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Han Solo — 1977-2015 (Corellian Years)


Han Solo — 1977-2015 (Corellian Years)

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Han Solo — 1977-2015 (Corellian Years)


Published on April 1, 2016

Han Solo episode IV

Han Solo, noted folk hero of the Rebellion, smuggler, and former general instrumental in the downfall of the Galactic Empire, died on Starkiller Base on Friday, December 18 during an offensive against the First Order. The former general sustained massive injuries after he was stabbed through the heart by a lightstaber, thrown into a bottomless pit, then exploded into a star.

Mr. Solo led a colorful life, surrounded by some of the galaxy’s most famous political and criminal figures. Not much is know about his childhood aside from his birth on Corellia, but at seventeen he enrolled at the Imperial Academy. He quickly dropped out after gaining a life debt from a seven-foot-tall Wookiee named Chewbacca; the two maintained a close friendship for the rest of Solo’s life. They took up smuggling together, working for well-known crime lords of the Empire-era, including Jabba the Hutt. During that time, Solo made the legendary Kessel Run on his ship the Millennium Falcon in less than twelve parsecs, shattering former records set by Dash Rendar and Cad Bane.

He came up often on Boba Fett’s bounty ledger–the mercenary offered this quote at news of Solo’s demise: “I am only sorry that I didn’t get to him first.”

Han Solo, Episode VI

Solo joined the Rebel Alliance right before the Battle of Yavin and was instrumental in the destruction of the Death Star base, receiving a medal of valor. It was there that he met the love of his life, Princess Leia Organa, formerly of Alderaan. Over the next several years, the two fought side by side to bring down the Empire, with Solo acting as commander of the ground forces during the Battle of Endor, the decisive offensive that brought down the majority of the Empire’s officials, including Emperor Palpatine himself, and signaled the end of the star empire’s influence.

Soon after the fall of Palpatine, Solo and Leia Organa married and had a son, Ben Solo. Several years later he returned to smuggling, leaving his family behind for what some would say were the most dangerous–and lucrative–years of his life. Life-long friend Lando Calrissian claims that Solo “still owes me money” and that his comrade would be missed in some of the seedier parts of Coruscant.

General Leia Organa of the Resistance could not be reached for comment about her husband’s demise.

Mr. Solo is survived by his wife General Organa, his life partner Chewbacca of Kashyyyk, his brother-in-law Luke Skywalker (whereabouts unknown), and his son Ben Solo (whereabouts unknown). For some, Solo’s death marks the final symbolic end of many decades of intergalactic conflict, and the beginning of a new saga.

Han Solo Episode VII

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


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