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Patrick Rothfuss Talks with Peter Orullian—Part One


Patrick Rothfuss Talks with Peter Orullian—Part One

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Patrick Rothfuss Talks with Peter Orullian—Part One


Published on April 5, 2011


Two books into his Kingkiller Chronicle series, Patrick Rothfuss has established himself in the upper echelon of epic fantasists. The second book of the trilogy, The Wise Man’s Fear, just released; and Pat did an extensive book tour last month to catch up with his many fans. His first stop was Seattle, where I was able to catch up with him and spend some time chatting over a variety of topics.

Let me just say that Pat’s a bit sage, himself. Indeed, in the course of the evening—after the interview—he gave me some advice in relation to my own forthcoming novel, The Unremembered, that has proven both true and immensely valuable. For that, I owe him, and want to say thanks. With that said, check out the first of a three-part interview with the man himself:

This Patrick Rothfuss piece is the latest in a series of interviews with great fantasy authors, including Brandon Sanderson,Terry Brooks, Kevin J. Anderson, Daniel Abraham, Brent Weeks, and more!

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Peter Orullian


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