Sure, we all know that Kylo Ren has lots of feelings about his grandfather, the-Sith-Lord-formerly-known-as-Darth-Vader. But did you ever stop to wonder what sort of feelings grandpa might have in return? What Anakin Skywalker’s Force ghost might have to say about all this?
Because we have a pretty good idea.
As always, Tumblr has helpfully hashed this out for fans who haven’t come to the obvious conclusion:
Is there anything more delightful than imagining Obi-Wan and Yoda getting their gleeful afterlife revenge on Anakin for never listening to them? You have to assume Qui-Gon is also around, sipping some Force-tea and trying to ignore them all.
Anakin muttering about how annoying kids are nowadays in the afterlife is a delightful image to think about.
This image is fantastic.
But on a more serious (kinda) note – this is honestly what I always assumed from my first viewing which is why I really, really, really want to see a Hayden Force ghost appearance to tie it all together. Plus that makes the events of Return of the Jedi have a little more oomph – if we go by the theory that the movies really more about the Skywalkers and specifically Anakin’s journey (although obviously the sequels take the focus away from Anakin a bit), even more so than the war, that means that Anakin’s salvation should have some real ramifications. You could do this by virtue of the fact that Luke would not have escaped the Death Star otherwise (and maybe you could even make a case for Palpatine influencing the ultimate fate of the battle were he alive with Dark Side manipulations) and have Luke play a part, but I think it could be really interesting to see it in a more direct way too.
I’ve been trying to figure out what the HECK Ben Solo is thinking ever since the first movie. Did he somehow miss the fact Grandpa TURNED BACK?? That he DIED destroying the Emperor? What don’t Leia and Luke talk about Grandpa’s big mistake???
@@@@@ #3:
It was established in the novel Bloodlines that Leia never mentioned that Ben’s grandfather was Darth Vader until he was off studying the Force with Luke. At that point, the fact was revealed in a scandal that shook up the New Republic and resulted in Leia resigning from the Galactic Senate and founding what would become the Resistance. No word on how Luke responded to this turn of events yet, as far as I know.
In the novelization of the movie, Ben knows that Vader turned back. Snoke has been teaching him that turning back was a moment of weakness that got Vader killed.
Head canon.
@Kevins, so pretty much a textbook example of how keeping secrets from your kids is a Bad Thing?
@7, neglecting to tell your kids, “Your grandpa was a man who used to kill the enemies of the Empire on the orders of a nefarious, evil magician, betrayed and helped destroyed his own friends and comrades but eventually turned back to the Light Side so the moral of the whole story is don’t turn to the Dark Side in the first place,” is usually a bad idea.
I find it a bit disturbing that Obi-Wan and Yoda would revel in a “gleeful” revenge at a man forced to watch his disturbed grandson committing patricide. I mean, a good man has just been killed, Obi-Wan’s former ally no less, and we’re supposed to think it delightful that our dead jedis would enjoy the occasion just to be able to say “Ha, should’ve listened to us” to Anakin?
How often have you found murder “delightful” in general?
why so serious