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A Tribute to Sara Douglass


A Tribute to Sara Douglass

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News in remembrance

A Tribute to Sara Douglass


Published on September 28, 2011


It was with profound sadness that I learned of Sara Douglass’s passing this week. I had the pleasure of working with Sara for more than a decade on numerous projects, including her bestselling Wayfarer Redemption, Troy Game, and Crucible series. Sara was a dream to work with; a consummate professional with a love of history that was unsurpassed and someone whose fierce passion for her craft fueled all her works. Sara was not only one of my authors but during the long years we worked together she became a friend as well. She has gone from us much too soon and I mourn for the books that I will never get to read.

But she has left us a body of work that will live on: epic fantasies filled with characters that step off the page, who bleed, cry and engage in such messy lives that they are as real to us as our friends or neighbors. I sometimes would refer to her works as fantasies married to the very best of soap operas, and like those daytime dramas Sara always knew just how to draw the reader in and make them care enough to find out what happens next. So in that way Sara will never truly be gone and that is a small comfort. If you haven’t yet experienced her work seek the books out—you are in for a rare and special treat.

Safe travels, my friend.

Claire Eddy is a senior editor at Tor/Forge and has been with the company for more than 26 years.

About the Author

Claire Eddy


I am an editor at Tor Books.
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