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Visiting Game of Thrones: The Exhibit in NYC


Visiting Game of Thrones: The Exhibit in NYC

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Visiting Game of Thrones: The Exhibit in NYC


Published on April 3, 2013


East Coast fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones who were patient and lucky enough to brave long lines and cold winds got a special treat when the network and Time Warner Cable brought a traveling exhibition to New York City for a very limited time.

After two attempts and over two hours, I got a chance to see an impressive (and free!) collection of props, costumes, and art direct from the land of Westeros.


Beyond the Wall

Some distressed and furry costumes for Ygritte, Jon Snow, and Mance Rayder. The level of detail for all costumes on display was exquisite. A closer view of Ygritte’s snowshoes revealed their soles were made of antlers! Who knew? 

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC


The Blackwater Bay Experience

I wish more shooter games came with gigantic bows and arrows. Who wouldn’t enjoy lighting a few gallons of wildfire from the safety of Columbus Circle?

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC


House Lannister

Opulent costumes fit for the richest family in Westeros. Jaime and Tywin’s armor was especially impressive.

Tyrion and Jaime (detail):

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

And overlooking the Lannisters….

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

Ned’s head, baby. Ned’s head.

Speaking of, the first and now the last time we’ll see Ned’s costume with the rest of his family. 

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC


Across the Narrow Sea

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

I was immediately struck by how tiny Emilia Clarke is. Something you can only learn by seeing these costumes in person.

Drogon overlooking the hall.

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

A plaque next to Quaithe’s mask describes how the shape of the medallions echo the necklace worn by The Red Priestess, Melisandre, as they’re both from Asshai.

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC


Arms and more arms….

While Dany may be small, Sandor Clegane’s helm is frigging gigantic.

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

The High Septon’s severed arm rests in a place of honor after being torn off in a riot in King’s Landing. It’s next to a jug of wildfire and one of Cersei’s necklaces.

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

Davos’ lucky charms were also on display:

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

There was also a nice amount of some really lovely fan art:

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

But perhaps the greatest picture in the exhibit was the below screenshot—Joffrey post-Tyrion bitch slap. It got many chuckles:

Game of Thrones exhibit NYC

Visitors also got to take their picture on the Iron Throne and recieved a nice little keepsake snapshot. Tonight, the exhibit packs up and heads first to Sao Paulo, then Amsterdam, and finally to Belfast, where much of filming takes place. All in all, it was a great time, well worth the wait, and you couldn’t argue with the price. HBO once again outdid itself with a great promotion for a great show.

Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9P.M. E/PT on HBO.

Theresa DeLucci would probably have a Corgi on a field of purple as her house sigil. She is a regular contributor to, covering True Blood, Game of Thrones, and gaming news. Follower her on Twitter @tdelucci

About the Author

Theresa DeLucci


Theresa DeLucci would probably have a Corgi on a field of purple as her house sigil. She is a regular contributor to, covering True Blood, Game of Thrones, and gaming news. Follower her on Twitter @tdelucci
Learn More About Theresa

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