So, the most recently released image of Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises kind of got me worked up. The moment I saw it I think I said something to the nature of, “If I have to see one more woman posed with her behind in my general direction, looking smouldering-ly over her shoulder, I’m going to punch someone in the face. And you two [my officemates] should be worried, since you’re the closest people at hand.” My co-workers generally prefer a non-violent environment, so I decided to work through this the only way I know how: with lots of photographic evidence.
It’s not that we all haven’t noted how prevalent titilation is where women in the media are concerned, but this pose in particular is everywhere. And why should that be?
Well, it typically does a good job of showing off all of a lady’s assets for one. And I’m sure if an actress isn’t quite so curvy, showing off her posterior (wow, how many synonyms for “butt” will I have to use in this?) sounds like a good way of ramping up sex appeal. It’s also a pose that tells you, in no uncertain terms, “I’m here for you to objectify me. It’s okay, you don’t have to feel bad about it.”
Now, there is no problem with women being sexual, of course. But when you begin to see certain trends over and over, it’s not hard to figure out who is the benefactor of the imagery. Also important to note, this doesn’t happen to men with anywhere near the same frequency.
And it happens all the time. Observe:
The latest offender in the long line. Does anyone believe she has any experience firing a gun when she’s got her heel popped like that? She’d fall over from the kickback. And that’s ignoring the heels altogether (which you have to do in these situations).
Interestingly enough, after general derision across the internet for this poster (well, this one too), most of the new Avengers images featuring Black Widow look a little tougher. Maybe they noticed?
From what I’ve been able to find, this is the first promo shot of Gwen Cooper where she has ever been posed this way. The interesting part? It’s for Torchwood: Miracle Day, just last summer. Meaning this is specifically American marketing at work here. Great job, Starz.
But this isn’t a new trend, my friends, oh my goodness, no. For more proof, scroll on down.
You know what, I loved X-Men: First Class, but Angel had to have been the most poorly-executed, infuriating character in it. (Which is unfortunate, seeing as she’s the only woman of color in the film.) Her whole “I have a back tattoo that turns into wings, so I need to be partly naked in order to release them” was pretty sketchy to begin with, and then they took this promo shot on top of it, as though the tattoo-wings justify the pose.
Speaking of justifying: this was the most prominent frame of Megan Fox in the Transformer’s trailer at the time of its release. But it’s completely legit, you guys! She has to be in that position to fix this motorcycle. It’s more comfortable that way. And the camera would only fit here to shoot her from this angle — it’s a crowded cycle yard.
Oh, look. I’m shocked this was in the promo stills for Tomb Raider. Shocked. And then I look at her posture and my knees start hurting (also my lower back).
This one isn’t even lit properly for Aeon Flux’s purposes. Is she practicing yoga?
We don’t even see her whole face. Oh, but she’s got two guns. I get it. That makes it okay, of course. And to think, Sarah Connor was actually better about their portrayal of women in most cases….
Well, it’s not as though I expected much from this movie in the marketing aspect (or any other aspect). But this one gets special points for having some sort of essential strap following the curve of her derriere. Nice.
Noteworthy — this is Elektra’s poster for Daredevil. But the posters for Elektra itself didn’t cop to this. Wonder what the thinking was behind the change up? (It unfortunately didn’t help the movie’s content or box office pull, and no Marvel or DC ladies have helmed their own movies since.)
One more time, Jennifer Garner! Aren’t you tired of seeing the picture above? (This one is special — she actually has to grab her butt to make sure you’re paying attention. Thanks, there.)
Amy Pond doesn’t quite pass muster here either. She’s not aiming for the sexy pose on this one, but it’s sort of silly that the first New Series companion wearing a short skirt gets her caboose showcased in the initial promo poster.
Even Joss Whedon’s women don’t escape this entirely. It’s not intentionally provocative (Zoe is thankfully standing like a real person with a spine), but it’s still that pose.
And again. (Though there are worse posters featuring Echo. You know the one.)
Wait, Padme’s here? Ugh. I quit. I freaking quit. And she’s all beat up from that arena (to strategically show off her midriff) too. Gross.
Oh, no. Not you. Uhura, not you too. (Why is she holding her arms that way? Is she practicing ballet positions?)
Wait a minute… here’s an example of the exact opposite at work. I know, I know. The horror of Bella Swan. But problems with Twilight aside, she’s not doing the pose. In fact, she’s not doing much of anything besides standing there looking pissed off.
Could it be because the movie in question isn’t marketed toward men? I’m thinking… yes.
Then again… I would like to point out that I googled “urban fantasy cover” and this was the second image to come up. The first didn’t even have the woman’s face. Slightly more perplexing in that woman are the primary readers of urban fantasy. Is this a wish fulfillment thing? Because it’s not fulfilling any particular wish I have.
There’s only one solution, since I don’t see Hollywood backing off this model any time soon: I want equal billing for male backsides.
Cowboys & Aliens did us the favor in their teaser poster (they don’t bother showing Daniel Craig’s face either), but I think this is perhaps my favorite example amongst the slim pickings for guys in the dreaded pose:
Yeah, Riddick. You’re looking fine. Show off those goggles, baby. And those… curvy blade things.
Emmet Asher-Perrin has that Cowboys & Aliens poster directly to her left. She never stares at it. You can bug her on Twitter and read more of her work here and elsewhere.
Agreed, agreed! I am so tired of this being considered acceptable. It is not acceptable.
Have you seen this parody of the poses?
And the waitresses at Hooters don’t actually like me, no matter how close to me they sit or how many times they call me sweetie!
I sometimes wonder… IS outrage actually some sort of hobby?
Thank you! I complained about this ad nauseum when the American Tron:Legacy posters were being released. The most frustrating part is that foreign marketing of these same movies don’t use the “over the shoulder” pose nearly as much.
Strangely enough, I think putting Amy in that pose is something of an attempt at modesty. If they’d put her on her back like the Doctor, limbs akimbo as they are, we’d have a straight shot up her skirt. Also, I sort of love how it looks like the Doctor is reluctantly falling backwards into the vortex, while Amy is heading into it, ready for adventure.
Great rundown of how even the good shows/movies with great characters do this. I suppose it’s because the marketing team is separate from the writer and director, and as we just saw with John Carter, that’s very often a good thing. But it does mean that they don’t necessarily understand why we like these characters or that we will still go see the movies without them being treated as sex objects. Like The Dark Knight Rises has no other selling points.
Emily, you didn’t get the memo, hon!
Your only value as a woman is your sexual attractiveness to heterosexual men. OF COURSE butt kicking sci-fi heroines are posed for maximum visibility of their ass-ets, no one is going to care that Zoe can kill you with her pinky if she doesn’t have a great ass!
Kah-thurak, I’m sure you didn’t mean to imply anything rude about Emily
Asher-Perrin or her article.
Emily, you can find that pose of Uhura’s all over comics, where it’s usually exaggerated to the point of unreality. In both real life and in art, it emphasizes the bust line.
Not really rude, I would hope. I am just a little bewildered by the article. So much ado about so little of substance – and really, the Tomb Raider picture? If this doesnt capture the essence of that movie perfectly, then what does?
Wow! This is the best article on this site EVAR! I had to read it three times it was so good! Please do a follow up with more pictures.
Seriously though, I do see your point, and yes, those films are marketed towards men, and yes, it is effective. A marketer’s job is to sell the film. So blame men, not marketers. Alcohol marketers sell alcohol by showing attractive people having fun drinking alcohol. They don’t sell alcohol by showing what happens after a night of fun and debauchery: accidents, pregnency, abortions, puking, breakups, photos you regret, videotapes of you ripping your boss floating around the internet, drunk driving, death.
Marketing is about creating and providing fantasy and wish fulfillment. In a pre-internet porn society, a pretty woman staring into the camera with passion used to be enough for a man, but I’m afraid that just isn’t the case anymore. Most men are not moved by such things because of what they’ve chosen to put in front of their eyes on a consistent basis. Marketers have to up the ante, and in general, a woman showing of her assets, staring back at us over her shoulder with a “come hither” look screams “follow me into the bedroom” into our subconcious. Its effective, uncreative, fast, and cheap.
The midriff-baring monster fight in AotC was not George Lucas’ only crime, but it’s one of the more base. I wonder if he had the posters in mind when he shot that scene. And what in Crom’s name is hanging from her belt?