Always the tide comes flowing in.
Ever it goes out again.
Sleep ’neath the shore evermore,
Free from hunger and pain.
Morning light will bring the sun;
Seasons go rolling on.
Questing ever far from home,
For Salamandastron.
—Gonff the Mousethief, Mossflower
Students were allowed to check out two books at a time from my elementary school library, with one exception. Students could only check out one Redwall book at a time—they were just too popular. At times the librarian, a tower of hardbacks in her arms, would sit us in beanbag chairs in the reading corner and dole out the big books with the mice on their covers. There were seven books then, and I had come late to the party. As the other fourth grade boys fought over who got to read Martin the Warrior next, the only thing they could all agree on was that I had to read Mossflower first. It wasn’t the first book in the series, but it was the earliest chronologically, and it was everyone’s favorite.
As an adult, what strikes me as odd about this scenario is that young boys displayed this degree of adoration for a series of novels, as opposed to what would be expected to garner such devotion and obsession—sports or video games. The Redwall series, in clear and simple language, tapped into how a boy sees the world: a place of stunning natural beauty ripe for grand adventures interspersed with even grander meals. The books never seemed to talk down to their readers, and so thoughtfully wove together action, mystery, and human drama (even though none of the characters was human) that the pages kept turning, turning, turning.
Explained simply, Redwall books are medieval fantasy adventure stories featuring anthropomorphic woodland creatures.
Like millions of fans, I was deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of beloved author Brian Jacques. I will forever picture him as I suppose he would be pleased to be remembered, sitting in his garden and writing longhand, with his neatly trimmed beard and warm eyes. Those fortunate enough to have heard him read will perhaps remember him as the great raconteur he was, an orator of the finest quality. No one could do mole-speak better.
A noted teller of ghost stories, Jacques incorporated many mature elements into the Redwall series; there were frightening deaths, assassinations, wars, torture, betrayal, and more than a few intoxicating beverages. Most books featured monsters, but not the dragons and ogres of traditional fantasy fare. The heroes faced crabs, pikes, sharks, and sssssssssssssssnakes. He was not afraid to kill the innocent. At least one book ends in tragedy. This complexity is but one example of how Redwall enriched our lives.
The Redwall books established my love of rapscallions. There were many throughout the series, but none so iconic or beloved as Gonff the Mousethief. He is funny, and very good at what he does, and he gets the girl! Who wouldn’t want to be a rogue like that? He is like a furry Han Solo with a tail. This comparison raises an interesting point about the volume of the Redwall books. Each is a swashbuckling epic on the scale of Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. And there are twenty-one of them.
The fourth book in the series, Mariel of Redwall, stands out for having a tough warrior female as a protagonist. It was the first time I was introduced to such a character. As Salamandastron, Pearls of Lutra, and Triss indicate, Mariel was not the last time a Redwall story told the tale of a brave young woman.
Reading over the comments on’s earlier obit, it is nice to see how many parents have shared Redwall with their children. I had the reverse experience of sharing Redwall with my parents. As I recall my mother was very sick when I suggested she read Redwall, which she did immediately, in one sitting. I would poke my head into her room periodically as she read, and ask the questions everyone asks when someone you love is reading something you love: “Where are you? Have you met so-and-so yet? What’s your favorite part?” She told me she thought the hare was very funny, and she hoped those foxes got what they deserved. When she finished, I remember having an animated conversation about the book. Reading lifted her spirits.
Perhaps everyone is partial to the first book they read in a series, and I am no different. I have always had a preference for Mossflower, mainly because of its many iconic scenes, from the solving of the riddle of Brockhall, to Boar’s fall among the searat horde, to the flooding of Kotir, and that brutal final battle between Martin and Tsarmina the Wildcat. I’m curious to hear what others’ favorite books are, and favorite scenes. My favorites from other books include Matthias facing Asmodeus in Redwall, Swartt poisoning Bowfleg in Outcast of Redwall, and when Urthstripe floods the tunnel in Salamandastron with boiling water. There is also this passage from the original Redwall:
Cornflower and Matthias had become quite friendly. They were young mice of the same age. Though their temperaments were different, the found something in common—an interest in Tim and Tess, the twin church mice. They had passed a pleasant evening, joking and playing games with the little creatures. Tess had clambered onto Matthias’s lap and fallen asleep, whereupon baby Tim did likewise in the velvety fair of Cornflower. She smiled at Matthias as she stroked Tim’s small head. “Aw, bless their little paws. Don’t they look peaceful?” Matthias nodded contentedly in agreement.
Which somehow encompasses everything there is to understand about young love, how when caught in a moment with someone, a look can overwhelm you, or inspire you to take on a rat army.
Somewhere Jacques is slurping hotroot soup and eating a big slice of deeper’n’ever pie, rinsing it down with Dandelion Cordial and October Ale, and crunching dozens of candied chestnuts for dessert. So please, share your thoughts and fond memories in the comments.
Matt London is an author and columnist because a long time ago he wanted to tell stories the way Brian Jacques did.
I loved the original Redwall and Pearls of Lutra since they had big puzzles that were central to the plot and when I was a kid I dreamed of stumbling onto a conspiracy with puzzles like that (wait a minute, I still do!). I was really sad to hear he passed away, I do believe a re-read of some of his books is in order!
I really couldn’t choose my favorite. I must say I’ve always had a weakness for the badgers and their hares, but that doesn’t narrow down the choice much at all!
I started on Redwall, with an edition with the last chapter or so missing. It ended with “the abbey is yours”. That dampened my pleasure for sure, until a few years later I found at a library an edition with the whole ending. Then I tore through the series.
Just last Sunday night I was explaining to my wife the need for me to go out and buy ever single Tale of Redwall available (partly because I love the cover redesigns) so that I could introduce my son to deeper, semi-pictureless reading. With a girl on the way, it has become an even bigger obsession to bring in my childhood love to share with my children… we had a quiet evening discussing this wonderful man with his brilliant world of adventure and codes of honour and bravery. I even went as far as to explain to her how much of a humble and wonderful man Mr Jacques himself was.. Then I come to hear of his death the very next day. I’m still devastated by the news. The only thing I can do now is pass the torch to my children and hope that they too find a home within the walls of Redwall Abbey..
Even though it has admittedly been years since I picked up a Redwall book (probably almost a decade), the series’ effect on me is just too much to condense into one comment. They were a big influence on my own writing and storytelling style and a big influence on my online “life”– when we first got the Internet in our house all those years ago, the first thing I did was look up Redwall fansites and roleplaying message boards.
These days I call myself “Pike” on the internet– long ago I was Pikestaff the Hare, and I’m sure you can guess why.
My favorite Redwall book? Pearls of Lutra. Romsca the ferret was my favorite character, a swashbuckling villain who became a good guy in her final moments. I still remember that scene…
RIP Brian Jacques, your influence was profound.
Thanks for sharing that. The Redwall series was the fuel of my early imagination. I hadn’t heard of Brian Jacques passing until now, and you’ve written a great eulogy. We will all miss him.
When I read the first RedWall, I worked as a Game Designer in a Video game company. I was so impressed by the epic adventure and so touched by its characters that I wrote a 10 page document to try and convince my employer to turn it into a game! A shame it didn’t work!
It took me, I believe, 8 months to get through Martin the Warrior in 5th grade. It is by far my favorite of the series. I always thought he should have written more books about Redwall’s past. I couldn’t stop reading it, even though I’d only read a few pages a day. I NEEDED to finish that book. All my friends had finished the series in a few weeks, but Martin the Warrior was the largest book I’d ever read at that time, and I wanted to know what happened. After I finished it I picked up Mossflower to find out what happened to Martin next and read that one in a week. Same size book, read it in 1/32 of the time. Then read the rest of the series in speradic order through Pearls of Lutra, and have read every book sense. My collection is huge, almost all in hardback. I’ve told myself before he died, that when he did I would read every book in the series again, from Redwall through The Rouge Crew (the next and last one). Of course at the time I hoped I’d get a lot more of them.
The criticism has always been that the stories are repetative, that and that the good and evil being designated by race was really odd. I know all of that but still I can’t stop reading them. Some are better then others, some have blow out climaxs like Mossflower, Salamandastron, Martin the Warrior, Legend of Luke, others. Some have odd Deus Ex endings like Pearls of Lutra, Triss, Loamhedge. But I don’t care, I just love them.
My favorite scene of Martin the Warrior is probably…. Martin and the gangs escape from Fort Marshank, or possibly Felldoh’s solo attack against the Fort, or just the totally bad ass war at the end. That whole book is so cenimatic to me it’s crazy. Yes, it’s the first one I read, and yes my name is Marten and his name is Martin, but DAMMIT that’s just an awesome book.
I’ll miss Brian terribly, but I look forward to rereading them all, and reading them all to my kids in the future.
I can’t believe he is gone. I am a retired police officer and looking at my 63rd year. I with the greatest pride will tell anyone who asks what I like to read. I am a fantasy lover at heart. I can’t actually remember how I stumbled across Brian’s gifts but I with the greatest care have all of them in my ever growing bookshelves. I just read of his passing this evening and will retire to my bed with a burden heart and mind. I can only hope . that “Martin the Warrior” will come to my mind as I sleep and help me accept that Brian is gone. I raise a glass of dandelion cordial to you BRIAN
I always hoped that someday I could meet Brian and tell him that I read all of his books and loved every last one. But, I suppose I will just have to console myself with the fact that a few thousand others said the same thing to him as they got their favorite book signed. I think that he is in one of heaven’s gardens with a typewriter, a mug of cool mint tea, blueberry scones with honey (simpler Redwall fare but just as delicious) and he is writing a book that I won’t get to read for quite a while. (poo) With afternoon sun shining on all the little creatures that offered so much insperation to him on earth. Meanwhile, I must reread all of the books and treasue the fact that he wrote them before his death. *Lifts beaker of strawberry fizz* To Brian!
Mr. Jacques gave my daughters and me many evenings of happy reading adventures. He was a favorite, along with C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. We will remember him kindly.