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Check Out the New Star Trek Teaser Trailer!


Check Out the New Star Trek Teaser Trailer!

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Check Out the New Star Trek Teaser Trailer!


Published on May 19, 2016


Last night’s CBS upfronts gave us previews of the absolutely necessary MacGyver reboot, and Joel McHale’s new show The Great Indoors which some of us are excited for because Joel McHale. But, come on, the important part was a tiny tantalizing tease of new Star Trek! Les Moonves introduced a mini-trailer and revealed the new logo for the show, which will premiere on CBS in January 2017, before moving over to the CBS All Access streaming platform. Click through for the teaser!

The upcoming Star Trek series has Bryan Fuller on board as executive producer/show runner, Alex Kurtzman as executive producer, and Nicholas Meyer as writer and consulting producer. The teaser promises new heroes, new villains, and new worlds, and now we can’t wait for January.




About the Author

Leah Schnelbach


Intellectual Junk Drawer from Pittsburgh.
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8 years ago

I’m trying to be excited…but… meh

8 years ago

“New Crews” plural. This jives with the each-season-different-cast model we’ve heard about.

Also, not a lot exciting in this video, but again, this is for upfronts, not for real people. This is more like a single slide on the giant power point presentation of CBS’s entire season, and the title of the powerpoint is “GIVE US YOUR AD MONEY”

8 years ago

Yep, that’s a tease alright. 

8 years ago

@@@@@ 2Thanks, I was getting a wee bit concerned. lol That makes sense. I read it’s supposed to be an anthology series jumping over various time periods in Trek. They start off with time in between STVI & TNG …forgot where I read that. I just hope the writers know what I.D.I.C. is… To be honest, CBS All Access already has my money… lol 

8 years ago

@2, 4 Yeah, I was worried, too. Somewhat reassuring the bit was intended for people who don’t understand Star Trek.

8 years ago

No, no, the music is all wrong. This is the show I remember!

8 years ago

@2 wait a minute…if I have to subscribe to CBS All Access to watch the show…why am I watching ads…? :(

8 years ago

No thanks, as much as I loved Star Trek, Enterprise killed the franchise as far as TV and I won’t even go into the latest crap movies. I most defiantly will not pay to watch Star Trek. To quote Bones, it’s dead Jim.

8 years ago

Fuck CBS and anyone else putting up more paywalls. I’m not going to subscribe to multiple pay media that might have one good show each.

8 years ago

Haven’t had a TV in 4 years, not starting again now based on this preview. I loved the original, was OK with Next Gen, basically lost D9, made a short-term comeback with Voyager, totally gave up on Enterprise after the first ep, and only really enjoyed the first 4 original movies. The new movies were not bad on their own terms – especially Into Darkness, but sadly I do not find any of the elaborate spectacle and CGI of the ‘new’ Treks as delectable as the corny effects and real heart of the original.