Hellooooo, Tor.com! And welcome to the first official entry in my Movie Rewatch of Great Nostalgia! Huzzah!
As I told you last week, our inaugural bout of sentimental longing and/or wistful affection for the past will be presented in the form of that semi-classic fantasy film of 1988, Willow.
When I told Liz and Kate that this would be our first nostalgia movie, their response immediately proved why I had chosen to do this project with them, for they both instantly turned to me and bellowed “WILLOWWWW! YOU IDEEOT!” in quavery goat voices, and this is why my sisters are the most awesome sisters evar.
Thus we settled down of an evening to rewatch this staple of our childhood viewing habits, and see how it measured up all these years later.
[FYI, this post is rife with spoilers for the movie. You Have Been Forewarned.]
I use “semi-classic” advisedly, because one of the first surprises in deciding to use Willow as our first nostalgia film was how freakin’ hard it turned out to be to acquire (legally). It is available NOWHERE to stream. Netflix doesn’t have it on their DVD list, and neither does Redbox. And the only place I could find to buy it online that wasn’t a sketchy eBay bootlegger from Korea was for fifty-four dollars on Amazon. Fifty-four dollars! I mean, WTH.
So clearly the studio has not put a lot of effort into keeping Willow in circulation these days. This seems ridiculous to me, but in fact Willow was something of a disappointment, performance-wise, when it was released in 1988. It wasn’t a flop (in fact it was the 14th highest-grossing film of that year), but considering it was a Ron Howard film produced by George Lucas, starring Val Kilmer at the height of his popularity as a movie star, it had been expected to do a lot better than it had.
But this is probably at least partly due to the fact that high-concept, high-profile epic fantasy films were more or less an anomaly in the 80s, at least in the States. It’s not like it was in the ’00s (the Oughts? The Aughts? I have no idea how to refer to that decade, weird), when everyone and their CGI dog was scrambling to get on board the Lord of the Rings gravy train. In the ’80s, making straight fantasy films was a huge risk, and it looks like the studio decided Willow had been a bad one.
Fortunately, though, I have awesome geeky friends, one of whom owned a copy of the DVD from back in the day, and graciously lent it to my nostalgic cause—even if she did almost give me a heart attack by giving it to me in a Phantom Menace DVD case. You’re hilarious, Bethany.
Anyway, I can officially declare that it is a crying shame the studio has/had so little faith in this film, because my sisters and I universally agreed that, technical issues aside, Willow holds up remarkably well as a movie, and I enjoyed it now just as much as I did back in the day.
There are technical issues, of course. Another sign of the studio’s disinterest in the movie is how shoddy the DVD transition was, especially with the sound. It might have been my set-up, but I’m pretty sure the alleged “5.1 Surround” setting on the DVD was kind of a big fat lie. I mean, unless the filmmakers intended the background birdsong (for example) to drown out all the dialogue, but I tend to think they didn’t.
Sister Liz in particular was indignant about this, because as she pointed out, the sound effects were some of the best (and most memorable) parts of the movie for us. And she’s right, though mostly my kid-self remembers the grosser ones, like when Val Kilmer’s character impaled a dude on a serrated sword, or when Willow’s jacked-up magic peeled all the skin off a troll. Right before it turned into a giant two-headed fire-breathing… thingy.
You know, like always.
(By the way, this movie was rated PG, presumably because there were no boobs in it. Remember, parents, Sex is Evil, but graphic violence is fun for the whole family!)
Speaking of giant two-headed fire-breathing thingies, that of course was the other technical issue with the movie, which was that… yeah, the special effects really do not hold up to modern eyes. As I recall, in fact, they really didn’t hold up to the eyes of ~three decades ago, either.
But, 1988 was a weird year to be trying something this ambitious, because it was literally moments before the computer-generated special effects industry came out of its infancy and changed filmmaking, particularly SF filmmaking, forever. Willow has hints of that; the “morphing” sequence where Willow turns the sorceress Raziel back into a human being (eventually) was considered ground-breaking at the time:
But… well, it don’t look all that impressive these days, do it. And the rest was mostly an awkward amalgamation of bad greenscreen technology and Harryhausen-esque stop-motion animation.
But you know, back in the day that was just par for the course. By now, seamless and invisible special effects are both expected and ubiquitous, to the point where no one even bothers to talk about them anymore. But when I was a kid, the obvious fakeness of most special effects was something you just accepted and pretended to ignore, the same way theater-goers are accustomed to ignore the obvious fakeness of a proscenium stage set. It was a feature, rather than a bug, in a way, and thus those filmmakers who were clever and/or innovative enough to circumvent that fakeness were the ones worthy of comment, rather than the other way around.
The important thing for us, back then, was not the fact that the troll crawling up the wall was obviously a greenscreened stuntman clumsily matted onto the rest of the frame, but that watching Willow try to protect a baby against it with nothing but a wand he didn’t know how to use was wonderfully tense and dramatic.
So from a special effects standpoint, Willow is kind of lousy. But from practically every other perspective, it’s pretty damn awesome, if you ask me.
Although actually, Liz points out an exception: the pig transformation scene was in fact masterfully done—probably helped along by how it was mostly done via makeup and prosthetics, something Hollywood’s had down since approximately the ’20s.
Although that scene was really most notable for Jean Marsh’s fabulous scene-chewing. Jean Marsh, in fact, may possibly be the best evil queen in Hollywood history, and I say that with all due respect to Charlize Theron. The movie doesn’t give us even the slightest backstory or reasoning for why exactly Bavmorda is so hella evil, but honestly we don’t really need any, because Marsh sells it like nobody’s business:
I mean, c’mon.
I maybe would not have been so sanguine about the lack of context if this were a fantasy novel, but given the time constraints the movie is under, I found it sort of refreshingly expedient that it didn’t really bother wasting our time with elaborate world-building or backstory. Instead it relies on a sort of set of Assumed Fantasy Tropes, summed up in the opening titles: we are in an unspecified medieval-ish fantasy setting (that doesn’t look anything at all like New Zealand, nope, nosiree), the evil queen is evil, Magic A is Magic A, prophetic princess is prophetic, and now on to the action.
Subtle? No. But that’s okay, sometimes. And the film had the mix of humor and drama that, in my opinion, is what makes this kind of movie work. It’s a delicate balance to strike: you want the laugh-out-loud moments, but you also don’t want it to descend into pure camp, either. So you have Kevin Pollak (in his debut role) as a tiny Brownie:
But you also have Pat Roach as the (to kid-me) genuinely terrifying General Kael:
Whose skull helmet, incidentally, may be cinema’s most awesome evil helmet. Even if this time around we couldn’t quite resist shouting “by the power of Greyskull!” every time he appeared on screen. Sorry, we are terrible.
But it was Val Kilmer, surprisingly, who provided the bulk of the comedy in the film, from cross-dressing to hilarious reaction shots. I remember laughing uproariously at the scene where he becomes magically twitterpated with Bavmorda’s daughter Sorsha:
But I’m pretty sure it was about a hundred times more amusing watching it as an adult. Sister Kate comments that Val Kilmer in this movie maaaaay have been part of her sexual awakening, and I certainly can’t blame her, because damn if the man can’t pull off long hair and braids like nobody’s business.
Although, this time around, all three of us found ourselves a bit more enamored of the extremely golden Airk:
I’m just saying, there were genuine cries of dismay when he was killed, even though we all knew perfectly well it was coming.
The casting wasn’t all excellent: the Fairy Queen Sherlindrea (that’s a total guess at the spelling, by the way) looks like a reject from an overwrought ’80s music video:
(And also, Sister Kate was not impressed with her in general. As Kate says, she’s all like, here, have this wand that will totally not do anything you want it to, up to and including turning trolls into giant two-headed fire-breathing monsters instead of killing them, kthxbi. Seriously, woman, would it have killed you to include a wand tutorial pamphlet or something? Sheesh.)
But the actress playing the good sorceress Raziel was great, even if she spent most of the film playing various animals, and I loved Joanne Whalley as Heel-Face Turn character Sorsha:
It’s worth noting that one of the things I loved best about Sorsha, then and now, is not just that she is obviously a kick-ass warrior (her serrated sword is so badass), but that no one, ever, even once questions her presence as a warrior, or her right to be there. Even though she is clearly an anomaly (we do not see a single other female soldier in the movie, on either side), no one gives her so much as a second glance, much less questions her ability to fight, even after she defects to the side where she is no longer protected by her relationship to the queen.
She has a slight case of boob armor, true, but the fact that I found it so difficult to find a screen shot showing that proves that one thing that is not happening in this movie is Sorsha—or any female character—being objectified, at all.
Even Madmartigan at his deepest (and most justified) level of hatred for her, never once makes any kind of comment, slur, or insinuation about her gender. Nor does he try to keep her from participating in their campaign after they get together. Sorsha’s femaleness, in fact, is simply never an issue in the movie, and this was amazing, especially for the time period. Possibly it was simply for lack of time that this never came up, but make no mistake: the utter lack of sexism shown toward Sorsha’s character in this movie, inadvertent or not, made an indelibly positive impression on me as a kid, and it struck me again now. Because it was awesome.
Also worth noting, while we’re on the subject: Willow passes the Bechdel Test in the first 30 seconds of its screentime, which is not something many Hollywood movies can boast, especially not in the ’80s. In fact, that was really a standout thing in general about Willow: its lack of bigotry. Or rather, its firm underlying message that bigotry is stupid.
Willow is constantly derided as a “peck” in the film by the “normal”, taller Daikini race, which is a made-up but nevertheless effective slur on the smaller stature of Willow and his fellow Nelwyns, reflective as it is of our own culture’s ingrained disdain for anyone perceived as weaker or unfit, a category which also often includes women as well as little persons, disabled persons, or basically anyone who isn’t a big strong man-type person.
And yet, in the end, it was the little person, Willow, and the women who were central to the resolution of the conflict:
Even the prophesied savior in Willow was a girl—a baby girl, to boot. So while Madmartigan and Airk and all the other big strong male warriors of the piece may have been vital to the cause of good, they were ultimately secondary to its success. I found that fascinating back in the day, and quite gratifying now.
In that vein, I could not fail to also note that while little people have always found the most work in the fantasy genre in Hollywood, for better for ill, I think I quite liked how complete and independent a society they were shown to have in Willow:
I’m not sure, but this scene in the beginning is possibly the largest number of little people ever shown on screen at once in a Hollywood movie, and there’s something incredibly satisfying about it. Including most especially the appearance of Billy Barty:
My sisters and I were convinced that he had been in the original 1939 Wizard of Oz, but it turns out we were wrong. Though Barty had actually appeared in films prior to 1939, he was not in Wizard of Oz. However, he is still awesome for his roles in (among many, many other things) Legend and Masters of the Universe, both of which we’ll probably be covering at some point on the Nostalgia Rewatch, but even more so for the fact that Barty founded the advocacy group Little People of America, which today boasts over 6,000 members.
This amazing show of diversity, however, is really owed to one person, and that of course is Willow himself, played by Warwick Davis.
Davis is probably best known to younger audiences for his portrayal of Professor Flitwick in the Harry Potter movies, and to horror aficionados as the titular character in the Leprechaun series, but to me and my sisters, he will always be Willow first and foremost. It wasn’t until years later, in fact, that I learned that Davis had actually made his film debut playing the Ewok Wicket in Return of the Jedi, and that George Lucas had so loved him in the role that he later more or less invented Willow wholesale, specifically for Davis to have the chance to play the lead character.
I have a lot of mixed feelings about George Lucas these days (and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone there), but I have to say that on this score? That’s one of the coolest things he’s ever done.
However, all other considerations aside, my sisters and I all agreed emphatically that by far the standout performance in this movie was, in fact, given by the infant(s) playing the prophesied princess herself, Elora Danon.
No, I’m dead serious. Her expressions throughout the movie, in context, were priceless. I mean, look at this:
She was reaction shot GOLD. And I don’t even want to know how many hours of footage some poor 2nd Unit director had to spend filming her face before they collected enough perfect expressions to use, but man did it pay off. I don’t think we really cared that much about her as kids, but this time around my sisters and I fairly chortled with glee every damn time Elora’s face appeared on screen, because OMG.
And, yeah. Basically, I would say that if you can hunt down a copy of Willow—a not inconsiderable challenge, sadly—it’s more than worth your time to watch it again, because as long as you can give the lackluster special effects a pass, it is a funny, dramatic, engaging, and suspenseful film that does everything a stand-alone fantasy story ought to do, and does it well, and along the way manages to be a lot more inclusive and progressive than it perhaps even ever intended to be.
We should have more movies like Willow around. So says me!
And that’s what I got for my first Nostalgia Rewatch post, guys! What didja think? Tell me your thoughts! And then, come back in two weeks for my next post, which will cover another delightful icon of my childhood, Return to Oz. Is that a CHICKEN in there with you?! If so, see you there!
My family found it on blu-ray in New Zealand almost five years ago. Still one of the best things we ever bought :)
I enjoyed reading this and as I re watched this film myself a few months ago I agree wholeheartedly with what you said. I love it & my kids do too. Good call.
Hmmm … Netflix does have it on Blu-ray, but it’s listed as “very long wait”. I’m also seeing some cheaper used DVD copies on Amazon, but I guess I’m happy I bought the Blu-ray a few years ago.
My feelings on this one are a bit mixed, I think mostly because when it came out I was a little too old for it to completely bypass all of my critical faculties (the way the Harryhausen Sinbad, Argonauts and Clash of the Titans movies did; will we be doing Clash of the Titans in the rewatch?!?). But it’s pretty much the most impressive secondary-world fantasy we could get at that time.
I loved this movie.
One of my favorite childhood movies and still eminently quotable. “You are a great swordsman!” Luckily, I nabbed this on Blu Ray a while back. Thanks for the reminder that I need to watch it again soon!
Basically, the best non-Lord of the Rings fantasy movie. The story, characters, actors, and music make this a real classic. Holds up well, despite the special effects, and is like a gazillion times better than Game of Thrones could ever be. But that’s just me.
I never thought this was a great movie, but I didn’t really think any of the ’80s fantasy movies were great, so really, this is one of the better ones. I definitely agree that it was a rare pleasure to see a Little Person character get to be the actual hero of a film rather than a comic sidekick or buried inside an alien or robot suit — and it offended me at the time that the system was so prejudiced against Little People that the star of the film was relegated to third billing. (Then again, in retrospect, that might’ve been for other reasons, seeing as how Christopher Reeve got third billing in Superman: The Movie.) The fact that George Lucas let Davis play the hero is, I agree, one of the most admirable things he’s ever done. And yes, the egalitarian portrayal of Sorsha is terrific too — though at the time, I was more impressed by how gorgeous Joanne Whalley was. (And so was Val Kilmer, apparently, since the actors ended up getting married even before the film was released.)
The transformation scene is indeed notable as the first use of a digital morphing effect in a film — so early, in fact, that they didn’t even call it “morphing” yet. At the time, the effect was called “splining,” after the mathematical function it uses to interpolate between the start and end images. (The term “morphing” had been coined by 1991, though, since I remember it being used in the discussion of its use in Michael Jackson’s “Black or White” music video.) Also, by the way, Willow used bluescreening, not greenscreening. Green is standard today because it’s best for digital cameras, but various different screen colors were used for film mattes, and bluescreen was the predominant color used by most FX houses, including ILM.
Spelling: The fairy queen’s name was Cherlindrea, and the baby was Elora Danan. Oh, and the two-headed dragon was named Eborsisk, as a dig at film critics Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel.
I remember at the time being a huge fantasy geek and being so excited when this came out. It may seem strange now, but a movie like this was sweet water to the parched desert of fantasy movies; even if it was a little too silly and light-hearted for my teen aged self (who took fantasy seriously damn it!). I also remember having a huge crush on Sorsha, and I was not alone in that among my peers.
But I think the sweet tenderness of Willow’s interaction with the baby, and also Willow’s interaction with his mentor that really made the movie for me and gave it heart.
Give it a digital overhaul on the effects and this is a beyond great movie. I’ll forgive the bad effects gladly.
Warrwick Davis was cast as Wicket straight out of school, and somewhere there’s a video of him being a total fanboy talking to Kenny Baker (R2-D2). It’s understandable, how cool must it have been as an aspiring actor to play opposite one of your acting heroes in a major film?
And it’s probably outside the scope of TMROGN, but Hong Kong made some great fantasy films back in the 80s & 90s — in particular, Bride with White Hair, Chinese Ghost Story and Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain.
@9/mehndeke: No. No “overhaul.” Willow‘s effects were not “bad.” In fact, they were extraordinary, pioneering work by the standards of their time. They were stepping stones toward the level of FX we have today. This was the first film that ever used morphing effects. That’s important. That’s history. History shouldn’t be bulldozed over to satisfy modern sensibilities, any more than Shakespeare’s or Dickens’s English should be rewritten in a modern idiom, or any more than The Martian Chronicles should be rewritten to reflect modern scientific knowledge about Mars.
It is a shame the movie has been forgotten about by the studio. It is one of my favorite films from childhood. My friends and I will, to this day, randomly yell, “Kill the beast! Find the baby!”
A modernization of the film would be awesome. No need to recast. Just get the stock footage and touch up the effects and it would be perfect.
Then my kids and I could play out the “Which way do we go?” scene whenever we go to the lake.
Burglekutt is a dick to Willow.
I remember reading that the team that created the computer generated morphing effect thought it was a one-timething, because they couldn’t imagine why anyone would need to use it in another movie. When in fact it would later show up in dozens of late 80’s and earlly 90’s movies.
Willow was, and still is, my fav fantasy movie of all time. The fact that it was made in ’88, but still had amazing diversity (if mostly white cast…), and treated it’s “unorthodox” characters with all the respect you’d see given the proto-white-male-hero, was just stunning. Still is, sadly. In fact, the proto-hero achetype in Madmartigan is played as the comedy, the fool, the scoundel (Han and Mad were likely brothers, no doubt). The heroes include little people, elderly people, and a baby. Also, yes, damn Val and Joanna were hella sexy in this. A really different, engaging film with humor, action, and real heart that definitely stands the test of time.
Simply awesome.
And conveniently, I have the Willow soundtrack in iTunes, so …
Pro tip, Leigh – check your local library (my hometown branch has a 2001 copy of Willow on dvd, as does my county’s library system though you have to reserve them and wait for them to be transferred) ;)
This is great! Looking forward to more :)
It really is an underrated movie. Sure, it’s a bit heavy on the cliches, though some of them weren’t quite so overused at the time; still cliches, but not as egregious as they seem today. There are also some poor editing choices. The third nut seems to be forgotten, but it was actually used when Willow and Madmartigan were in the boat and the scene wound up on the cutting room floor. Somewhere out there is a bit that Kilmer and Davis did for the 25th anniversary release (probably Blu-ray, but it’s odd that the film is so hard to find) where they talk about that and a couple of other things.
When it first came out, I think my favorite bits were with the brownies. I was familiar with Kevin Pollak from his stand-up and those ridiculous French accents were hilarious (at the time anyway, I don’t know if they hold up).
This movie has so many good things going for it and has a lot of interesting ideas, but it just never made a big impression on me. For some reason, it doesn’t “gel.” A fully realized society of “different” people; the final boss battle was between two “old” people (and old women, no less), not the young heroes; winning by smarts rather than brawn.
Unfortunately, it also has a feel of LOTR pastiche/generic fantasy about it. (Is there a term equivalent to “swords and sandals”?)
•I did not like that Bavmorda had absolutely no motivation other than EEEEVIL.
•And she lost because she got distracted and knocked over the magic bowl of soup? (“No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head.”)
•And the prophecy (Elora “destroys” Bavmorda via the bootstrap paradox) is fairly inexplicable.
•And Sorsha turning good. (“I will not have a daughter. She would be as beautiful as she was evil, but one look at the hero’s rugged countenance and she’d betray her own father.”)
Seriously, how many tropes on the evil overlord list were written because of this movie?
If you’re funding the reboot, maybe get rid of the rear projection brownies, and give Bavmorda some decent motivation.
Leigh, please do Krull one day.
Honestly, I prefer watching Willow over the Lord of the Rings saga, and I’m not just saying that to be a grumpy old man. I mean, really, it packs almost everything the latter has into a two hour movie. Sorry, but sometimes you don’t want to sit through 400 hours of New Zealand travelogue, or however long those bloody movies are.
The effects in Willow aren’t that bad for the time. It’s just a matter of perspective. You watch. Ten or twenty years from now LOTR will look just as dated to modern eyes.
Also, this has one of my favorite hero themes by James Horner. Worthy of Errol Flynn, it is.
@22/StrongDreams: “Unfortunately, it also has a feel of LOTR pastiche/generic fantasy about it. (Is there a term equivalent to “swords and sandals”?)”
“Sword and sorcery,” basically.
And, yes, it’s recycling old tropes, but what else can you expect from George Lucas? That pretty much sums up his entire career.
#19/WinespringBrother is right about the library! I have no idea where Leigh is located, but the New York Public Library has a few copies of the Blu-Ray, and even a DVD copy. (I watch most of my movies from the library.)
I saw the prices too, and wanted to go on memory alone, although it’s fuzzy.
Then I decided to check on this nagging feeling I had and went to my DVD cabinet, and dug in deeper than usual.
Guess what I found: a Special Edition of the DVD-version, still sealed. I must have forgotten I had ordered this back in the ‘aughts’! (but apparently not totally forgotten :D )
Anyway, just wanted to share I am a happy Fiddler now, and going to watch as soon as I have posted this… :)
The 00’s are properly known as the “Naughties” ;-)
Even though me and my sister are grown adults, whenever we’re disagreeing about something, members of our family will still yell “When YOU are drunk, I am in charge!” at each other.
I adore this movie and am glad that you’ve reviewed it.Val Kilmer is the best in this movie.
This flick was a lot of fun. Wonder why they never did a sequel. Bad box office prolly.
There was a book series sequel co-written by Lucas and Chris Claremont. Shadowmoon Series, I think it was called, but it was awful.
If you ever come across it, leave it on the shelf. It isn’t so bad-it-is-good awful, it is so bad it is bad level of awful.
I didn’t realize this movie was that hard to find anymore. Seems the same as the older Star Wars DVDs, which are all ridiculously priced on Amazon. The Phantom Menace is something like $75…and this is the one that everyone supposedly hates more than any other movie ever made.
We didn’t end up watching this in time; we elected for the Deathly Hallows part II for Emily’s re-watch, and also I guess my wife doesn’t care for this one.
I think it is a fun movie, but I think it’s mostly for the kitsch. In terms of the actual story, yeah, it’s tropey, and I could see where some people might feel it drags a little. But I remember watching it in college with a friend of mine and there are just a ton of little cute bits. We also had a fun time noting all the red heads cast by Ron Howard in this movie (actually, wasn’t the baby his daughter?). I thought Warwick Davis did well, and I actually really like the music for this. Val and Joanne are fun to watch as well. I could probably do without the Brownies.
I think one of my favorite lines is, “I love you, Sorsha??? I don’t love her! She kicked me in the face! I hate her! Don’t I?”
I really don’t have any problems with the effects. They are par for the course, and if I can tell how they were done, it doesn’t really take me out of the story at all. Even if these days people don’t know the specifics of how a particular effect was done, in the back of their mind they have something like, “Oh, it was done in the computer.” And honestly, there are so many people complaining about CGI these days that it’s a wonder they would also complain about the old effects…It’s like, well, what do you want? Anyway, I would say that the problem with today’s effects is not the quality, but the fact that movies tend to focus a little more on the effects than the story. Again, without having rewatched it myself for this rewatch, I feel like the effects in Willow do a good job of staying in service to the story, rather than the other way around.
In the 90’s a trilogy of books was released as a sequel to the movie. Story was by Lucas and written by Chris Claremont, who at the time was known for being the writer of the Uncanny X-Men comic books. I’ve not read them in a while but I remember enjoying the books. Bought the books cuz I loved the movie.
Edit: #31 beat me to it. I don’t remember them being that bad though. However, I’m also familair with Claremont’s writing style since I read those X-Men comic books.
One thing I can’t get over is Madmartigan mentioning Kashmir. Is this meant to imply that Willow takes place in our world? In Medieval Europe? In the future of our world? A secondary world connected to our own? (Head explodes.)
The bones tell me…NOTHING!
That line gave me one of the biggest laughs I’ve ever gotten from a movie. I love this movie for that, and for striking a blow for Redhead Power, and for the distinct lack of sexism. I mean, the prophesied savior-child is both a girl *and* a redhead! That didn’t happen again until Nausicaa!
Re #s 19 & 26–my library system has six copies of the DVD, four currently available. I get most of my movies from the library, too; I was amused when I canceled Netflix that its multiple-choice exit survey had a bunch of choices for “where you now intend to get your movies from” and the library was *not* one of the choices. So I couldn’t fill out the survey.
@32/crzydroid: “Anyway, I would say that the problem with today’s effects is not the quality, but the fact that movies tend to focus a little more on the effects than the story.”
Trust me, people were saying the exact same thing back in the ’80s. And probably in the ’50s, come to think of it.
Ah, one of my ’80s favorites. :)
It’s weird that it’s not available to stream anywhere. Seems a perfect fit for Netflix/Hulu viewing.
And FWIW, I also enjoyed the SHADOW MOON books. Still have them, in fact. :)
@8 Gadget–I agree on the sweet tenderness of Willow’s interaction with the baby, and how that contributes to the movie’s heart. It reminds me of the sweet scene when Danny Kaye’s character sings to the royal baby he’s saving from the usurper in Court Jester. Part of the glory of both these movies is the fact that the male hero is unashamedly tender in caring for a baby.
I remember this movie fondly. I saw it when it came out, and it was one of my formative fantasy experiences (along with David Eddings’ The Belgariad). Warwick Davis is, was, and always will be, simply amazing, and giving him a movie to carry was an inspired act by George Lucas.
I also had an enormous Joanne Whalley thing there for a while, I’m sure I wasn’t alone.
I agree with everything you’ve said, Willow was a magnificent movie and so very well done – and as much of a Dinklage fan as I am, I think that without Warwick Davis (both on-screen and off) there would never have been a Peter Dinklage.
It’s just a shame that Professor Flitwick had such a minor role in the Harry Potter series. Warwick Davis is a joy to watch.
I have a copy on VHS recorded from Cinemax back in the day. It is pretty much the lone reason I keep on hunting up VCRs when my old ones die.
I bought this on DVD about 10 years ago (probably out of the $5 bin at Wal-Mart) to watch with my daughters. They were probably too young to enjoy it all that much, but I still did. I seem to remember reading somewhere a criticism of this movie for using a baby as the McGuffin, and speculating that one reason the movie didn’t do well was that people didn’t like seeing the baby treated like an object or having the baby in a dangerous situation being played for laughs. Anyone else ever hear that, or am I remembering things that never happened again?
@40/tbgh: There’s such a thing as a VCR/DVD dubbing deck, a unit that has both kinds of player in one and lets you copy from one to the other. I inherited one from my father, and I’ve used it to copy some of my tapes to DVD, though I keep neglecting the project. Anyway, if you could find a similar device, it’d be the last VCR you’d ever need. (There are also services that will transfer your old videos to digital for you, though I’m not sure what their policy would be regarding copyrighted materials.)
I read the first book of the trilogy and skimmed the next two. Not a fan, but you have to enjoy Willow (whose been living under an alias for plot reasons while Elora grows up) hearing someone mention him.
“That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.”
Kenobi reference aside, they killed off Sorcha and Madmartigen! But, they only did it after we find out that Madmartigen has a sexist streak that never showed up in the movie! Even thought Sorcha calls him on it, it became clear she’s had to deal with tons of this stuff. Apparently, an Evil Queen, a Might Sorceress, and a woman leading armies had not had not led anyone to think maybe women can do this kind of stuff.
But, oh, yes, loved the movie.
My favorite quote: “I’m your sun, your moon, your stars, and it went away?”
I loved this movie then, and still love it now, cheesiness and all. I still use many of the quotes in daily life (“we go THIS way!”). It’s a charming film and was the closest approximation to Lord of the Rings that worked for me in the old days.
My next old fantasy standard is LadyHawke.
Willow: I found a boat
Madmartigan: Good! Take these two lizards out and drown ’em.
Franjean: Lizards?! Who you calling lizards?!
Rool: You’re mother was a lizard!
That scenes gets me every time. And then when Madmartigan walks by and kicks mud on them. “Keep walkin hero! Don’t even turn around!”
For a long time General Kael was my favorite cinematic villain not named Darth Vader. Between his skull helmet, sheer size, his wicked sword, and the way he just demolished everyone in his path. And the fight with Madmartigan is still one of my favorite cinematic sword fights ever.
Just showed this movie to my boys (7 and 9), and they loved it! It really does stand up well. We discuss the Bechdel test – my eldest is really interested in movie-theory – and it did make a difference that it wasn’t the usual format where the female character (singular) is just a combination sidekick/love interest. They genuinely groan at that sort of thing now – it’s the sort of fakery that, once you learn to see it, is every bit as bad and obvious as bad special effects.
And that Sorscha. I was 14 when I saw the movie, and yeah. That was a crush, right there. She’s so badass. The bit where she and Mad Martigan are fighting back-to-back? I legitimately cheered. The best line of the movie for me was (from memory): “I don’t love her! She kicked me in the face! I hate her… don’t I?” Summed up my 14 year old interaction with girls perfectly.
Yes. So much yes. One of my favorite fantasy movies of all time, and it always will be.
Everyone has pretty much touched on everything awesome about it, but let me reiterate a few things, and add a few:
* The opening scene with the midwife, who stands up to Bavmorda and all her forces to take Elora to safety, just because it’s the right thing to do, comes to care for her, and ends up heroically sacrificing herself to save her. Chokes me up every time.
* Horner’s music, especially the main theme (not the swashbuckling one, though that is great too). It’s just so heartfelt, emotional, and endearing.
* Willow’s relationship not just with Elora, but with his wife.
* The whole cross-dressing Madmartigan scene, especially how he responds to Llug with “Tempting, but…no” and Llug’s whole “Not a woman!” rant after the truth comes out.
* Too many great lines, but yes the whole part when Madmartigan magically falls for Sorsha, and then later when he tells her it “went away”, and almost everything the Brownies say (though I have to mention when they recognize Madmartigan as the one they took the baby from, and in what context).
* The fight between Raziel and Bavmorda–I just love how nastily Raziel gets into it!
* And of course, the way Willow wins. Delicious.
On amazon.de the cheapest DVD is a used version for 3.74€ + 3€ for shipping. The regular price for the DVD is 39.90€, and there is a Blue-ray import from Italy for 30.72€. Both DVD and Blue-ray have an English sound track.
Some time ago my father connected a video recorder to a modern recorder that can burn movies on DVD to copy our old VHS tapes to DVDs. I think we had to run the movie and it just recorded from the old video recorder instead of the TV as a source.
Geek confession: I’ve read the novelization.
@50: Oooh, nice! I’ll admit that I’ve always secretly hoped to find a copy of The Willow Sourcebook lurking in a closet or behind a bookshelf at Tor…apparently there’s a fair amount of backstory for all of the major characters (including the story behind Bavmorda and Fin Raziel’s falling out, which eventually culminates in the best sorcery duel ever :)
My brother and I loved this movie when we were kids. And I really was impressed with the lack of sexism towards Sorsha. Amazing then and still amazing now.
@50 – So have I! I love the novelization. Everyone gets backstories!!
I saw this movie in the theater when I was a kid with my brother and our friend’s family and loved it. Still do. My brother and I still use quotes from this movie all the time when we are together. Especially “I stole da baby!” and “We go THIS way!”. Also, whenever my daughter is in my way I tell her “Outta my way peck!”, lol.
But I have never been able to understand why everyone outside of genre fans seems to hate this movie. It actually reminds me of how the mainstream media pretty much decided it was going to hate John Carter before the movie was even released a couple of years back. That’s why I like Tor dot so much, I knew most the peeps here would love this movie =).
On the special effects, even back in ’88 they weren’t very good (with the exception of the morphing scene because that was new SFX at the time) and we would complain about how bad some of it (cough, fire breathing thingy, cough) looked. But of course bad FX could never ruin the movie for us.
Shortly after this movie came out me and my brother and a couple of friends of ours had started playing AD&D with our friend’s uncle’s RPG group. All four of us (me, my brother and our two friends) called him uncle Bob even though he was just our one friend’s uncle. Anyways, we were younger than all the other RPers (they were in college exept for uncle Bob who was older) and just learning how to role play and my brother and I made a pair of Halfling rogues (actually I think this was before the name change so they were thieves, lol). My brother’s character was named Franjen and mine was Ruul (I thought using two Us was cooler than two Os and also,Ruul and Zuul are two names I have used for characters many times over the years) and I remember how we would annoy the hell out of poor uncle Bob (who was the DM) while running around and causing all kinds of chaos in the game. Using quotes from the movie whenever possible, lol, and of course my favorite insult for both party members and monsters alike was “Your mother was a lizard!”. Good times =).
Anyways, love this movie and thanks for this, Leigh.
Oh yeah, one more thing. I have the Shadow Moon books but never finished them because I rage quit right after I found out …
that they killed off the characters from the movie right at the beginning!
Love Willow!
We watched it a couple of weeks ago. I would definitely put it on the top of my favorite movie list.
This was a very enjoyable movie that did not get the credit it deserved when it was in the theaters. Glad to see that others also remember it fondly.
And I like the premise of this series–looking forward to seeing more!
@45 StoJa:
“Mumbo. Jumbo. I am hungry. Go find me some eggs or something.”
“We are not afraid of YOU!”
So great to find a community that loves this movie as much as me! This is by far my favourite childhood movie and quite possibly my favourite fantasy movie of all time. I agree with what one of the early posters said. This does what Lord of the rings does but in a fraction of the time and better to boot in my opinion. Those movies are so bloated I haven’t even bothered to watch the Hobbit flicks yet in protest. But that’s a whole other rant topic I won’t get into here.
I love everything about this movie. I recorded it onto vhs from TV back in the early 90s and watched it over and over. And when I came across a copy on dvd years later I scooped it up. It has a few great commentaries on it which is a nice addition. Didn’t know the bit about George Lucas creating the role just for Davis though.
Leigh keep this up. I’m excited to see what you do over the course of this series. One thing I think you should add that was missing was an actual summation or breakdown of the movie. This was mainly just your reaction to watching it. I know most of us have seen the movie a few dozen times and don’t need the reminder of the plot but I’m sure you could come up with a creative way to handle it.
I remember watching this movie when I was a kid and being disappointed that it wasn’t more “sparkly” (in the vein of “Legend” and “The Never-Ending Story”). It improved upon repeated viewings when I was older.
Again, when I watched it as a kid, I remember my mom praising some aspects of it that I didn’t understand at the time but which speak to the gender politics Leigh mentioned. In the narrative, you have two men going to great lengths to protect a female child. You also have a woman who is willing to physically fight to protect a child who isn’t even hers. There is a lot of subversion of the traditional “nurturer”/”fighter” gender-based roles here, not even to mention that Warwick Davis is the primary hero figure, trumping (at that time very much a sex-symbol) Val Kilmer.
Quick note: the line “Traitor child! I must despise you now!” has made it into my family’s general vocabulary, especially when my mom is mildly peeved at me or one of mysisters. ;)
So many of us have favorite quotes from this movie which continue to be used decades later in our circle of friends or family. I wonder what it would look like, if we could rank movies on “how many separate lines from it have become running jokes, bywords, etc. in fan communities.” Which movies would rank highest? The Princess Bride? Other contenders? I think Willow would rank pretty high! There are movies which have given one or two expressions to the culture at large (“You complete me/You had me at ‘hello'” from Jerry Maguire), but I’m thinking of movies whose screenplays provide an abundance of fan-used injokes.
I just rented this movie from the library and watched it for the first time in many years with my family over the weekend, inspired by this re-watch. After the re-watch, I’ll stand by what I said earlier: Willow’s tender interactions with the baby, his family, and his mentor are the heart of this movie. The movie starts off well enough, with prophetic birth, the gloomy dungeon, creepy pursuit by scary demon-dogs and Moses in the bull-rushes moment. As Leigh says: “the evil queen is evil, Magic A is Magic A, prophetic princess is prophetic, and now on to the action.“
The Nelwyn village, and more specifically: Willow’s home and family life, is where the movie starts to engage us and really comes to life. Nice world building and character building, and the demon-dog attack on the festival is truly frightening and visceral. We have plenty of humor between the High Allwyn and other interactions, but not enough to to be overly campy or distracting. Right up and through the first meeting with Madmartigan at the crossroads, the movie continues to draw us in.
However, with the introduction of the brownies stealing the baby and the meeting of Sherlindrea, the movie looses a lot of its coherency and forcus, becoming generic fantasy trope movie, combined with generic action trope movie(PG version). It is saved only by the charm and amusement generated by the leads and comic relief, but does not quite rise to the level of mastery of campy humor that The Princess Bride will bring in spades a short year or two later.
But it is a very quotable movie and a fun romp.
I love Willow. It remains one of my favorite movies of all time. Now I need to see it again. It’s been years. Thanks for the reminder.
This film holds a place right in the center of my heart. My family loved it and watched our DVD repeatedly. And even though we are all grown up now, someone will still spout a Willow quote occasionally when we get together. Thankfully I now own my own DVD copy and can rewatch it this weekend.
$55 on Amazon? That can’t be right.
**Checks Amazon**
Holy hell, I bought the Blu-ray of this shortly after it came out less than three years ago for, like $13. It must’ve gone out of print almost immediately.
Anyway, this is one of my old favorites, even though it is distinctly a flawed movie. It’s bugged the crap out of me ever since I was a kid, for instance, that Sorsha is just suddenly good and completely against her mother for no apparent reason. She’s captured and is just… suddenly good. (And yes, I know that it’s explained in a deleted scene, like the missing acorn, because I read the novelization ’cause I was one of the cool kids in second grade). Doesn’t cut down on the things that I love: Sorsha complete badassery, the sheer goofy gusto of the brownies (who, in retrospect, are distinctly Nac Mac Feeglian), and most of all the sweet charm or Warwick Davis. The way he is with Elora, his own kids, and particularly Kiaya is just so tender and loving I can’t help but be won over. When he and his wife are reunited at the end, just the way she calls out his name with disbelief and then sheer joy and heart-breaking relief gets me every time. It’s especially impressive knowing that Warwick Davis was only seventeen at the time.
What a fun review of a movie much loved around here. I laughed out loud when you said that your sister’s turned to you and Raizelled “Willow, you iiiiddioot!” because that gets said a lot in my circles! Luckily like others I also own the DVD and can rewatch, in fact I think I will!
My kids (11 & 9) love Willow as much as I did when I was a kid. I feel lucky I picked up a DVD for $10 a while back.
First off, I want to say, I LOVE WILLOW!!!!!!
As a kid and teenager, I had several movies that were my go to tapes: Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, and Willow. I still have my VHS tape, I also have a DVD, and in 2013 they released a 25th anniversary Blu Ray (which I also own).
My husband and I quote the movie to and at each other pretty much on a daily basis. I agree that some of the effects haven’t held up that well with the years, but honestly, I get so caught up watching the trolls try to get Willow, and Mad Martigan thinking he ran off all those soldiers when it was in fact the monster, that I barely notice.
And on another note, for those of you who can’t get enough of Willow, there’s a trilogy of books written by George Lucas and Chris Claremont, that is a follow up trilogy to Willow. I loved the books but if you read reviews on GoodReads people either love it or hate it.
going against the grain on this one but, the only thing I remember about Willow is that it remains the only movie I’ve ever walked out on mid-screening. My friends and I were all of 15 at the time and knew nothing of course (and definitely leaned more scifi than fantasy) but we collectively rolled our eyes and hopped to another theater. Wish I could remember what we went to see instead now. Maybe someday I’ll give it another chance.
I remember seeing Willow many times in public Spanish TV across the years. Perhaps it not being the expected big hit allowed them to acquire the rights for cheap? Lucky us anyway. And I concur: in fun factor, it’s miles above the LOTR movies, that may be extremely faithful to the books but lack rhythm. Just like the Harry Potter ones. And, since we are criticizing CGI, LOTR was mostly good, but had some pretty awful scenes even at release day, like Legolas climbing the oliphant with totally fake and impossible physics. In that regard I prefer the charm of stop motion in Willow.
Loved this write up! Must rewatch the film some time soon – I suspect I’ll love it wholeheartedly, and even more than I did as a child.
Love this movie – I probably watched it as much as Star Wars as a kid. I still remember seeing it in the theater for the first time, shortly after my brother was born, frantically trying to find the “action” figures (which were really just immovable plastic figures affixed to metal plates), receiving the Ebersisk for Christmas one year. Good times.
Also, in addition to the Ebersisk being a reference to Ebert & Siskel, General Kael himself is a reference to legendary film critic Pauline Kael. I often times see below citing those facts as evidence of why this movie is bad/hacky, but I think it’s kind of fun.
No entry today? :(
Oh – never mind. I see she stipulated “two weeks” above. Sorry!
@73: Check back tomorrow! The series will post on Thursday afternoons, every other week :)
I thought the novelization was pretty good on its own, as I recall them having other stuff in it that wasn’t in the movie, like Madmartigan’s background. Maybe there was something about Bavmorda? IDK, it’s been decades.
Also, violence and sex are not comparable in movie ratings. The pornographic industry and its size demonstrate that a visual depiction of sexual activity is really close to sex. Nobody spends that kind of movie on videos that are mere bouts of violence strung together by a very thin storyline. You have to go to much greater extremes to stimulate the experience of violence, but merely looking at a person in a sexually provocative manner is sexually stimulating. You can say that violent images and films compare to sexual images and films in their inspiration of visceral reactions and inspiring imitation behavior, but its not on remotely the same scope or scale as anyone being honest will admit.
I find it ironic that Leigh snarks about them treating sex and violence according to different standards, when her approval of the portrayal of Sorsha almost entirely consists of applauding everything about the character that pertains to violence, at the expense of sex (She has a sword & armor! You can’t see her boobs! ).
@76/Will-E: “Nobody spends that kind of movie on videos that are mere bouts of violence strung together by a very thin storyline.”
I take it you’ve never seen a Michael Bay movie.
Thank you for this. I do love Willow but I didn’t watch it in years in fear of not liking it any longer.
That said there’s a novelization of the book from an author (pseudonym?) called Wayland Drew. I don’t know if he worked from the original screenplay and / or had talks with Lucas, but the novel gives a lot of insight and a convincing backstory to Fin Raziel, Bavmorda and Sorchas father.
It gives a very good explanation why Sorcha turned against her mother and what the secret of Tir Aslainn is. Granted, it is not important for the film, but for me the story became much more depths because of it.
@78/Darkstar: Wayland Drew was not a pseudonym. He also novelized Corvette Summer, Dragonslayer, and *batteries not included, as well as writing original novels and nonfiction.
So glad I bought this on Blu-Ray when I first saw it available. One of my favorite movies to this day.
I remember when I was a little kid Bavmorda scared the crap out of me. And Val Kilmer was so yummy then! Definitely good with long hair. His acting and swordplay are awesome too. Favorite scene is “Beer!” *splash*
Willow is one of my top-10 favorite movies ever. My favorite scenes are the two chase/escape scenes — the one where they escape from the tavern in a cart, and the one that begins when Madmartigan is discovered in Sorsha’s tent. (The latter not so much for the sledding scene as what leads up to it, like Madmartigan having the wits — even while under a magical enchantment — to collapse the tent, and the funny bit where he slips and falls while showing off.)
I don’t know why everyone’s saying the movie’s hard to find when there’s a number of used copies available on Amazon for under $20.
@@@@@ 55: I remember seeing the book at Hastings, picking it up and skimming the first couple of chapters, and putting it back on the shelf after I discovered that Madmartigan and Sorsha were not going to be main characters.
@@@@@ 61: RE Jerry Maguire: You forgot “Show me the money!” I think Emperor’s New Groove probably gets quoted a lot too. (My favorite line: “I’ll smash it with a hammer!” Eartha Kitt’s delivery was just priceless.)
@@@@@ 25: I think it’s fascinating how many parallels there are between Willow and Star Wars (especially A New Hope):
– The villain is an aged ruler with magical powers, served by a tall, imposing general who wears dark armor with a skull-like helmet.
– A woman steals a Macguffin from the villain, then sets it adrift when set upon by the villain’s forces.
– The Macguffin is found by the hero, a farmer who dreams of a different life.
– The villain’s forces attack the hero’s home in search of the Macguffin.
– The hero sets out on a quest to save a princess from the villain.
– The hero is advised by an aged, wise mentor with magical powers.
– The hero visits a seedy tavern where he encounters a charismatic rogue of questionable loyalty.
– The rogue seems to abandon the hero at one point, but then returns to save him.
– The rogue falls in love with a beautiful, sharp-tongued princess.
– The hero is joined by a pair of comic-relief sidekicks, one taller and thin, the other shorter with a shiny dome.
– The hero seeks aid from an even more powerful mentor who lives alone in an isolated location, and who turns out to be very different than he expected.
– The hero acquires a magical tool which he must learn to master.
– The heroes are advised to travel to a location where they’ll find aid, but when they get there they discover that it’s already been destroyed by the villain’s forces.
– The heroes are captured by the villain’s forces and then escape.
– The heroes join forces with an army to assault the villain’s stronghold.
– An old friend of one of the heroes is killed during the assault.
– The hero must learn to trust in his own abilities in order to triumph.
What a great review!!! I did a re-watch recently myself and I was so delighted by many of the things you talked about!
Elora’s reaction shots are some of the best in any movie EVER! It’s insane how this baby could do them, I think Warwick (or someone) really is a sorcerer! Madmartigan has been my standard for gorgeous hunks for almost three decades but I too was also taken in by Airk this time around. His death was much more upsetting than I remember! I also paid more attention to the acting, and I can’t stress enough how natural Warwick is and I also had NO IDEA he was only 17 when they started filming?!? That’s CRAZY! He is the tender heart and soul of this movie and I’m so glad he is Willow, no one else could ever be.
I love how they handled Sorsha as well, she is my female crush. She’s so cruel in the beginning but it’s clear that her mother raised her to be a hardened soul. How ever will she soften? ;) We know she’s going to switch sides eventually, the movie tells us, and even as a little kid I was all about her getting her hands on what we ALL know she really wanted—and it wasn’t the baby. When she pulls Mads up for that kiss after she watches him be all sexy brave heroic it’s like “WHOA GOODBYE SEXUAL TENSION AND HELLO HOT HOT PASSION” and it’s so good, like damn. Such a beautiful moment for redeemed villains everywhere!
So yeah, I don’t care what anyone says, I will always love this movie and all the laughs and good feels it gave me in my childhood and still continues to give. So glad I got my hands on the new blu-ray, I’ve watched it at least once everyday since I got it, lol.
Great movie. Anyone know where the crossroads scene was filmed.. snowdonia?, new zealand?