Spire


Descend Pathfinder’s The Emerald Spire

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Descend Pathfinder’s The Emerald Spire


Published on August 29, 2014


Pathfinder’s The Emerald Spire is a true megadungeon. Rise of the Runelords was a campaign, but Emerald Spire is an big old fashioned dungeon that just keeps on going and going. I like boutique, meticulously DM-crafted worldbuilding. I like open, sandbox games in unique homebrew settings. I also really like giant, out of the box, hardcore superdungeons. There is no need to be forced into some “new school versus old school” rivalry here. Have some cake. Eat it, too! Then throw it at opponents for d3 non-lethal damage in a giant food fight, that’s what I’m saying.

If you have talked to me at any length in the past year, you’ve probably heard me go off on a rant about defeating The Temple of Elemental Evil; one of the perks of playing one of the great classic dungeons is that you can brag about it, as well as share war stories with other survivors. The Emerald Spire belongs up there with your Tombs of Horrors and Castle Ravenlofts; PCs are going to be delving into the Spire for a long time, and I’ve no doubt it will generate its same share of shaggy dog stories.

The first thing your superdungeon needs, and the first thing the Players are going to encounter, is the town just outside the dungeon—the respite, the urban environment where you can withdraw to spend your gold. Maybe there’s a Thieves’ Guild there, or if you’re in a high magic setting, a magic item shop. I can pretty much promise you’ll stop by the Adjective Noun, the local watering hole. The great thing about “Fort Inevitable,” the town outside of the Emerald Spire? It’s a Lawful Evil outpost of the Hellknights of Chelliax. Lawful Evil is the best NPC alignment. “Oh, we’re a necessary evil, here, have some ethical conflicts to struggle with, PCs!” Now the town isn’t just a place of refuge but a place of careful danger, as you tiptoe around the dark paladins or side with the secret society of rebels…

The Emerald Spire XiomornTwo levels of the Spire really stand out for me and made me want to slice them out of the megadungeon and run them back to back as a one-shot or mini-campaign. Which, it bears mentioning, is another reason I like megadungeons. You can break this thing into spare parts. Need a dungeon level in a pinch? Just pick one of the ones out of here and you are good to go. You aren’t contractually obligated to run the whole thing. These are the two that I most want to run and suffice to say, some spoilers follow. I can’t discuss the dungeon without going into a little bit of detail, but skip the next two paragraphs if you think you’d be a Player rather than a GM for The Emerald Spire. You’ll thank me later, trust me, okay? Alright, are they gone?

The Emerald Spire Troglodyte Statue“Godhome” is designed by Frank Mentzer and it is exactly the sort of stuff I like to see in my dungeons: lots of grey. Ethical grey, I’m talking about! I know I already said how happy making the town LE made me, but this level is even better because it has the flip-side: monsters going about their day to day lives without malice. A bunch of troglodytes and their weird cult worshiping what is basically the Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Oh, sure, the otherworldly space-probe is mysterious, but it is also highly magnetic— enough to suck up folks in chainmail, or rip the gold from your pockets, sword from your hands—and it’s standing in the way of you going any lower.

This is my meat and drink. Roleplay with the troglodytes, get angry and massacre them, suss out the mystery of the sufficiently-advanced-technology; this is a nice sandbox level with story-hooks and conflicts primed and ready. While I’m at it, this is the first time I have taken note of Pathfinder’s troglodytes; their design is really gorgeous. Count me in as a fan.

The Emerald Spire Uzar-kus
Richard Baker’s “The Clockwork Maze” has a techno-magic angle that makes it natural bedfellows with “Godhome.” I want to run them back-to-back, but the appeal is entirely different: Godhome has the “roleplaying conflict” angle down, but “The Clockwork Maze” doesn’t share such melodrama and instead focuses on traps and monsters. What takes Baker’s slice of the dungeon to the next level is that the entire area is one giant puzzle. It’s an interactive section of the dungeon and once you wrap your brain around it, it’s beautiful. Uzar-kus

There are half a dozen rotating sections of the level; three coded “black,” three coded “red.” There are also red and black levers scattered through the dungeon. Switch the black lever up, all of the black sections rotate one way, connecting certain areas. Push it down and they rotate another way, connecting to other areas. Same with the red. The fact that there is a cyborg wizard running the joint is just gravy, if you ask me.

Okay, spoilers over. Suffice to say, there are great ideas in this book. This is a Pathfinder book, which means the rules are ostensibly “3.75,” but you hardly need me to tell you how easy it is to file off the serial numbers and make it system neutral, do you? The maps, the encounters, even the abstract concepts—there is plenty for everyone here. There are unexpected antagonists, unlikely allies, and unearthly places to explore… and really, that’s what the game is about. Explore strange new places and meet new people to kill or befriend. Some “new old school” books focus solely on the hack and slash, and while that is fine if it’s what you want, I vastly prefer the more nuanced style The Emerald Spire espouses.

Oh, sure, you could go through it like a bunch of genocidal adventurers, but there are weirder, more interesting options for those willing to embrace them. Then, when you’re all finished, you can climb out of it and swap takes around the inn’s hearth with other adventurers who played the same dungeon, hear how they zigged where you zagged, how your paths diverged and converged again. After all, grognards exchanging tales of epic weal and woe over ale is how most adventuring parties first hear about a new dungeon, isn’t it? Its the circle of life.

Mordicai Knode can tell you all about how his Barovian elf thief stole the mantle of Saint of Slimes and Fungi from Zuggtmoy, if you let him. Or you could just find him on Twitter or Tumblr.

About the Author

Mordicai Knode


Mordicai Knode can tell you all about how his Barovian elf thief stole the mantle of Saint of Slimes and Fungi from Zuggtmoy, if you let him. Or you could just find him on Twitter or Tumblr.
Learn More About Mordicai
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10 years ago

I’m pretty sure that most will already have seen this but, for your amusement, some classic megadungeons:

10 years ago

Both Mentzer & Baker used to write for TSR back in the heyday of D&D. They know how to design modules with old school atmosphere.

Also, be sure to check out Castle of the Mad Archmage by Joseph Bloch, Anomalous Subsurface Environment by Patrick Wetmore, Barrowmaze by Greg Gillespie, The Black Monastery from Frog God Games, and Stonehell Dungeon by Michael Curtis.

Eugene R.
10 years ago

I like the idea of pillaging a mega-dungeon for smaller, one-shot or mini-campaigns. Very meta of you, Mr. Knode. Now, roll to see if the mega-dungeon designers have heard you and are pursuing, voulge-guisarmes at the ready!

10 years ago

@5: Is Tomb of Horrors really a dungeon though, or some kind of home Kobayashi Maru test?

Eugene R.
10 years ago

SchuylerH (@6), mordicai (@7) – I think that Tomb of Horrors was EGG’s way of saying, I *am* the Dungeon Master, referee of referees!. Look upon my works, ye mighty PCs, and despair!” Round the decay of that colossal dungeon, boundless and baring its fangs, the torn and crumpled character sheets stretch far away …

10 years ago